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File 133289788477.jpg - (41.49KB , 568x574 , dr pepper.jpg )
10061 No. 10061 [Edit]
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>> No. 10062 [Edit]
Don't be silly Reimu. I like you and Dr. Pepper equally.
>> No. 10063 [Edit]
Dr pepper, that stuff is addictive.

Post edited on 27th Mar 2012, 6:30pm
>> No. 10064 [Edit]
so is reimu
>> No. 10065 [Edit]
File 133292450517.png - (255.02KB , 600x900 , 9bf4b4f767237c88878297fa60eaf733.png )
dr pepper go home
>> No. 10066 [Edit]
There's no Dr. Pepper down where I live. And no Reimu either.
>> No. 10067 [Edit]
what a dreadful existence
>> No. 10068 [Edit]
Since I don't drink Dr. Pepper that much, I pick you, Reimu.
>> No. 10069 [Edit]
Your country hates you.
>> No. 10070 [Edit]
Why is Dr.Pepper suddenly so popular in Japan? It's like kitkats! I guess nips are gonna nip
>> No. 10071 [Edit]
Dr. Pepper is disgusting.
I'll take the miko any day.
>> No. 10072 [Edit]
I'll always choose Reimu〜♥.
>> No. 10073 [Edit]
Dr. Pepper of course. I can't fuck a Reimu.
>> No. 10074 [Edit]
Are you saying you want to fuck Dr. Pepper?!
>> No. 10075 [Edit]
I, too, enjoy a good bedroom romp with a cold can of Dr. Pepper to press against my penis.
>> No. 10076 [Edit]
one of dr. pepper's 23 flavors is my virile seed
>> No. 10077 [Edit]
Everything turns to shit in this frozen socialist shithole so until quite recently we had a horrible local version of Dr Pepper. Then they put out "Dr Pepper Original Flavour"

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