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3487 No. 3487 [Edit]
How about another thread? We had one on the old /tc/ but it didn't gain much popularity.

>What is MBTI/Enneagram?

I'm too lazy to look for good articles about them. For the time being, wiki ones will probably be enough to get the gist of it.

If that's not good enough for you just google it. Those two aren't exactly new, you know.

>Where can I take some tests to find out my type?

Combined MBTI/Ennea test (it will give you results for both):
Ennea only: (shorter version; 50 questions) (longer one; 131 questions)
MBTI test:

Of course, there are hundreds of others, both shorter and longer ones. If you are bored enough to do your own research on this subject you're free to look for them.

Please note: the results of tests themselves are not absolute. After finding out what your type is be sure to read about it somewhere. The good thing about tests such as these is that by answering the questions you indirectly admit some stuff you might've not admitted if the question was more direct. On the other hand, they only ask you about your behavior and what's really importnant here is the underlying reason for such actions.

For example I almost always score as INTJ even though I'm INTP (actually, I took the MBTI/Enna test yesterday to see how the results are presented and this time I scored as INTP but it was very close).
On the other hand I would never admit I have tendencies towards a 3 in Ennea (as I find that kind of behavior to be disgusting) but it turns out I scored 20 points on the 3 scale. It was my third highest result, behind my main and sub type only. If I think about it a litte it's true, it's just that I don't want to admit it.
Also, I never ever scored as anything but 5w4, even though I've taken hundreds of various Ennea tests. When I first read descriptions of 5w4 and 5w6 I didn't want to admit I'm the former, as I always felt that emotions are something despicable. However, I'm defnitely 5w4.

>How do wings work in Ennea?

This is something that causes lots of confusion, even though it's very simple. Basically, each type only has two wings: [main type]w[main type+1] and [main type]w[main type-1]. So the possible combinations for 8 would be 8w7 and 8w9. With 9 it's 9w8 and 9w1 (an exception, for obvious reasons). On the other hand, there's not such thing as 7w3 or 2w5.
There are some 'wingless' individuals abut it's really rare so initially it's safer to assume you do have a wing.


That's it I guess. I've created this mostly for survey purposes as there's not much to discuss. The other reason? To ostracize 3s, 7s, 8s, Exxx and xxFx.And yes, that was a joke right now, I'd rather explain it now as /tc/ tends to overreact.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. inb4 pseudoscience
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>> No. 3488 [Edit]
I'm INTP/5w4, obviously (but I'd rather post it once more separately as I think it's more convenient to have it that way).
>> No. 3489 [Edit]
Last time I took the test I was INFP, and I'm pretty sure 95% of /tc/ is either INFP or INTP.
Anyway, I'm curious to see whether tripcode users have a tendency to be another type, or to be more extroverted, seeing as they have to put up a public persona at all times.
I'll take the Ennea test later, but I don't really like those tests in general -- it's almost like they give me a justification to be the type of person I am.
>> No. 3490 [Edit]
>> No. 3491 [Edit]
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INTP/5w4 I guess.
>> No. 3492 [Edit]
Apparently, I'm a 4w5.
>> No. 3493 [Edit]

Saw that coming. That's what like ~90% of INFx are.

As for the xxxP thing I think it will be even. Just look at the thread about keeping order in your room in /ot/. Also, lots of people here have strong OCD tendencies.

Other than that I predict 99% Ixxx over Exxx, xSxx being outnumbered 1:2 (compared to xNxx of course) and vast majority of xxTx. I don't think we have many xxFx types around here (then again, /so/ was mostly created for them).
>> No. 3494 [Edit]
I'm INTP. Don't really care about that Ennea shit.
>> No. 3495 [Edit]
INTJ. The results called me a "Mastermind" type, so flattering. But really my personality causes me a lot of problems.
>> No. 3496 [Edit]

Hopefully this doesn't turn into a big INTJ circlejerk like every other Myers-Briggs thread on the internet.
>> No. 3497 [Edit]
In the past I always got INTP, but, I just got ISTP.

I'm not sure what would have caused me to switch over or what that even means.
>> No. 3500 [Edit]
INTJ master race like always, and I got differing answers on the Ennea test. The difference was only by a single point each time, so I guess I'm a 5w4, or a 4w5. Same difference.
>> No. 3503 [Edit]

If it's between 5w4/4w5 only it's simple:
xxTx - 5w4
xxFx - 4w5

No exceptions.
>> No. 3507 [Edit]
>> No. 3508 [Edit]
First time I took the Myers-Briggs years ago, I got INTJ. Recently I seem to have shifted to INTP.

Enneagram 5w6. I'm actually kinda surprised to see there aren't more of us so far.

