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File 135355577975.jpg - (304.12KB , 1076x1549 , 99f26fdc77d7f5c5fcd91c3de8a6cd9c.jpg )
10269 No. 10269 [Edit]
People keep saying that sanae is a slut because as a girl from the outside world she HAVE TO had at least one boyfriend.

Now my question is: would a shinto half goddess fundamentalist miko really be involved with boys in something else than a plain friendship relation?

I don't think so.
>> No. 10270 [Edit]
She's actually A Good Girl
>> No. 10271 [Edit]

Cool meme dude.
>> No. 10272 [Edit]
So that's how she got the title.
>> No. 10273 [Edit]
>as a girl from the outside world she HAVE TO had at least one boyfriend.
This was the logic behind the whole thing all along? that couldn't be more idiotic.
First off, I'm pretty sure there's a metric fuck ton of japanese media that is set outside of gensoyko without sluts.
Second, it's a well known fact that you could build a full scale replica of mt. fuji with all the printed touhou porn alone.
>> No. 10274 [Edit]
It's just to burn people's bacon. She was a miko before the events of mof, wasn't she?
>> No. 10275 [Edit]
>Now my question is: would a shinto half goddess fundamentalist miko really be involved with boys in something else than a plain friendship relation?
From my sparse knowledge of mythology(esp. japanese), I'd, quite the opposite, be inclined to think everything down to 1/10 part god has been in at least half a dozen orgies containing everything from boys to girls to hermaphrodite anthropomorphic goats and at least as many polyamorous relationships.

Trying to rationalize touhou fandom doesn't sound like a smart idea anyway.
>> No. 10276 [Edit]

This is Shintoism, not some crazy oiled zoopedophile boylove greek mythology.

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