No. 7898
Replies: >>7899
I also played Caster, and frankly I don't think I would have bothered to finish the game if I picked a different character. Yeah supposedly the game is harder with her, but I thought it was a worth the challenge. and I had no interest at all in the other characters anyway. But the game didn't seem very difficult after all was said and done. it's a rpg after all, you can just grind for hours on end to make things easier, which is what I did. and I didn't find attack patterns hard to guess at all. for one, normal enemies stick to attack patterns if I remember correctly, most were easy to remember. attack attack block block attack attack, or the opposite. and as you defeat enemies, the enemy attacks show up on screen, with enough grinding you'll see every attack they're gonna make. I have say though, caster's noble phantasm sucks. they play it off like something unique that you just have to learn how to use, but in reality it's kind of redundant. it gives you one turn of no MP cost for a turn, which would make sense for caster who uses tons of mp, but caster has the ability to steal mp from an enemy if preforms a guard brake, there's also giving her a mp boost with items. but I stuck to mostly giving her HP heals, and if she didn't need them I'd still give them to her but time it at the half way point of the round so, she would get healed after being attacked.