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File 134303813512.jpg - (134.95KB , 1900x1200 , 0_69af1_f1b224b4_orig.jpg )
10205 No. 10205 [Edit]
ITT post realistic Touhou images. You know, Gensokyo is a land full of strange and horrible creatures. And youkays aren't cute at all. They can eat you...
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>> No. 10206 [Edit]
I don't think glowing teeth are realistic
>> No. 10207 [Edit]
File 134303855146.jpg - (393.30KB , 1640x1154 , 8d054ff9181587f6e2c10962c2800c88.jpg )
>> No. 10208 [Edit]
File 134303884740.jpg - (492.34KB , 1700x1123 , 92d6d47bc1ad30db2f2d9d09622f1907.jpg )
>> No. 10209 [Edit]
File 134303926267.jpg - (414.54KB , 855x800 , 6148564afe800bab75f801937e13fe48f7f7fa44.jpg )
How realistic we talking here?
>> No. 10210 [Edit]
This is why I hate cosplay

Post edited on 23rd Jul 2012, 3:42am
>> No. 10211 [Edit]
File 134304014993.jpg - (366.73KB , 920x1100 , 7ea5a33363da38c8423aab5ebff0b3cc5a7d80a8.jpg )
>> No. 10212 [Edit]
File 134304157978.jpg - (1.73MB , 1000x1294 , 9f3d2519d8ebf1a603448de76759e5eaca0876b9.jpg )
>> No. 10213 [Edit]
Creepy stuff.
>> No. 10214 [Edit]
File 134306450769.jpg - (347.44KB , 800x1125 , east side story.jpg )
i don't know if this counts but really when am I ever gonna get a chance to post this
>> No. 10215 [Edit]
File 134307535358.jpg - (88.97KB , 600x714 , 130631714135.jpg )
Realistic enough?
>> No. 10216 [Edit]
Ever met youkay of darkness?
>> No. 10217 [Edit]
>>How realistic we talking here?

Like: "Touhou isn't cute girly anime with cakes. It's a grim story of brave humans, fighting countless oriental monsters to survive in desolate and wild land..."
>> No. 10218 [Edit]
That's not 'realistic', that's just how you like to interpret the touhou universe. it's no more realistic than the idea of gensokyo being a paradise filled with cute fairies.

If you want truly realistic touhou monsters, we could fill this thread with cosplay photos.

Post edited on 24th Jul 2012, 1:47pm
>> No. 10219 [Edit]
File 134316300485.jpg - (96.78KB , 1000x1000 , neko cry.jpg )
>If you want truly realistic touhou monsters, we could fill this thread with cosplay photos

>> No. 10220 [Edit]
File 134321555518.jpg - (133.33KB , 454x445 , karasu-tengu.jpg )
>>That's not 'realistic', that's just how you like to interpret the touhou universe. it's no more realistic than the idea of gensokyo being a paradise filled with cute fairies

'realistic'=/= 'true'. It is one of many possible interpretations, not "the true one"

Realistic Shameimaru on boar related
>> No. 10221 [Edit]
how is Touhou filled with cute girly anime with cakes, any less true?
As you say, it's just one of many possible interpretations
>> No. 10222 [Edit]
This is just creepy.
>> No. 10223 [Edit]
Why is "realistic" Aya playing polo?
>> No. 10224 [Edit]
File 134539900935.jpg - (1.13MB , 2756x2756 , s - 1231351 - 6+girls absurdres arm_ribbon bat_win.jpg )

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