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File 130041513879.jpg - (352.55KB , 700x987 , 99e2008f0f9079c8090891f77bf432af.jpg )
9969 No. 9969 [Edit]
any particular doujin comics you guys following
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>> No. 9970 [Edit]
File 130041618080.jpg - (494.68KB , 600x1800 , Tenshi:Flan.jpg )
I was following this doujin about Tenshi becoming a maid at the SDM, but it's been put on hold indefinitely.
>> No. 9971 [Edit]
File 130064974149.jpg - (500.68KB , 704x1116 , 6e4abe574d1782acda70fa9577b6ae3d00ab4a5f.jpg )
Dr.Satorin is enjoyable.
Don't know if there will be more of it, though.
>> No. 9972 [Edit]
File 130118518632.jpg - (336.08KB , 572x800 , touhouCO_Buront2.jpg )
The Iron of Yin and Yang (The Buront comic)

The latest fight was Buront and Aya vs Sakuya, and they actually won with a believable tactic. It was pretty awesome.
>> No. 9973 [Edit]
I hate Buront.
>> No. 9974 [Edit]
File 131226123291.jpg - (166.04KB , 1000x700 , Buront14.jpg )
I, for one, think he's hilarious.
How can you not like MEGATON PUNCH?

Suppose if I had to choose something I didn't like, it would be the propaganda feel the series has to it. Buront isn't bad a character, it's just the writing can be kind of iffy sometimes.

Other than that, I enjoy the hell out of this series.

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