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File 131163766072.jpg - (497.93KB , 1500x1149 , 1247463680197.jpg )
6230 No. 6230 [Edit]
Well I'm going to be living on my own in a few months since I can sense the hostility towards my NEETdom growing. I've been looking up where I'd like to move and it's been fairly interesting.

I'm interested in how much longer my fellow NEETS or anyone similar thinks they can keep up their ways. Do you guys have any sort of plan for living on your own one day? Can you imagine making it on your own? Or have you already done so?

As for myself, I've been considering exactly what exactly I'd want out of life on my own. Things like cable aren't a necessity to me, so I can save some money there. I'd like fast internet and healthy food, but having to pay rent will be something I need to take into consideration.

I've also been thinking of where in particular I'd like to live. And schooling for that matter. I'll have to figure out something soon.
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>> No. 6231 [Edit]
Sometimes I feel like the only thing that is going to make me move out is if my parents die, and even if that happened it's more likely I would just kill myself.
>> No. 6232 [Edit]
I think I can keep it up for some more years, actually. My brother does nothing as well as he has kept his ways for about two years, his first year being the last year in college, and NEETish ever since. I actually give my time to try something, so I guess I'll be able to hold more than he can.
>> No. 6233 [Edit]

I'll just leave this here.
>> No. 6240 [Edit]
I currently pay rent to my household, nothing to major. I can get by with my 10/h work.

I just don't get paid enough right now to move onwords.. IN a year or two I'll be 15-20/hour so then I'll ahve more options. But right now I rarely see people at it is. Plus half the house is getting its own place within a few months. So I won't even have to deal with anyone.

I can't do the NEET thing, I'm not able to get gov't funding.
>> No. 6247 [Edit]
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So it's the OP here.

I've been considering what to do. I currently live in the terrible city of Fresno, and I don't want to be here any longer. I'd like to head North from Southern California and try to find some place to carve out a living up there.

My brother lives in Berkley and attends the UC there, so I'd probably head up there as some kind of bum and see what of jobs and places I could find. Thinking about it, since there are a lot of college kids there the competition might be more than I can handle.

So I've been considering smaller towns and have been studying the map of California lately. Lots of different places I wasn't aware of. I've been thinking about what I'd want, and I'd definitely want a community college near where I live. So I may base the small city I try to move to on that.

I just don't know what I'd do after that, maybe become some kind of college drone at a university just eking out a living while studying. Or I could try going overseas and living outside the US in an exchange program or whatever, but I'm not sure how competitive they are.

Taking it easy and living the NEET life won't last for much longer, so I have to consider the distant future as well. As for what I want out of life I can't say. Just somewhere quiet to read all day and have a decent job and internet speeds. Some good food won't hurt. That's about all I need.

I would say for you all to also consider some kind of emergency plan. Try to save up some money, maybe find a relative who would take you in. Consider places you'd like to live and what you want out of life. You never know when things will go horribly wrong.
>> No. 6250 [Edit]
Wait, maybe all of the non-hikki people on this board could travel to the same country probably an english speaking one) and live in the same house there. It would likely be cheap!

EDIT: Nevermind I'm retarded. Didn't click the link until now.

Post edited on 26th Jul 2011, 10:09am
>> No. 6252 [Edit]
If I can manage to get settled down I might be able to house one other person with me. Things like mansions are kind of unrealistic. Perhaps buying farmland somewhere in the country and living off the land is a more realistic, but expensive, idea that should be considered as well.
>> No. 6263 [Edit]
How exactly does one get government funding? I have no shame in utilizing such money to get started in life.
>> No. 6264 [Edit]

I'm not even sure, I just figured that since I've worked most of my life I wouldn't be able to start leeching. "Oh you worked forever, you can keep doing it" kind of thing
>> No. 6274 [Edit]
That's something I'd have to look into and report back.
>> No. 6277 [Edit]
Probably not going to happen, but I'll just say my piece...

As someone who collects regular government checks and is in need of a new place to live, I would be interested in sharing a place with a fellow Brohno.

