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File 132043856715.jpg - (34.63KB , 480x480 , Yakumo Biscuits.jpg )
10084 No. 10084 [Edit]
1) What is your favourite spellcard?
2) What is your favourite type of bullet? (E.g. arrowheads, butterflies, stars, paper charms)
3) Which Touhou has your favourite hat?

Yakumo biscuits adorably unrelated.
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>> No. 10085 [Edit]
1) Rainbow Sign "Wind Chime of Colorful Rainbow"
Gotta love it after so many hours spent on it.

2) Mamizou's... green cat-shaped bullets?!
3) Koishi
>> No. 10086 [Edit]
File 132044653234.png - (206.62KB , 1200x1200 , Keine hat.png )
1) I've always loved Reisen's Lunatic Gaze "Illusion Seeker"
2) iunno, the kunai-shaped ones
3) K-Nay
>> No. 10087 [Edit]
File 132145772177.png - (447.43KB , 708x1000 , Marisa27.png )
1) "Love Sign" Master Spark
2) Slave-type bullet fire
3) Marisa
>> No. 10088 [Edit]
File 132272289010.jpg - (239.07KB , 736x1000 , 132188215666.jpg )
1) Native God "Seven Stones and Seven Trees
2) Marisa's star danmaku
3) Suwako. Dat Pyonta and all.
>> No. 10089 [Edit]
File 132999788117.jpg - (70.16KB , 640x480 , yukkuri stalker.jpg )
1) Scarlet Gensokyo
2) Sakuya's knives
3) Tenshi

Post edited on 23rd Feb 2012, 3:52am
>> No. 10090 [Edit]
File 133135826199.jpg - (256.96KB , 850x1258 , sample-fdb6741c798a40ccb42f68c74cfff2f8.jpg )
1) Esoterica "Forgotten Ritual"
I liked this one so much that my signature has a star (even if not that clear) because of it
2) Butterflies
3) Yukari
>> No. 10091 [Edit]
File 133367823636.jpg - (837.96KB , 877x1239 , 100000000355.jpg )
1) Profound Field - Phantasm, Foam, Shadow
2) Utsuho's suns
3) Though not technically a hat, I've always loved Reimu's oversized ribbon
>> No. 10092 [Edit]
File 133372021342.jpg - (92.46KB , 800x600 , The Strongest Touhou Exerts Power over the Militar.jpg )
1) Cherry Blossom Sign "The Perfect Ink-Black Cherry Blossom -Deep Sleep-"
2) Paper charms
3) Yuyuko Come join me in the spiral~

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