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942 No. 942 [Edit]
Lately I've been having this anxiety that won't go away. Like a flitting mosquito you can't manage to swat, it keeps coming back to buzz in my ear and drive me crazy. My parents always put a lot of pressure on me to be normal, more or less. I'm always lying to them about my active and healthy social life and dating habits (the latter just to my father, who brings up the subject sometimes.) In reality I barely have anyone I would call a friend, much less a you-know-what. I'm starting to reach the point where they'll eventually want me to start doing the whole family thing, and shit, I don't even want to think about it. You know how it is.

If I had a brother or a sister, I might be able to push all this pressure onto them, but I am an only child, and they're going to really start hounding me about this soon. What the hell am I supposed to do about it? My family is fairly traditional and doesn't even accept that anything like social anxiety really exists. To be honest, the only reason I've even put effort into studying is because I know they don't have anyone else to rely on, and they've given me so much I can't just tell them to kill their expectations. I'm a good student for all my effort, but I don't take any real pleasure in what I'm doing and I feel pretty worthless on the whole, like I've completely missed something basic about being human that comes natural to everyone else.

I'm sorry if this brings up some problematic subjects or breaks any rules, but this board is the only place I have to talk about it. If it is a problem, go ahead and report it and have it deleted without a fuss.
>> No. 943 [Edit]
I told my parents that I'm asexual, and they stopped bothering me.
>> No. 944 [Edit]
My parents don't pressure me at all, but I know they are disappointed with me. They never ask about my social life though, probably because they know I don't have one (last time I left our house was last month to see a movie with my father)
>> No. 945 [Edit]
Don't believe this would work. My father found something of mine on the family computer way back, so he would know I'm lying.

I suppose I could tell them I've turned gay, but that would cause even more problems. Like I said, they're pretty traditional. I guess I'll either have to dramatically change somehow or disappoint them eventually. If they'd been bad parents it would be better, because then I wouldn't care.
>> No. 946 [Edit]

>Don't believe this would work. My father found something of mine on the family computer way back, so he would know I'm lying.

Actually with the way things are now you could go with it either way, as people claim you can start being asexual at any point in your life. Actually I think they claim it works both ways (as in, you could suddenly start being sexually active). Of course I'm pretty that's bullshit form scientific point of view but I doubt your parents would know that. At this point it's not much more than a useful label - I could tell people I'm asexual to explain why I don't bother with women (if I had someone I could tell it to that is) and they would probably stop bothering me.

Not that it helps in your case, though.
>> No. 947 [Edit]
Probably the most reasonable thing you could do is tell them you're depressed and think you need to see a therapist about it. I know that is probably the last thing on your mind, but that's what I did. It will help to break down barrier between you, and hopefully take some of the pressure off. You don't even have to bare your soul to the therapist or even tell them everything you've said here, they'll likely hand you a prescription for something regardless of what you say. None of that matters though, all that matters is giving your parents a reason to lay off. If you want to go through with the therapist thing, and try and actually resolve the issues between you, then more power to you, but you don't have to.

This is just speaking from my own personal (similar) experience I had between my dad and I. There are other ways to deal with it, but I think they all involve either bottling it up and trying to deal with it, or conflict through brutal honesty with your parents.

>I'm sorry if this brings up some problematic subjects or breaks any rules, but this board is the only place I have to talk about it. If it is a problem, go ahead and report it and have it deleted without a fuss.

If people are afraid to even post something like this now in /so/, then that's truly saddening. Yes this is perfectly fine, please don't apologize for asking for advice.
>> No. 951 [Edit]
OP, I believe deceiving them about your situation is worse. I've always nonchalantly told my parents that "i'll never have a 3DPD" ever since the start and they're indifferent to it. Now that the confession has been postponed, it'll be difficult to come clean without repercussions.
>> No. 953 [Edit]
My mother knows i have no interest in dating and relationships and she doesn't really think anything of me (that i can tell) different.
Though i will never tell her about my waifu.
>> No. 954 [Edit]
>If I had a brother or a sister, I might be able to push all this pressure onto them

I have siblings and I'm the oldest but it doesn't work. My mother still expects me to marry and make a family. I told her I'm not interested in having this kind of burden at this time and that I'll focus on my studies first. My father doesn't really care and we joked about it last time, he's kind of my only bro even if I'm reluctant to speak about certain things with him.

