What is it that people love so much about freeman?
he's a mentally retarded mute who has defeated countless foes just by running around and throwing things arbitrarily
>>7374 what makes him mentally retarded?
>>7375 The only work anyone trusts him with is pushing things and plugging things in. Also, instead of using a crowbar to pry away boards like a normal person he beats them with it until the boards splinter.
He is a high academic with a gun and not a jock. He has been praised to death so people believe he is the greatest to love. He is mysterious and tender. Valve. Beard. OOOHH GLASEESEsss JSUT LEAK ME!
I think it's the ability to perceive him however the player wants. he's a blank slate.
I didnt think he was that popular
He never speaks, which is good.
>>7373 I don't understand. Is your own picture not convincing you?
He is a total nerd that happens to be incredibly bad ass.
>>7383 makes sense. Silent heroes are pretty cool. Kind of like Link from the zelda games,
sometimes voiced characters can be a bit annoying. I don't think I would have liked the main character from gtaIII as much if he talked half as much as the other guys.Post edited on 30th Sep 2012, 7:53pm
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