Anyway, like astrology, it may be nonsense, but it's entertaining nonsense. And if I didn't believe in attaching personal significance to things that aren't really real, I wouldn't be on /tc/.
>> No. 3509 [Edit]
I got INTP and 5w6 as well.
>> No. 3510 [Edit]
INFP. Apparently Orwell and Shakespeare were as well. Hell yeah. Even though people can't really take this test for others, it's still cool to see.

For the Enneagram, I got 4w5/5w4 (which is redundant, of course).
>> No. 3511 [Edit]
INxP -- very I, mildly N, barely P.
5, no wings.

I remember way back I was heavily into the Enneagram, I scored more as a 9w1 than a 5, but I'm more anxious now.
>> No. 3512 [Edit]

When I first started taking Myers-Briggs tests a year ago I usually scored INFJ.
>> No. 3513 [Edit]
What, I guess this is the only place that makes me feel normal.
>> No. 3515 [Edit]
>First time I took the Myers-Briggs years ago, I got INTJ. Recently I seem to have shifted to INTP.
I used to get INTJ consistently and now I get INTP consistently. Just a change in my mindset as I've gotten older, I guess.
>> No. 3523 [Edit]
I got 5/INTJ
I always seem to alternate between INTP and INTJ whenever I take these, it was pretty close too: Judging (J) 55.88% Perceiving (P) 44.12%
>> No. 3524 [Edit]
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>> No. 3525 [Edit]
I'm INFP 4w5.
>> No. 3526 [Edit]
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>> No. 3528 [Edit]
I dislike the way the Enneagram tests present your results. It must be confusing as hell for people with little knowledge on the subject, as they only give you your main type.


You meant 4th (>>3524 is also 5w6).


>I used to get INTJ consistently and now I get INTP consistently. Just a change in my mindset as I've gotten older, I guess.

Judging by this thread alone it's surprisingly common.

I love how INTJ/INTP/INFJ/INFP are pretty much 4 rarest types and yet threads like this one are usually littered with them.
>> No. 3529 [Edit]
INTP, 4w5.
It's surprising how much we resemble each other.
>> No. 3530 [Edit]

>INTP, 4w5

Did you take the combined test? Because those results are somewhat hard to believe, as all 5s are xxTx and all 4s xxFx.
>> No. 3531 [Edit]
Yes, the combined one.
>> No. 3532 [Edit]

Very strange. Oh well.
>> No. 3535 [Edit]
I believe it's because we wouldn't care about this place if we weren't like this (IN**) anyway. We don't even need "For madmen only" or "For rare people only" sign, it just comes naturally.
>> No. 3547 [Edit]
ISTP, 5. I'm drifting back and forth over the S/N limit thought.
>> No. 3689 [Edit]
Introverted (I) 62.5% Extroverted (E) 37.5%
Intuitive (N) 63.16% Sensing (S) 36.84%
Thinking (T) 62.86% Feeling (F) 37.14%
Perceiving (P) 68.75% Judging (J) 31.25%

Your type is: INTP

typescoretype behavior motivation
549 I must be knowledgable and independent to be happy.
644 I must be secure and safe to be happy.
438 I must be true to my emotions to be happy.
938 I must maintian a peaceful and easygoing environment to be happy.
837 I must be strong and in control to be happy.
736 I must be high and entertained to be happy.
127 I must be perfect and good to be happy.
327 I must be impressive and attractive to be happy.
226 I must be helpful and caring to be happy.

Type 5

>> No. 3787 [Edit]
Second ISTJ, but I/S and J/P are within 2-3% of each other so it's really close. I'm guessing 5w6 since those were my two highest, if that's how it works.
>> No. 4733 [Edit]
File 130730096353.png - (16.71KB , 600x463 , graph(1).png )
Hi /tc/. I'm astonishingly bored so I decided to compile some (shitty) pie charts for this thread. I hope I didn't miscount anything.

The results in text form:


12 INTP (50%)
4 INTJ (16,7%)
3 INFP (12,5%)
2 ISTP (8,3%)
2 ISTJ (8,3%)
1 INFJ (4,2%)

20 xNxx (83,3%)
4 xSxx (16,7%)

20 xxTx (83,3%)
4 xxFx (16,7%)

17 xxxP (70,8%)
7 xxxJ (29,2%)


6 5w? (31,5%) - either wingless or no info was given
5 5w4 (26,3%)
4 5w6 (21,1%)
4 4w5 (21,1%)

15 Type 5 (78,9%)
4 Type 4 (21,1%)

Feel free to complain about how your type happened to be marked with a color you dislike.
>> No. 4734 [Edit]
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>> No. 4735 [Edit]
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>> No. 4736 [Edit]
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>> No. 4737 [Edit]
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>> No. 4738 [Edit]
File 130730107377.png - (12.14KB , 600x463 , graph(6).png )

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