I still feel like I've disappointed them, especially my mother, because I'm not "like my siblings".
>> No. 957 [Edit]
I keep thinking this might be my best option. It might come as a shock to them since I've been pretty good at pretending to be normal to them, just so they'd get off my back about this stuff. Still, something needs to come out about my situation, and better sooner than later.

>I told her I'm not interested in having this kind of burden at this time and that I'll focus on my studies first.

Yeah, this is kind of what I've been saying to my dad. It's working right now, though I don't think I can keep it up much longer, and I know for a fact he does care about it. I'm afraid my parents might get a few of my cousins or aunts to play matchmaker for me, if they get really desperate, as that's how they got a couple of my other relatives fixed up. But those guys they matched are extremely normal types, and it's the last thing I'd want in any case. Maybe my best option is to move away after I'm done with school.

Thanks to everyone for the advice, I know I'll find some way out of this.
>> No. 958 [Edit]

>they'll likely hand you a prescription for something regardless of what you say

That's new to me, I have yet to see a therapist who prescribes drugs. Most of them would send you to, you know, psychiatrist to do a proper job.

>If people are afraid to even post something like this now in /so/, then that's truly saddening. Yes this is perfectly fine, please don't apologize for asking for advice.

Well, after some of the stuff that happened over the past few days I have to say I'm not overtly surprised.

>I still feel like I've disappointed them, especially my mother, because I'm not "like my siblings".

Yeah, same here, except I've got an older sister who is pretty much perfect. Feels not so good man.
>> No. 960 [Edit]
You're right, I did see a psychiatrist afterward.

>> No. 963 [Edit]
I feel similar, my parents have noticed I'm bad with people and don't bother me about getting a 3DPD, but every once in a while they'll bring it up. My little brother constantly brings it up and makes fun of me for it and it makes me feel like such a piece of shit that even that little brat makes fun of me. Then he wonders why I'm never nice to him. He can go rot for all I care. As for my parents they're bothering me less and less about it, but they think I'm gay... I might try saying I'm asexual if the time is ever right to say that, but with my family being the way it is I doubt they even know what it is.

Come to think of it I might actually be asexual but I still fap to porn, would I still fit under that category then?
>> No. 964 [Edit]
>Come to think of it I might actually be asexual but I still fap to porn, would I still fit under that category then?

I don't know, but I'd be in that category too
>> No. 966 [Edit]

>My little brother constantly brings it up and makes fun of me for it and it makes me feel like such a piece of shit that even that little brat makes fun of me.

You should punch him in the face. I'm totally serious here.


>Come to think of it I might actually be asexual but I still fap to porn, would I still fit under that category then?

Nope, definitely not. If you get turned on (by anything, really) you're not asexual.

Also my parents have been bothering me, too, except they wanted me to get... a driver's license. Lately they stoppped being so annoying but they mention it whenever it's possible, either way.
>> No. 967 [Edit]
>Also my parents have been bothering me, too, except they wanted me to get... a driver's license.

Same. I'm not going to get a license just so they can force me to run errands for them
>> No. 970 [Edit]
>My little brother constantly brings it up and makes fun of me for it and it makes me feel like such a piece of shit that even that little brat makes fun of me.
My little brothers try to do the same, but i'm pretty indifferent to their bratty attitudes.
Besides, the only family members i give two shits about are my mother and cousin anyways.

>Come to think of it I might actually be asexual but I still fap to porn, would I still fit under that category then?
There's a difference between being asexual and having no interest in relationships and such.
You can still be straight, bi, or gay depending on what you fap to, but asexuality pretty much means nothing attracts you.
>> No. 971 [Edit]
>You should punch him in the face. I'm totally serious here.

I did a few times but my parents got really pissy, and seeing as how I'm 18 they can kick my ass out, and I really don't want that.

>Nope, definitely not. If you get turned on (by anything, really) you're not asexual.

I fap more out of boredome than being aroused anymore. Although
>For some sexual arousal is a fairly regular occurrence, though it is not associated with a desire to find a sexual partner or partners. Some will occasionally masturbate, but feel no desire for partnered sexuality. Other asexual people experience little or no arousal. Because we don’t care about sex, asexual people generally do not see a lack of sexual arousal as a problem to be corrected, and focus their energy on enjoying other types of arousal and pleasure.

