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693 No. 693 [Edit]
What're the worst examples of cruelty you've experienced or seen?
At my high school I saw an autistic mildly retarded kid get lured to the bathroom and later found out that he was punched there.
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>> No. 694 [Edit]
When I was in high school I overheard a bunch of black guys laughing about how one of them beat up his girlfriend. It's probably not the worst thing I've seen but it made me feel sick
>> No. 735 [Edit]
Were any of you guys harassed in school? I wasn't picked on so much as ostracized.
>> No. 736 [Edit]
Not really. I'm pretty big and they probably thought if they made me snap I'd beat them to death (which I might have, I don't know)
>> No. 737 [Edit]
That must've been nice. I'm short and nearly underweight so I was a prime target for bullshit through middle school and into high school. It ended then, though. I guess everyone got bored of harassing me.
>> No. 738 [Edit]
For the first two years of HS our entire class and plenty of people from our year picked on this one guy.

Constant harassment every single day.
Beatings in the hallway outside class.
No friends. We made him cry many times.

Sometimes I think he might have liked the attention.

Everyone used to tease him about being "gay" even though he was no more gay then anyone else.
Truth be told I probably would have diddled with him in secret if he wanted to.

The faggot.
>> No. 739 [Edit]
This is slightly off topic, but do you know what really hurts my butt?

When a school shooting happens, and the media goes all crazy over it asking questions like "Why did they do it?" and then answering with "they played video games lol". The answer is clearly "they were bullied" and they went and got their revenge, but all of a sudden someone drops some lead and those poor, poor bullies! I mean, they were only joking when they beat the shit out of you, or stole/broke your shit, or whatever else to make your daily life a living hell.

The most infuriating part is when you can see these assholes on the news saying things like "oh we never bullied them at all they were just psycho loners lulz"

I swear to god if I could go back in time I'd take out a 50k dollar loan and buy so many guns I'd need two fucking trenchcoat mafias just to carry the ammunition.
>> No. 740 [Edit]
What can I say, I agree completely. Of course they're going to blame video games or heavy metal music. They're not going to admit that the kid's home life was fucked up or he was beaten and pushed around on a daily basis, thus making the 'tragedy' nothing more than sweet vengeance on his part.

I recall reading about a schoolgirl in Japan who was driven to suicide not that long ago; all the bullies and people who drove her to it had the fucking nerve to show up to her funeral.
>> No. 741 [Edit]
Some kid cut one of the math teachers with a knife (he survived).
Other than that, nothing at all.
>> No. 742 [Edit]

Sorry guys but that's how psychology works. It correlates to the so called just-world phenomenon. People prefer to blame something they know next to nothing about then to admit that someone broke down because of things they could have had done something with.
>> No. 743 [Edit]
This is why I frequent Tohno-chan less and less.
>> No. 744 [Edit]
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>> No. 745 [Edit]
I didn't see it, but a gay kid at my school had a dead bird thrown at him once.

You're a complete faggot in more ways then one.
>> No. 746 [Edit]
I remember a ginger kid in high school that everyone used to pick on. He was frail and small and ran like a little mouse from place to place. I remember his backpack being nearly half his size. One year we got in the same class but like usual the class used him as a scapegoat for everything. Beat him, threw those wet paper bullets at him using pens etc.

I kept my distance from all of this and never said much because I was always the quiet kid by the window until that one day I brought Rogue Spear to class. He said he loved the game and that maybe we could play sometime together. I got to know him better and saw that he was a pretty cool guy and that all of the shit he got from others was really undeserved. From then on I was his only friend, but we still kept it somewhat secret.

Otherwise there was that one time a kid got almost beaten to death and thrown in the mud for doing absolutely nothing. They were a good twelve people and ganged up around him, alone. Then that one guy asked him why he had beaten his little brother. The kid said he didn't do anything and didn't even know his brother. The guy suddenly grabbed the kid by his neck and threw him in some mud puddle that was there because it had rained so much the day before. The other people then proceeded to beat him until the bell rang. No teacher gave a shit about him and he went home alone. That kid was me.
>> No. 747 [Edit]
Damn! What's the fucking deal with the staff at that school? You should've pressed charges.
>> No. 748 [Edit]
The problem is there's not much justice in the world and absolutely none in school. The bullies don't have to worry about repercussions, the teachers won't generally call them out on it, and the principal sure as hell won't bother doing anything.

And years later on facebook or some other shithole of a place, one of those bullies will look that guy he tormented up and try to reminiscence about high school days as if none of it ever happened. Hey, that was like ten years ago, why are you getting upset? We were all just having fun, right? Don't be so serious!

