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File 129075246730.jpg - (12.38KB , 603x427 , n509784753_115406_3979.jpg )
595 No. 595 [Edit]
I can make friends, but I can't keep them. I can talk to people, but I have little to talk about. I sit on my computer, I play my two instruments and I do drugs. I don't talk to my family.. I find myself detesting to talk to them whenever they call, yet I know they care about me and only want what's best. I've made friends at university, but I can't connect with people. I don't know how to get to know someone. Even when I'm not self loathing I find myself at a loss for words because I don't really have anything to say. Some people say I'm a great person, and I think I do a lot of things right. But I can't do this. I'm not even sure I want friends... I just want people to have fun with. Something is wrong with me. My motivation comes and goes. Some of the time everything seems alright.. I feel like I can do this whole university thing. Other times I want to go for a trade job, move somewhere far away, do the the whole drugs/hookers thing and off myself. All of the time, however, I just waste. I don't improve myself. I don't read or anything either. I barely do school work and I don't socialize (enough). I just sit in my room, because it's safe, consistent and easy. I had been alone for so long growing up, thoughts of suicide, self loathing. I am ashamed of the way I have acted. Eventually I came to convince myself that nothing mattered, and that if I was going to kill myself anyway then why should I worry? I have only hated myself, almost never other people. Everybody who I hang around at university says that they all really like me. I honestly don't know if I care about or am interested in other people (I don't think I do). I would say I am a nice and considerate person, but I'm also a prick. The problem is me. I've let a stunning amount of potential friendships die.

Picture isn't really related. Though it's a caricature I drew of myself when I was 15.
>> No. 599 [Edit]
Well, what can I say?... You're very much like me. But I play fairly just guitar (altough a draw a bit more); and I stopped doing drugs years ago, when my mom (re)found about it, attempted to commit suicide and spent some time in the looney-house; that was also the event that made me start worrying about her and eventually love her, changing for the best my relationship with my family (whereas fucking up any other). But in the biggest picture, I quite share your condition of stuck at a pointless nihilistic way of (pseudo)living; so if you ever figure out some not-normal way out of it, let me know.
>> No. 600 [Edit]
For some reason every friend I've made I've wanted to lose. This is especially true online, where I will sever all ties as soon as I get bored. Not hard to do, since I just have to stop posting on that forum/stop playing that game.

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