Which seems to be a conflicting thing, various things on google are saying this and what you say, seems to be something people are up in the air about. I need to do more research there to come to a conclusion.
>> No. 975 [Edit]

>I did a few times but my parents got really pissy, and seeing as how I'm 18 they can kick my ass out, and I really don't want that.

Oh, I just kind of assumed you were older and your brother is 16+. That changes the situation.


>Which seems to be a conflicting thing, various things on google are saying this and what you say, seems to be something people are up in the air about. I need to do more research there to come to a conclusion.

Please refer to >>946. People are bending the term for their own convenience. Asexuality is something that can be observed in all kinds of animals, not just humans. If you get aroused by anything (no matter whether we're talking about women or, say, red ribbons) you're not asexual in the strictest sense of the word. You may refer to yourself as such, however, since it's more generally accepted to be asexual than to be into 2D.
>> No. 987 [Edit]
Total Off-topic, but why the > thing didn't work there?
>> No. 996 [Edit]
>Come to think of it I might actually be asexual but I still fap to porn, would I still fit under that category then?

I spent a good time informally studying asexuality. During that I came across a fairly large and reputable online community and there are plenty of people that identify as asexual but still masturbate and use porn. I personally don't think it makes a difference if someone asexual happens to watch porn, male or female, or 2D even.

I can see you not being medically asexual if you fap because there are strict guidelines as to what is what. But you can perhaps be asexual out of choice or some unknown psychological reasons that cause it.

I don't really have any desire to have a relationship with anyone because I see it as pointless. But I'm not sure if that is asexuality or just being coldly rational or logical in some odd sense.
>> No. 997 [Edit]

Again, asexuality and celibacy are two entirely different things. Some poeple might use the terms as interchangeable synonyms but they're misusing the term 'asexual'. I'm 100% positive I will die a virgin and yet I'm definitely not asexual, as I fap to some H doujinshi.


I'm not 100% sure how it works but I ctrl+c ctrl+v'd the text (as I made a typo) and then posted it. In cases like this greentext won't work. Same things happens if you write your post in word pad, copy it here and post it. Perhaps it creates an invisible character. I f you were to delete the > and insert them again it would work.
>> No. 1005 [Edit]
I have made it clear to my family that I will not be normal and don't have most normal desires. I never lie about my social life or dating. I've been forcing them to deal with it since elementary school. They still think I'll end up "seeing the light" and getting a wife and kids, but I don't see that happening.
>> No. 1006 [Edit]
That's what my parents think about me and getting a job. They think eventually I'll just "get over" my social anxiety and finally get one
>> No. 1007 [Edit]

Celibacy is a voluntary thing though. Many people who define as asexual - yet fap to porn - definitely don't fall into this term.

I kind of look at it similar to the term "hikikomori". It's vague and can have many different sets of causation's or symptoms.
>> No. 1020 [Edit]
My parents constantly complain about not being normalfag enough.

Funnily enough, when I do want to do things that involve going outside (love me some hunting) they oppose it.

They wanted me to live in a suite or whatever at college but didn't want me to coup myself up. Which is exactly what I'd do since my college sucks and has no extra activities of interest.
>> No. 1021 [Edit]

I wouldn't let my kid go hunting either in a completely unrelated matter.
>> No. 1108 [Edit]
Your parents won't always be in a position of power, OP. Since it sounds like you plan on taking care of them in their waning years, the roles will actually reverse and they won't really be in ANY position to judge you or coerce you into conforming to their perceptions of normalcy.

I did something that I would not recommend but I will share with you nonetheless.

Several years ago I went out and had to most awful relationship known to man with a truly hideous and despicable person. She sucked so bad that when it was all finished, they were quite relieved and haven't bothered me about getting into another once ever since.

It requires some sacrifice and overall discomfort on your part, but I guarantee if you fuck shit up bad enough, they will leave you alone about that subject forever.
>> No. 1134 [Edit]
I appreciate the advice. I do plan on helping the parents out in their old age, though I think they've already got a lot of that covered themselves. But as I said, I come from a traditional family (just one side, actually, but it's the much more prominent one.) I can't just screw up once or a few times and let the issue drop. I'll either have to play along with it by changing myself somehow, or else come out with the truth and become an outsider from my own family, and I'm constantly putting that decision off. Not that it's much of a decision, since I can barely function outside of my room without generous amounts of caffeine or another mild drug to take me out of my regular mindset.

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