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File 133281498628.jpg - (62.13KB , 640x360 , salem1.jpg )
6396 No. 6396 [Edit]
There's a beta for this game coming and I thought maybe people here might like it.
It's an MMO based around crafting and farming.
There's open pvp for the combat part and it seems it has permanent death, with inheritance for new characters.
It's also gonna be free to play.
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>> No. 6397 [Edit]
Didn't someone post something about this on /vg/ a few months back? Or are the time streams slipping together again?

Anyway, looks pretty cool.
>> No. 6587 [Edit]
The beta started. I heard it's hilariously grindy and the art style is somewhat disturbing
>> No. 6588 [Edit]
File 133590441115.jpg - (123.71KB , 939x931 , CXHhn.jpg )
>> No. 6589 [Edit]
dunno if I should have nsfw'd that, but it's too late now. sorry if anyone is offended by weird nude genital-less babymen
>> No. 6591 [Edit]
All while performing a conservative nationalist salute no less!
>> No. 6592 [Edit]
yeah there is a /heil command. no idea why

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