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83 No. 83 [Edit]
/so/, how long has it been since you last went outside?
>> No. 85 [Edit]
I go outside a whole once a week now.

I think I once went 6 months without leaving the house though, even backyard or front yard.
>> No. 87 [Edit]
today, less than 1 hour ago
>> No. 89 [Edit]
A few minutes ago actually, I live in a detached shed from my parents' house so I have to go outside to piss and go inside to poop, supposed to get plumbing out here in the next month or so. Besides that I go out twice a week to go to college, and the longest I've went without going outside was about two weeks.
>> No. 93 [Edit]
About a month,

Got sick, had to go to the doctors

Before that? about 4 months.
>> No. 94 [Edit]
My father took me to see the new jackass movie last week. Before that, at LEAST 3 months.
>> No. 97 [Edit]
Well counts as 'outside'? If we're talking about outside, period, then I went out earlier to put my dog in the backyard. If we exclude the back and front yards of my house, then it was about a month ago when I bought World in Conflict from a store.
>> No. 99 [Edit]
It's been about three weeks. I'm not able to stay inside for long periods of time any more since I have somewhat regular mental health appointments to attend. The last time I went out for a recreational activity was probably back in March, for my grandmother's birthday.
>> No. 101 [Edit]
I'm not a neet. I go to college/university. I also like to take jogs in the park behind my house. The last time I went outside was 5 minutes ago.
>> No. 331 [Edit]
Outside? Well I go out on my own all the time. I don't go anywhere specific or anything. Perhaps a short walk or whatever. I often like to sit outside with my cat, laptop, tea and smoke weed (DERP). Apart from that I stay inside. I don't have any friends or close family so I don't have any reason to go out and associate.

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