There's not a fucking word in any language to describe the feeling you get in that situation.
>> No. 749 [Edit]
My high school was really shitty. One time a kid got MRSA, so the school was legally obligated to tell everyone. BUT, this kid was on the football team, so the principal and various coaches wanted to keep it secret so he could still play. My health teacher wasn't going to have any of that shit, so he basically forced them to tell. Not only did the principal fire him at the end of the year, but the entire health class was cut.
>> No. 750 [Edit]
that is some serious shit
I mean serious shit your teacher could have gone to the media about
i mean its the stuff public hysteria is made of
imagine the headline
"school exposing students to super bug"
>> No. 751 [Edit]
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This is a troll, right?
>> No. 752 [Edit]
I cant tell who is trolling on the 2010 internet. I dont even care anymore.
>> No. 753 [Edit]

The author of that post here.

What is the big deal exactly?
I was one of the few people who got on with him and sometimes hung out with him.

Honestly he was pretty normal, but I wasn't going to go up against everyone else, come on..

From what I gather he got over it. This was years ago, we were all young. He left to another school far before the end of HS.

Just chill man.
>> No. 754 [Edit]
He probably did get over it. I got over my shitty high school experience after a little while.

You should still get out, though.
>> No. 755 [Edit]
>What is the big deal exactly?
>We made him cry many times.

You included yourself in the harassment of him.
>> No. 756 [Edit]
everyone does dumb things when theyre a kid, who cares. I bet everyone who posts here has done something that would disgust you.
>> No. 757 [Edit]
Writing this ties my stomach into knots though I suppose since I keep reading this thread over and over I should write it. In sixth and seventh grade there was this ginger kid who was clearly retarded in some way. Even now I don't know what exactly it was. He used to always have to leave class momentarily to take his ADHD tablet. He was an ugly ginger kid with a horrible amount of freckles and his hands and knees were festooned with many warts. He was highly unsanitary, reeked of 'cheese' and constantly sucked his finger/pen. Half the class, including me, gave him hell. It was like toying with a hamster. Even the teacher hated him. And even the stupid kids who had no hope in schoolwork were able to run circles around him and trip him up in arguments. I forget exactly how, but somehow they managed to extract random information from him like the shame of his dick being tiny and the fact that he perved on his own mom. It was mostly psychological, rarely did it become physical (although arguably it was just as vicious as being beat up).

In grade eight we got tired of bullying him. Things became a little more normal. One day I met him in the playground and had a short chat. He obsessively blabbed on about Digimon. But that wasn't what struck me. The thing that struck me was that he seemingly forgot that I was one of his worst enemies, in fact he even wanted to be my friend. It was as if all the atrocities we committed didn't even exist. I guess his retardedness had a silver lining. Any normal person would have cracked under the pressure. But him? He didn't notice that his whole social world was caving on him from all sides. He was incapable of realising that such treatment was abnormal, and as such, was resilient to the attacks.

Some time after that, he left school because of some serious incident I never caught wind of. He transfered and I never saw him again, except for one day where I saw him running after a bus carrying a gigantic knapsack half the size of him.
>> No. 758 [Edit]
>He obsessively blabbed on about Digimon.

I knew someone like that but he blabbed constantly about Sonic. Every time I saw him sitting at a computer he was looking up something on Sonic. His dream was to have a Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure, that's what he always told me. Dressed really bad, had thick glasses and that terrible 90s hair cut were the hair splits in two in the middle and does two arcs. And those really cheap white Nike running shoes, oh god. I think during all those years I knew him he dressed exactly the same, from a kid to an adult. Basically it was a CWC without the fatness and more ugly.

I never got to know what kind of mental disorder he had but the guy was actually somewhat appreciated among students. I remember that one time he went to the blackboard and had this boner sticking out of his pants, fucking weirdo man. Also, he was like 25 and still in high school.

Yeah, now that I think about it he really was like CWC. This is the first time it occurred to me I think.
>> No. 759 [Edit]

>I remember that one time he went to the blackboard and had this boner sticking out of his pants.

Shit, I lol'd.
>> No. 761 [Edit]

>Hey, that was like ten years ago, why are you getting upset? We were all just having fun, right? Don't be so serious!

We sure did lots of stupid things. Afterall we ended up here. But our mistakes caused harm to us, not other people. Belittling it the way you do is disguisting, though. Admiting that you 'sometimes hung out with him' is the icing on the cake as I saw something similar happen in my school - a guy who was constantly harrased by the whole class 'sometimes hung out with' his self proclaimed best friend but when people were bullying him he actively participated in it. Made me sick each time I saw it.

