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File 133119254214.png - (155.82KB , 600x600 , madotsuki rub.png )
6268 No. 6268 [Edit]
Sort of depressing! I survived 47 days
>> No. 6269 [Edit]
I lasted 18 days by alternating between work anime and image boards.

options are so Limited, welfare keeps rejecting me and the days go by in a flash..
It's so accurate!
(but who would buy anime/manga/games?)
>> No. 6272 [Edit]
its cool how playing hikikomori manager inside the game increases depression by 10 and lowers your hope and courage by 10
>> No. 6273 [Edit]
That's what did me in when I played last night. Suicide end.

This is frighteningly realistic.
>> No. 6289 [Edit]
There is a thread for this game already I believe.

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