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File 133143294022.jpg - (211.17KB , 1260x709 , _asura.jpg )
6294 No. 6294 [Edit]
Asura's Wrath, Uncharted

Could interactive shows be considered games?

I usually avoid them because I like to play my game more than once...
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>> No. 6295 [Edit]
Do you consider VNs games?
>> No. 6296 [Edit]
Isn't it sort of like a visual novel? Mostly linear, limited interactivity, tells a story.
>> No. 6298 [Edit]
is that like those Japanese dating simulators?
>> No. 6306 [Edit]
They can be considered games but I wouldnt want to play them unless the writing improves to a point where it doesnt insult my intelligence. I played Uncharted 2 and finished it in a weekend, have no desire to ever return to the franchise.
>> No. 6495 [Edit]
File 133384484972.jpg - (174.52KB , 1280x720 , gouki_asurawrath01.jpg )
Linear plot games are usually only played once. No real point in playing them again...
>> No. 6496 [Edit]
...unless it's really really good.

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