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File 131504183238.png - (314.17KB , 800x800 , 21402740.png )
9905 No. 9905 [Edit]
Got a wee little ban, So I decided to test the waters here.

So how do you all feel about the illegal smuggling of endangered sea life?
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>> No. 9906 [Edit]
File 131504197132.jpg - (304.30KB , 785x530 , 21336559.jpg )
I think that without the dedication of activist, we'd soon be without many beautiful creatures.
>> No. 9907 [Edit]
Feels sort of bad, but also makes me wonder what it has to do with touhou.
>> No. 9908 [Edit]
Yuuka is a whale.
>> No. 9909 [Edit]
File 131516722478.jpg - (140.80KB , 600x500 , sharks.jpg )

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