Now, we don't expect you to fix the society. As a matter of fact nobody will even demand that you make your surroundings better. But participating in stuff like that because 'that's what everybody did' and than trying to make it sound like it was nothing with a shitty excuse like 'we were just stupid kids' is disgusting.
>> No. 762 [Edit]
black guy here. Something tells me the girl was far from innocent - e.g. she tried slapping him or was a sarcastic bitch to him. My biases are coming up I know
>> No. 763 [Edit]
That article was posted on SankankuComplex. Yeah the dicks who ignored it were, just scum. And it was JUST because she was half-phillipine & lived in Japan
>> No. 764 [Edit]
It's not surprising; Japan's pretty racist, especially against Koreans and Filipinos.
>> No. 765 [Edit]
That's not surprising. Japan is pretty racist itself. It's pretty much racist against everyone but Japanese.
>> No. 767 [Edit]
I knew of the...well intense nationalism between East Asian nations but it was still.....dicky. And the class acted like it wasnt their fault...
>> No. 768 [Edit]
Everyone in East Asia is racist against the Phillipinos. Hell, even some Philipinos say they hate their own race.
>> No. 771 [Edit]
>running after a bus carrying a gigantic knapsack half the size of him

so moe
>> No. 772 [Edit]
I lol'd.
>> No. 773 [Edit]
Filipinos fucking deserve the mockery, though.
>> No. 792 [Edit]
I was bullied throughout my elementary-high school life, picked on for a variety of things due to me being fat, slow, and they'd trick me into "admitting" things I didn't know what they meant. I was once asked if I played with myself (when kids had this gay complex about fapping) and thought they meant playing by yourself with toys... Didn't even know what they were making fun of me for then until years later. I did eventually get violent about it, but I was always the one that got in trouble for it. I don't blame school shooters, I sympathize with them. Sometimes I wish I had the courage to go and kill the people who ruined my life by making me unable to interact with other people.
>> No. 916 [Edit]
I used to think that. I've felt that very particular sting of cruelty from kids when I was younger. I can see what sorts of factors provoked the shootings. However, it's never too late to change yourself. Sometimes people are completely horrible and they get away with it. Whether or not they deserve to die for it is irrelevant. It's just what happens. You gotta move on. You'd be suprised at how people can change.
>> No. 930 [Edit]
>> No. 939 [Edit]
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Bleh, just thinking about this makes me sicked of myself.

This girl in one of my art classes in high school did something to piss some popular girl off, because she got picked on all time time by that girl, her girl pals, and a couple of black football players (why, i don't know) in that class.

Not quite <pic related> levels of bullying, but if she had a drink they'd knock it over, ruin her art projects, trip her while she was walking, shove her down, name calling, just basically making her time in that class hell.

I remember one time the "super cool star running back of our repeat state champion and there for untouchable football team" smacked a juice she had off her table and it spilled all over the floor, and the teacher berated her for spilling it and made her clean it up. It was so obvious, right in front of the teachers desk, she had to of known, but she yelled at the girl instead.

Of course, I just sat there and watched. I didn't know what to do. I was just a fat kid with no friends who managed to stay under the radar by giving people homework answers. But I just sat there like a coward.

To end on a better note, the "super cool running back" got a full ride to a great university but lost it when he tried to rape a girl and instead got kicked off the football team and out of the school.
>> No. 952 [Edit]
My White Knight hormones are raging. I would have stuck up for her confidently.
>> No. 961 [Edit]
>> No. 962 [Edit]
Karma can be a real bitch.

I'm not that guy, but I kind of agree with you. Kind of, because while I know in my head that people can change so much that it's insane, that doesn't make what they did/do better. They should still be held responsible.
>> No. 988 [Edit]
I would at least help her to clean the juice, and become her friend.
>> No. 992 [Edit]
I'm not lying. I've helped people out in these kinds of situations a number of times.
>> No. 1004 [Edit]
Isn't it great how star athletes and others who bring in cash for the school get preferential treatment compared to everyone else? Not all the athletes were total asshats in my school, but a good 90% or more were, and the ones who weren't wouldn't stand up for their own mother if the people insulting her were their slightly more popular "friends." I swear, I've seen some awful shit, but I honestly don't know if any of it compares to high school. I honestly believe it's a special setup that was made just to prepare everyone for the injustice and politics of the rest of the institutions we're forced to deal with in life.
>> No. 1009 [Edit]
If nobody escapes getting burned by the big institutions, is it really injustice?
>> No. 1013 [Edit]
Yes. Whether injustice is applied equally or not makes no difference.
>> No. 1105 [Edit]
A family I know is keeping a 4 year old child who's in great pain (forgot the what the illness was) who has no hope of recovery alive just because they "love" him. I tell them time and time again that he won't survive and that he needs to be granted a painless death, but they tell me "why should we kill someone when God wants him to be great" or "how can you say that if you're not God?". And so this child still suffers and will for several more months until he finally kicks the bucket.

Oh well, at least for him, struggle end sooner.
>> No. 1109 [Edit]
Browse /jp/ every once in a while.

You'll actually see acts of cruelty BY autistic kids.

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