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File 131195132525.jpg - (178.89KB , 972x698 , 1310354386002.jpg )
6328 No. 6328 [Edit]
Fuck this shit.
My mother and sister force me more than before to take a job now. Mindless idiots, even though i have explained to them that, i miss years of Health Care Assurance fees, which are obligatory, whether you work or not.

I guess it's time to part ways.
It has been a privilege not having have to work at all, and i will take this privilege and go.

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>> No. 6329 [Edit]
>> No. 6331 [Edit]
I can't change your opinion, can I?
>> No. 6334 [Edit]
OP what are Health Care Assurance fees?

I googled "Health Care Assurance fees" to find out what this was but only learned that this has been cross posted on /a/.
>> No. 6354 [Edit]
Monthly payments for the Health Care Insurance.
In many countries it is obligatory, you don't have a choice.
>> No. 6891 [Edit]
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Fucking hell, failed as usual...couldn't even move myself to buy the equipment.

Now i can really embrace myself with the upcoming shit.

I don't want to live, but dying is such a hassle.
>> No. 6892 [Edit]
>I don't want to live, but dying is such a hassle.

Haha, I know the feeling.
>> No. 6895 [Edit]
>i miss years of Health Care Assurance fees, which are obligatory, whether you work or not.

Real question: How did you miss your HCA payments in the first place. Would getting a job change things? Will most of your paycheck will go towards making up the payments?
>> No. 6896 [Edit]
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Must be even more pathetic, having a regulated life, going to work etc. and still posting on /so/ - Ronery, hahaha.

Like i'd care what you think, eat shit


I don't care. I don't intend to pay a cent.
>> No. 6897 [Edit]
I would like you to document your experience.
What did they think of your resume? what was on it? if you had one at all?
What is the job? and other stuff, I dunno.
>> No. 6898 [Edit]
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I didn't send one to beginn with.
And i wouldn't lie anyways and try to sugercoat my CV, which is totally fucked up.

What the job was about? I don't even know exactly. I didn't call.

It's job offered by the father of my sister's friend.
They also helped us to move and so on.
This would even make it more so a no-go, ruining their relation if i would fuck up the job.

There is no way back for me.
There are only 2 realistic choices for me.
Die with my own hands or end up on the streets if i can't leech anymore.
>> No. 6899 [Edit]
I agree with this guy, though I wouldn't have worded it so harshly.
>> No. 6903 [Edit]
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Since when there are so many selclaimed normal people on this board?

This is the NEET board, isn't it?

Well whatever.

I sometimes feel bad for it, but ultimately i wil leech from them as hard as i can.
>> No. 6905 [Edit]

Cool. People will now complain about NEETs being NEETs on a board for NEETs. Makes sense.
>> No. 6907 [Edit]

Oh! you're so sure of yourself... and so ready to believe that being incorporated to the contributors of a horrendous society, and assuming one of our current yet ephemeral social roles of "maturity", makes you any more dignified or even aware of anything...

Keep on believing that. How could you be wrong? How could there be anything more to ever consider? We gotta be just stupid, in here. You're brilliant. You'll do great. I'm proud of you.
>> No. 6909 [Edit]
Wow OP is a really self centered and lazy person. I may hate 3D and society at large but they are at least somewhat thankful for the shit they get given.

There's a difference between being a Hiki and just being a spoilt brat.
>> No. 6910 [Edit]
That's what you think.
But no, the public surely thinks otherwise.

Your statement makes no sense.
>> No. 6920 [Edit]
Theres being a NEET because you don't have a choice and need serious help, and theirs being a neet because you're a lazy man child who refuses get help or even try to do what you can to make the peoples lives who support you easier is just not cool. Its just retarded to see people complain about their situation and have no intentions to do anything positive over it. Its the horrible attitude that frustrates me

I could understand if you had serious depression, bad anxiety, got beated and sheltered as child or whatever other things that need realistic help. But with the way you post you just come off a brat with no grounded ethics and are convinced you'll either be taken care of like a child or die in the streets. Is that seriously what you want? Are you so far gone you don't even want to go out on your own and live? I'm not saying go out clubbing or do whatever it is you think 'normal' people do. but fuck

>It's job offered by the father of my sister's friend.
>They also helped us to move and so on.
>This would even make it more so a no-go, ruining their relation if i would fuck up the job.

You're even getting help from people so you and your family can move on and all you're doing is shitting in their face/ Almost every other NEET I have talked to from this site generally has problems and at least want to be able to live life. You're just spoiled person who treats it like a hard earned title because society treated you so badly, even though they still live a better life then the majority of the world and have the privilege of of sitting on his computer all day trying to justify himself to a board of people who share their problems.

