No. 4123
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CS II is my first BB game that I've actually owned.
Platinum is my main and TAGER is my sub.
Though, the sub is likely to change once I grow more accustomed to the rest of the cast (like Rachel and Mu).
I tend to stay away from Ragna, Jin, Noel, and Tsubaki. They just feel to easy/OP compared to everyone else.
I'm pretty certain Ragna's kicks and INFERNO DIVIDER go through pretty much every other move in the game, Noel has some kind of invincibility frames for her drives. Jin can spam swords, freeze you, and his grab feels like it has TAGER-level priority.
Tsubaki is just ridiculous. I can literally press buttons and have an easier time winning than with Platinum and Rachel. I haven't even spent 4 hours playing her since I got the game. She's too good.
On the bright side, Platinum, TAGER, and Rachel are awesome... and the main reasons I'm still playing this.