The whole TChouse thing seems both too crowded, and frankly unrealistic. But if one of you has a constant and reliable income and lives in the northeastern part of the states (or wouldn't have a problem living in them, but such a move would probably cost too much to even consider), and would be okay with sharing the place with another person go ahead and respond. Maybe we can work something out.

Lastly, as someone with allergies and asthma smoking and pets would be an impossible thing, just to put that out there.
>> No. 6390 [Edit]
I wouldn't mind living with someone from TChan.... it just depends on the person really.
>> No. 6416 [Edit]
I'm also brushing up on my survival knowledge, building shelters, cooking, etc., because my future is the street sage or forest hermit.

Turns out you can eat perfectly healthily for like 300$ a year, dried oats, beans, other dried stuff, etc. Hopefully you can put up with the bland and repetitive diet though. Use space blankets as a solar cooker. Be careful though, beans are poisonous so cook them right (which I dunno how to).
>> No. 6417 [Edit]
>beans are poisonous so cook them right (which I dunno how to).

Find a mexican person to teach you how to cook them properly. Beware their advice when they inevitably tell you to put a shitload of lard into the pot when cooking though.
>> No. 6420 [Edit]
Aren't beans a hell of basic dish. Like rice or soup. I didn't know they were poisonous at all.

I was going to make a thread about food before I saw this one, so I'll just ask here. I need to save money for the next year or so, and I want to know what kinds of food I can make on my own that are fairly cheap but won't make me feel like a homeless guy or give me a vitamin deficiency. I already get fruit from the market, and that tends to be cheap, and I can make salad and rice and such things, but meat and poultry are a little beyond me right now.
>> No. 6421 [Edit]
It's not very difficult to cook them right. You just need to boil them for awhile and you're fine.
>> No. 6422 [Edit]
I've subsisted off of nothing but cereal bars and tortino's pizza rolls for almost two years now. I feel like a sort of pseudo Plinkett.

You could definitely do worse, when I was homeless it was nothing but oatmeal (unflavored) and pancake batter (cooked). Man, did I make that $60 stretch...

Rice and bread are good too, I've toyed with the idea of starting a sour dough culture before, but sadly don't think it go over well with the folks.

Malnutrition? Walmart. $4 Multivitamins. Though with my improved diet I could probably go without, but I don't want to risk that nightmare again.
>> No. 6423 [Edit]
Your best bet is to go to the store and see which vegetables are cheapest; it varies by region and by season. In my region, plain green cabbage is usually very cheap compared to other vegetables.

Oats (not instant oatmeal) can be cheap depending on where you go, you might have to try a co-op or bulk/natural food store. They're pretty much the healthiest starch you can eat. (Supposedly, white wheat and white rice are the worst.)

Legumes (beans, split peas, lentils, etc.) all tend to be pretty cheap, or at least they're cheap for me when I buy them from the Mexican food aisle. They're good for fiber and vegetarian protein. I've never been poisoned by them, as far as I know you just have to make sure you cook (or soak) them in water for a long enough time so that they absorb enough water to be edible.

You'll also need to make sure you get something that has vitamin B12 in it -- this is normally not a problem, but it's not really found in the types of food I listed. You can get it from meat, dairy, and anything that's fortified with it (like a lot of breakfast cereals and probably some soy products). You don't need tons of it, I think you would get enough from eating an egg a day.
>> No. 7225 [Edit]
Well instead of living on my own I now live with my grandmother... who seems to think the television is talking to her. Taking care of her is rather stressful for me, but oddly rewarding as well. I've been trying to live frugally and find work so I can find afford some nicer things in life. Anyway, I wonder how well my fellow Tohnochanners know how to live frugally. I think if you NEETs out there read up on some guides, took control of your family budget, and saved your parents some money they might be more interested in taking it easy on you.
>> No. 7246 [Edit]
How did you become homeless, if you don't mind me asking?
>> No. 7247 [Edit]
In the face of danger and strife, I took it easy.
This of course, resulted in a situation where bills where no longer being paid and no back up plan was formulated.

Ended up out on my luck, taking it as easy I as I could, when I could.

Now that I'm back to my proper hikki life, I can look back on the whole thing and say I learned an important lesson. That being, when life is a acting like a dick just ignore it until it goes away.

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