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File 135387887968.jpg - (33.20KB , 597x396 , Original-Nintendo-64.jpg )
7640 No. 7640 [Edit]
Okay so, I'm in a really weird situation when it comes to video games. I'm not really sure where to start, so I'll just go for it. For the past 3 years or so, I've been having serious nostalgia trips for my childhood, about ages 6-12. I got my first system, an SNES at age 3, but my memories only really start a few years later around the time Donkey Kong Country came out. Video games were my life. Always reading Nintendo Power, being hyped, reading about games I would never play was really fun too. I remember the hype for games like DKC, Mario RPG, the N64, the beginning of the Pokemon craze, the transition to the mind-blowing Gamecube with Smash Bros Melee and Rogue Squadron.

They were probably the most exciting years of my life (interestingly enough this was just before my big weeaboo craze from like age 11-14. For perspective, I'm 23 now).

The problem I have is I can't get that excited about newer games. Sure, I was hyped for the Wii launch and then for Brawl, but that was it. I got a super-charged (at the time) gaming PC about 5 years ago but only played World in Conflict and old emulators on it. I just can't get into the hype or craze or even interest of recent games. It started to go downhill sometime after Pokemon Gen III and partway through the Gamecube. I wanted to get into games like Metroid Prime series and Red Steel 2 on the Wii and Pikmin on the Gamecube, and even stuff like Disgaea and .hack, but I just can't really push myself. I only play them like YEARS after they come out, and it's a miracle if I even beat them.

I think the only recent game I got super into was HeartGold, getting it about 8 months after it came out and sinking over a hundred hours into it.

So, I constantly find myself wanting to try and "re-live" my childhood by going through old games. I was thinking about "simulating" my childhood growing up by say, downloading old scans of Nintendo Power and "pretending" it's all new and exciting, and play through them all again. Pathetic, but interesting, huh? For me, it would also be a way to re-experience it all again, but this time with my waifu at my side. I'd like to get her into gaming more (she already is interseted some just because she hangs out with me all the time) but I think going through the "gold old days" and just "grow up again" might be really good.

What do you guys think? Anyone stuck in similar positions? Wow, sorry that was so long.
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>> No. 7641 [Edit]
>> No. 7643 [Edit]
>The problem I have is I can't get that excited about newer games.
tl;dr'd for your convenience.
>> No. 7644 [Edit]

Well newer games are generally not very good so I wouldn't say that's a problem with you.
>> No. 7645 [Edit]
Sorry about the length. I don't think my main point was so much that newer games suck, but it was more so this paragraph here:

"So, I constantly find myself wanting to try and "re-live" my childhood by going through old games. I was thinking about "simulating" my childhood growing up by say, downloading old scans of Nintendo Power and "pretending" it's all new and exciting, and play through them all again. Pathetic, but interesting, huh? For me, it would also be a way to re-experience it all again, but this time with my waifu at my side. I'd like to get her into gaming more (she already is interseted some just because she hangs out with me all the time) but I think going through the "gold old days" and just "grow up again" might be really good."
>> No. 7646 [Edit]
Its pretty disappointing that the most memorable moments of our childhoods are usually watching some anime or playing some game or finding porn for the first time. Theres no war, no fun adventures with the other boys, nothing we built with our own hands. Just a kid sitting in front of a screen.

Post edited on 25th Nov 2012, 4:12pm
>> No. 7647 [Edit]
I don't really think that's disappointing. Maybe compared to what "Normal" people did when they were kids, but they are still very fond memories to me. I wouldn't trade them for anything.
>> No. 7648 [Edit]

Nah, it just underscores how boring and shitty the "real world" actually is.
>> No. 7649 [Edit]
Don't speak for me, I remember running in a rocky area in school on a break and falling and hitting my head on a nice rock, and then walking to the nurse and getting shipped to first aid to be patched. 10 years later, the scar's still visible. Oh yeah, I also accidentally rammed into trees with a sled few times, sometimes with another dude sitting behind me. Not to say that I didn't play a lot of video games, but other things happened, too.
>> No. 7650 [Edit]
>I constantly find myself wanting to try and "re-live" my childhood by going through old games.

If it makes you happy, do it. I dont think its that unusual.

I enjoy a lot of new games but I often feel the same way. I love stuff like Retronauts podcast/blog and Retro Gamer magazine.
>> No. 7651 [Edit]
File 135392623771.jpg - (194.19KB , 1024x949 , sf25.jpg )
Nostalgia is a powerful thing.

When SF4 was made, it was made to bring back the SF2 fans.
>> No. 7655 [Edit]
Funny that'd you'd mention Metroid Prime. I was a big fan of Metroid series before Prime came out and everything I read about Prime made me want to jerk off. It sounded like my wet dream.

And when it came out all I could think of while playing it was '... oh, that's cool'. It wasn't bad but after finishing it on normal diffculty once I never played it again. Nor have I played other Metroids.

For me gaming died when it turned 3D. I'm not saying games got worse after that or anything but it was almost impossible for me to get into them. The only 3D games I ever really play are s/tRGPs with isometric view because they don't feel 3D to me.

So yeah, you're not alone. Actually the market is big enough to make a game aimed at us geezers every now and then (8/16 bit graphics). It's a shame DS era is done already, DS's weak 'insides' prolonged my hopes of getting quality 2D titles. Playing Gaudia Quest in Retro Game Challenge made me want to cry tears of joy because that's what playing jRPGs felt like 2 decades ago.

But hey, it's not that bad, there are tons of good old games you haven't played, probably even more I haven't played and every now and then someone is willing to throw us a bone. Our 'Golden Age' is long gone but it doesn't mean gaming is dead for us.

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