No. 7336
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I've been level 80 for the last few days and have lost all interest in playing. I usually enjoy grinding in MMOs but most of the grinding in gw2 is cosmetic and not for stat improvement which is incredibly pointless in my eyes.
You should leave all crafting until at least lvl 70 to get the maximum benefit from exp. I did cooking 70-78 and I was getting 2-3k exp for the low level 0-100 things alone. about 7k exp + 3k bonus from 200+ recipes. It took me about an hour or so to do this, including running back and forth between the crafting station and trading post, going to karma vendors to get mats etc.
Remember: If you dislike a zone, go somewhere else. If all the say 40-50 zones are too hard for you, go to a 35-45 zone and clear that 100%. Then you'll probably be about 50 by the time that's done and can go easily do a 50-60, rinse and repeat and only clear zones that you like. I hated all the snow zones apart from Frostgorge Sound, which is probably one of my favourite places to level in the game (70 or 75+).
The best food which is really cheep on the TP to buy is things like +40% magic find when you have a boon up or something. You will be finding more greens and blues which will net you more silver for things you'll need later on such as 2 gold spellbook etc.
Remember to check EVERY single heart karma vendor you complete, and check every suitable BLUE item and buy any upgrades. DON'T bother wasting any karma on greens. Also do ANY events you see near you unless they are bugged or really hard champion events which you can't solo if nobody is around (eg krait witch).
Any other tips, hmm. Do story mode quests whenever you've 100% a zone and keep doing them until you catch up to your level. They will net you good money, exp and loot. Do only the story mode of dungeons your level aswell as you get a nice rare helm which is better than things 4-5 levels higher. You can also make quite a lot of money from drops, though won't find many upgrades for yourself.
Post edited on 15th Sep 2012, 1:05pm