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File 132431899510.jpg - (27.99KB , 450x338 , 51c1a773009a58c2684953624767bbc3.jpg )
5640 No. 5640 [Edit]
Found this on another board: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-22/?action=preview&uid=7284
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>> No. 5641 [Edit]
I had an idea for something this this once. You had various bars like Hunger, Boredom, Loneliness, Sex Drive. All the bars would fill up constantly and you would have to pick activtites to do to make them go down. If any bar reached the maximum your character would kill themselves. The joke was every single activity you could do to make them go down had diminishing returns so death was inevitable
>> No. 5642 [Edit]
Hah, it's made by VDZ. Small world.
>> No. 5666 [Edit]
Replies: >>5667
I can't play it. The text are all just black blocks.
>> No. 5667 [Edit]
All text is nothing but black blocks when you're a hikki.
>> No. 5668 [Edit]
Replies: >>5669
File 132447152064.png - (342.17KB , 803x632 , assa.png )
>> No. 5669 [Edit]
Replies: >>5676

I take it your system doesn't have Japanese fonts?
>> No. 5676 [Edit]
Japanese wikipedia appears fine so I think so.

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