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No. 5943 [Edit]
Oh cool, they're going back to zombies. Oh, wait, cover shooting and co-op again.
>> No. 5944 [Edit]
Leon definitely looks older, but also incredibly immature at the same time, by estimates from the released info so far he should be 32 in RE6.

And although this is just the first trailer, damn, those graphics look incredibly plastic and the textures low-res. If the industry wants so much to focus at this then they should at least deliver something decent.
>> No. 5949 [Edit]
Well I'm glad to see Leon again, but I would rather see Claire or Rebecca.

Still, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with it.
>> No. 5951 [Edit]
They brought back the president's daughter and made her a co-op partner it seems. Because you know, she was just such an asset in battle
>> No. 5952 [Edit]
If she's clad in plate mail (and learned to use a claymore), I'd totally play her.
>> No. 5953 [Edit]
Well, it looks better than RE5, at least. Leon parts seem awesome. I'm guessing Resident Evil: Revelations will end up being the better game, though.

>but I would rather see Claire or Rebecca.
Indeed. I don't think Rebecca is realistic, as I don't think she's shown up in much of any of RE's story since RE2, where she's mentioned a few times in random documents, IIRC. The games have been moving away from single protagonists since RE:CV, but if Claire showed up in the same capacity as she did in RE:CV, with Chris only around 25% of the total campaign, I definitely would've been okay with that. Chris is undoubtedly the main protagonist at this point, so a full game with just Claire doesn't seem likely.
>> No. 5955 [Edit]
>I don't think Rebecca is realistic, as I don't think she's shown up in much of any of RE's story since RE2
Well, putting aside RE0, you are correct, but since 0 comes before the others in terms of plotline, I guess you're correct anyway. I loved playing as her in the Mercs Reunion though. Her and Barry weren't the characters that I expected to see, so when I heard they were coming back, I was shocked. Guess they are limited to side-games now.

Yeah, Chris and Leon are definitely the main protagonists at this point. I would rather Chris go back to how he was in CV, but it's not like I dislike him this way, either.

>If she's clad in plate mail (and learned to use a claymore), I'd totally play her.
Man, I was ecstatic when I unlocked that armor for her in 4. I could finally shoot her for all the times she got me killed!

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