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File 132001596012.gif - (329.68KB , 500x279 , Touhou glass.gif )
9985 No. 9985 [Edit]
Alice's one made me crack up
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>> No. 9986 [Edit]
Pardon my ignorance, but how did the whole thing with Reimu being a undead zombie get started?

Is it because zun's art makes her look like one?
If that's the case, wouldn't the same be true for all the other characters?
>> No. 9987 [Edit]

I haven't noticed her coloring being any worse than the others, but iunno
>> No. 9988 [Edit]
Koishi is either the most profound and insightful Touhou or the most doped up one. There's a line that separates these two, I just don't know where it is.
>> No. 9989 [Edit]
File 132807242814.png - (182.75KB , 389x600 , 1325227305146.png )
If I remember correctly, this is what inspired that gif.

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