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File 13153723162.jpg - (105.60KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Natsume Yuujinchou San - 09 [23518C72]_mk.jpg )
6957 No. 6957 [Edit]
/so/, have I reached the point of no return when I begin to care more about the characters in the shows I'm watching than my actual family and friends?
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>> No. 6958 [Edit]
Pretty much all characters are created specifically for you to care about them.
>> No. 6959 [Edit]
Yeah, but who cares
>> No. 6960 [Edit]
well, real people suck, and 2D is perfect
>> No. 6962 [Edit]
File 131537687331.jpg - (406.68KB , 800x600 , 20019427_p1.jpg )
We probably spend more time in the company of the characters in shows we're watching than our family and friends anyway. I suppose it's not that unusual. Especially for the characters of this show, lovable as they all are.
>> No. 6963 [Edit]
Funny, if there is a line to cross here I must've been born on the other side - I always cared about fictional characters much more than about real people. The best way to ruin a good movie for me? Add 'based on true story' at the end of the movie (I can recall times when it turned a real tearjerker into 'oh' reaction within seconds).
>> No. 6965 [Edit]
That's kind of weird; like people who say they hate seafood and then freak out when they learn the meal they were enjoying is actually shrimp.
>> No. 6966 [Edit]
Man does not live on shrimps alone, my fellow. Learn your categories, already.
>> No. 6967 [Edit]
I kind of know what you mean.
That one line really ruins it because the chances are, things didn't play out half as nice as they did on the screen and there's probably a ton of lies and exaggerations and sugarcoating going on.

Post edited on 7th Sep 2011, 12:45pm
>> No. 6968 [Edit]

Giascle, why are you always such a dick?
>> No. 6971 [Edit]
So what you are saying is you like fiction more, but you hate it when "true" stories, have fiction in them?

I can't comment for other times, but this time he is right
>> No. 6972 [Edit]
I wasn't being a dick either of those times. For other times though I'm just an easily irritated person.
>> No. 6973 [Edit]
When you put it that way it does sound kind of silly.
It's like flashing a big messaged on the screen saying "THIS IS ALL A LIE"

Or who knows, maybe it's out of some deep seeded resentment for humanity and not wanting to believe they're capable of what was shown in the film.
>> No. 6975 [Edit]
>/so/, have I reached the point of no return when I begin to care more about the characters in the shows I'm watching than my actual family and friends?

No. You will reach the point of no return when you will care about imagined characters because you have noone in real life.
>> No. 6977 [Edit]

That's really sad, actually.
>> No. 6981 [Edit]
Whelp, I guess I'm fucked. The only "person" I care about is some random people that keep appearing in dreams I have. I always try to sleep as much as I can in hopes that they come back. I don't even talk to family members.

Well OP, look on the bright side, you aren't this fucked yet, right?
>> No. 6983 [Edit]
Dream people are my favorite people too ;_;
Every now and again you dream of someone and you fall in love with them, then you wake up and it is like they died. But I guess it is better to love and lost then to have never have loved at all...
>> No. 6986 [Edit]
Shit dude, I'm still in love with this beautiful girl I met in a dream last month. I feel like such a loser actually admitting to this.
>> No. 7004 [Edit]

>But I guess it is better to love and lost then to have never have loved at all...

I'm pretty sure this proverb would make the 'Top 10 biggest lies ever' list if one were to compile such.
>> No. 7014 [Edit]

>Well OP, look on the bright side, you aren't this fucked yet, right?

Operative word: Yet.
>> No. 7040 [Edit]
It's alright, there's still hope!
>> No. 7069 [Edit]
>Every now and again you dream of someone and you fall in love with them, then you wake up and it is like they died
Hm, that reminded me...
When I was around 14, I dreamed of a girl. We met, we fell in love, we got married and then I woke up. It has been 15 years since then, I forgot how she looked like, what we talked about, or any details about our marriage. But I still remember that feeling of bliss, that ethereal happiness.
That was the happiest moment of my life. Now that I think about it, I could have killed myself right after that dream, and I wouldnt have missed much in life. Funny how it all works.
>> No. 7076 [Edit]
>this beautiful girl I met in a dream
I normally reject even those, as soon as I re-gain awareness of my own -waifu lover- self within the dream...

Nevertheless: >>/ot/10307

Post edited on 12th Sep 2011, 9:58am
>> No. 7184 [Edit]
That occurred to me as well a long time ago OP.
Life is just a shitty game of chess where you're missing half your pieces against white; being played by a multitude of people analyzing every move. The only way to just up and leave, not playing at all. Crazy people flip the table over and go on a rampage.
>> No. 7653 [Edit]
The characters are more honest and worthwhile. I don't see how normals can compare.
>> No. 7769 [Edit]
You have friends?


I'm pretty much at this point right now.
>> No. 7780 [Edit]
I wouldn't call it the point of no return,
you can still go back... but, why would you want to?

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