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File 133060111676.jpg - (103.20KB , 1062x598 , 1329702340673.jpg )
10028 No. 10028 [Edit]
ZUN got married:
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>> No. 10029 [Edit]
To beer?

>> No. 10030 [Edit]
Won't really change much. She's been his girlfriend for years.

I wonder what ZUN will name the child...
Yeah, I know it's obvious, but there's always room for pondering.
>> No. 10031 [Edit]
reimu is a really cute name, and if I ever had kids (lol) I could see myself using it too
>> No. 10032 [Edit]
Only to have her Google herself when shes 14 and see all the rape doujins people made of her
>> No. 10033 [Edit]

Nope, not Reimu. At least according to this thing.

>Q. Will you name your child "Reimu" when you get one?

>A. Reimu is not an unusual word, but for my child... I'd rather name it "****ko".
>> No. 10034 [Edit]
I'd name my daughter Marisa
>> No. 10035 [Edit]
Marisa is a normal and perfectly acceptable name in western countries,
>> No. 10036 [Edit]
File 133340230631.jpg - (47.20KB , 600x450 , 023.jpg )
>> No. 10037 [Edit]
That's a darn shame.
>> No. 10038 [Edit]


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