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File 132669897733.jpg - (139.71KB , 1600x1200 , 2012-01-16_00022.jpg )
5903 No. 5903 [Edit]
Awesome co-op elevator simulator
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>> No. 5904 [Edit]
File 132669902995.jpg - (169.96KB , 1600x1200 , 2012-01-16_00010.jpg )
>> No. 5905 [Edit]
File 132669905070.jpg - (161.39KB , 1600x1200 , 2012-01-16_00018.jpg )
>> No. 5906 [Edit]
>Original Elevator Music not on the features list
I'm not quite sure whether it's worth a shot right now.
>> No. 5907 [Edit]
Aw man, saving and continuing starts all over. I had such a nice group of buddies too ;_;
>> No. 5908 [Edit]
Time to reinstall HL2 ( ゚ヮ゚)
>> No. 5910 [Edit]
It needs garry's mod and episode 2 specifically, though you can play it without ep 2. Some textures and such won't appear though
>> No. 5913 [Edit]
File 13267516596.jpg - (289.28KB , 1600x1200 , topfloor.jpg )
I love this game
>> No. 5946 [Edit]
File 132703135172.jpg - (40.22KB , 746x417 , penis man.jpg )
Fuck I need garry's mod...
>> No. 5948 [Edit]
I wouldn't buy it just for this, since it gets old after one run. Still interesting though
>> No. 5954 [Edit]
I've wanted garry's mod for awhile now. I might as well get it
>> No. 5956 [Edit]
I nearly shit myself when ONIII CHANNNN came.

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