I do come off as an asshole, but sometimes people need to be yelled at to snap out of their broken reality. Being nice rarely cuts it. Even though he's just going to shrug me off and go on about his "Whatever hes just a bigger loser then me haha"
>> No. 6921 [Edit]

Next we'll have people on /mai/ trying to persuade people towards 3DPD!
>> No. 6922 [Edit]

>Are you so far gone you don't even want to go out on your own and live?

Not OP but no, of course I don't. In fact I couldn't care less.
>> No. 6924 [Edit]
Sure is hostile in here.
And quite a bit of double standards being tossed around. Regardless of ones reason for being a member of TOHNO, the effects of us being members will be the same regardless of reason, so objectivily reason is irrelevant. It would seem someone has a supiority complex to justify that their social anxieties are ok, but not having them and staying inside is not. That is the double standard. Some people here may have social anxieties and want to be part of society, some of us don't have social anxieties and don't want to be part of society. There is room enough for all of us, and surely it wouldn't be unreasonable to be less judgmental, after all I am sure that if there is one thing we all probably hate it would be the judgemental attitude of society. Lets not bring that here.
>> No. 6927 [Edit]
These are much closer to my thoughts. Even other NEETs think people like the OP are despicable; I'm fine with shut-ins who know they have a problem, but I can't stand people who leech off their family and still hate them. I don't see how that's a double standard.
>> No. 6934 [Edit]
Man, you certainly don't see a lot of things, as far as I can tell.
>> No. 6941 [Edit]
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Never said i hate them.

But i get into panic and stress, when they force me to do stuff.

Ah, whatever.

They are coming back from their vacation tomorrow the 7th.
I completly cleaned the flat...

And it's not like i am not caring about the future.

But i even failed at ordering the equipment to do have a barbecue indoors, get CO-poisoned and die.

I can't deal with people, and i don't want to, especially i don't see myself applying for a job.
1.My CV is totally screwed
2.I don't want a job nearby anyways, because i don't want anyone from my school time recognizing me by accident
3.Debts from Health Care which will be activated (now they simply don't know i am still alive, as i haven't reported to them ever since i dropped out of university)
4.I have no skills or talents
5.Related to previous point. I can't sell myself by lying or euphemizing things.
6. I am not cooperative
I had to go to a pyschiatrist (to cancel obligatory civil servicdes) for 1 week, but just told them what they want to hear, got out.
7. I am physically quite weak, so no army, i wouldn't be able to deal with it anyways with no internet and being put into a room with other people, with no private sphere.

Meh, it's late, i am tired, and i am sure there are many more points.

I just want to sit and do nothing.

Well, mooching off the state is imo not much better than doing it to your family.
In Asia it is actually rather common this way.
I don't care if you think you have the moral highground.

Shit sucks enough.
It's always the same and will ever be.


It's all pointing out towards number 2.

Good day
>> No. 7363 [Edit]

I think you should actually start co-operating in your psychiatry sessions. As in, you really need to.
>> No. 7378 [Edit]
I decided to check out the requirements for the army one day (though I'd never join because it is immoral), turns out you need 5 references that aren't family, so I guess I wasn't wanted. Though I imagine it is somewhat illegal for them to discriminate based on your social life, but whatever.
>> No. 7381 [Edit]

Army's probably a bad idea anyway. Unless you're hugely physical fit and ready to live by someone else's rules in a hugely social environment based around masculinity.
>> No. 7411 [Edit]
Theres always that one guy that goes crazy and offs himself during the training. He'll probably be that guy.
>> No. 7479 [Edit]
Needless to say, but you're a huge lazy cunt, life isn't so harsh, and when you train to fight against all its difficulties, you'll even find it easy to bear (and maybe enjoy some of it).

Army isn't a bad idea actually, if you want a huge amount of order back in your life quickly (and you'll have no choice but to force yourself there).
>> No. 7488 [Edit]
This is an interesting debate going on here. I'm not NEET but I do not for ONE SECOND begrudge them the lifestyle. Obviously, if everyone adopted their attitude we'd be fucked because no one would be doing shit but there will always be the majority of people who can't deal with living so close to the poverty level.

Man, right now I pay my taxes because I am able to go out there and run in this shitty rat race of a world. Bu some day I'm going to wake up and not have the strength to bother... and when that happens...

>> No. 7489 [Edit]

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