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545 No. 545 [Edit]
So we're all obviously unsuccessful in romantic relationships. But what about platonic?

Do you currently have anyone you called a friend?
Have you ever?

Me, I'm currently as ronery as it gets. No friends, I haven't spoken to anyone outside of my family for anything other than necessary ("what's your order?" "do you want cash back?") reasons in years now.

I have had a few though. In elementary, I remember some, but not their names. I was never anyone's "best friend", but I wasn't so totally broken at that point. Then none in middle school until nearly the end of 8th grade when I somehow became friends with someone. He was nerdy and slightly awkward too, but still way more outgoing and fun than me.

I was friends with him through junior year of high school. We sort of grew apart, he started talking to others more, I don't blame him. I still think about him all the time, hell, the amount of time I spend remembering those days and creating fantasies where we're still friends has made me question my sexuality a few times. But I doubt he even remembers me.
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>> No. 546 [Edit]
currently no.
ever? shitty manipulative annoying ones yes.
>> No. 547 [Edit]
After highschool finished everyone I hung out with sort of split apart, or apart from me that is. Those in particular I have only contacted one once this year, saw them a few times last year but it wasn't that enjoyable. They never txt me and asked if I wanted to hang out with them.

There are two other people who I have known since age 8/9. I'm 21 now.

One is a stoner who lives reasonably close. I sometimes visit him, but we don't have too much in common these days.

The other has been going away to Uni for the last few years, when he comes back he comes to see me. He knows I'm a shut-in but we still get along ok. We're pretty different now, hell if I met him new I probably wouldn't even take notice of him. I end up doing some really normalfag shit with him, but it's enjoyable, reminds me of better days.
I still couldn't talk to him about any really personal stuff though.

So most weeks all I can talk to are my parents and little sister.
>> No. 550 [Edit]
>Do you currently have anyone you called a friend?
no: i see nobody apart from my family, almost all the time (and the little rest of it, i run from any possible -read: dangerous, ridiculous- intimacy and scare people away).

>Have you ever?
had acceptably good friends? i guess yes: i had 3, wich with i shared from high to college. one i ended up disagreeing so strongly with, that eventually found his company almoust unbearable; the second was quite neutral/nice, but i quickly deserted him anyway (when i was starting to retreat form everyone); the third... i just stoped seeing him when isolating myself altogether, but... i actually miss him [*cried a bit, now... done*]; and it's weird, because he was the one who got almoust all of the 3DPDs i ever really wanted: they just kept (rejecting me and) falling for him; so i should've felt envy or grudge towards him... but i didn't (i don't); i really, really liked him; and he was always nice -yet honest- to me... [*...*]

anyway: who cares? people come, people go, always pointlessly. everything just come a go, in 3D... there are a few things i still want to (live to) see, but sometimes i so wish i was fucking done already. it'll come sooner than i think, i bet.
>> No. 551 [Edit]
I have people that I've known for years, that have for some reason, not left even after me isolating myself.

I don't know if I would consider them friends at this point, but they do try and talk from time to time, not even about anything in particular. Although I've not seen all but one of them in person in years.
>> No. 552 [Edit]
Nem from Tohno-chan IRC
>> No. 555 [Edit]
I don't know if I can ever separate love and sexual desire.
>> No. 558 [Edit]
>Do you currently have anyone you called a friend?

>> No. 560 [Edit]
I have one "friend" from my school days. I really don't like him anymore (for reasons I won't get into), and haven't seen him face to face in over a year. We communicate/hang out solely on PS3, and we barely even do that anymore since I got my own computer (which he doesn't know about, because I don't want him bothering me on here too)
>> No. 570 [Edit]
I've made very, very few friends after elementary school, and the ones I continued to hang out with as I grew older were mostly people I met there. I alienated my best friend when I was 13-14 by being a retarded, obstinate kid for no good reason and haven't seen him since. Another friend from elementary school filled the void but we drifted apart around 17 due to different schools and him moving away. High school was a pain in the ass because although I was perfectly sociable and got along with people during classes, this always evaporated afterwards and I never really had the motivation to try and take it further. The last real friend I had was somebody I met in 5th grade. He went from being an awkward disliked loser to a popular loser (getting expelled from multiple high schools due to repeated fighting, getting fired from the job we both work at for smoking pot on his shift, cheating on his girlfriend and actually having the audacity to talk to me about it). Overall a pretty fucking big faggot but not like I had much choice in the people I could hang out with it. I was always pretty civil with him but I guess he caught on that I don't actually enjoy talking about sex/weed/whatever because he hasn't called me in ages. I've been basically a loner the past year and a half and I see it continuing for the foreseeable future.
>> No. 572 [Edit]
A decent amount of friends. Fine people, but they were "normal" in the sense that they were the typical people you imagine that mess around with each other a lot and do sports etc. I still keep up with them a little if they show up, but I've been trying to cut off contacts with them for a while.
>> No. 574 [Edit]
I have one friend. He goes around acting like a normalfag, but he spends all his nights alone marathoning animes, reading manga, and fapping to doujins. He only acts normal because it's easier than being considered a loser. There's no one else I can call a friend.
>> No. 575 [Edit]
I've got one guy who's the only true friend I have left. I respect him and love him as a bro. We hang out whenever we can. He's not into animu though, besides being familiar with Trigun and a couple other old ones.

I used to have a circle of friends back in high school, but they stabbed me in the back and turned into assholes. I now find it difficult to gain people's trust. I don't really mind being almost friendless, though.
>> No. 577 [Edit]
tohno is my only frend
>> No. 580 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure the people I still talk to hate me, they just don't have it in them to tell me so. Never had a friend who actually cared
>> No. 684 [Edit]
I haven't had any friends or acquaintances for quite a while and unfortunately I don't see that changing any time soon. I only hope I can find a friend who is as socially inept as I am.
>> No. 690 [Edit]
I was always an embarrassingly autistic type, so even though I had friends back in my school days I think they just kept me around out of curiosity (this ended well before high school, where I was more or less friendless.) Now I know a couple of people outside my family, and I vaguely keep in contact with them, but it's not like I go out or anything. Every day I spend alone, outside of my obligations to family.

Still, it's better being alone than being an embarrassing neurotic unsocial wreck that people walk all over and use and look down on.
>> No. 691 [Edit]
>I only hope I can find a friend who is as socially inept as I am.

I think its better to try and hang out with very social people because they can kind of pick up the slack.
>> No. 692 [Edit]
File 129124842521.jpg - (98.73KB , 507x720 , blush.jpg )
>I only hope I can find a friend who is as socially inept as I am.

I-I can be your friend
>> No. 695 [Edit]
I'd take you up on that offer.
>> No. 706 [Edit]
That never worked out for me. I always got shoved into the background, and I know for a fact I was considered weird and quiet, or worse, timid. That hurt my pride a whole lot to the point that when I realized what was happening I stopped responding to people altogether. They can all jump off a bridge. Fuck them.
>> No. 707 [Edit]
*to those people. I don't want to extend my hostility to people who don't deserve it.
>> No. 722 [Edit]

Reminds me of a conversation I heard (or maybe even read) not so long ago. Someone (who was as socially inept as some of us are) complained about not being able to form long lasting friendships and having a hard time to talk to other people in general. He said/wrote that he would prefer to simply just ask people whether they'd like to be his friends. Then some normalfag pointed out that he'd look like an idiot if he said something like that.

Personally, I would prefer to have it that way. If you just get to know somebody because you're metting with him/her at school/work I can never determine when one stops being 'that guy who works with me/goes to the same school' and starts being a 'friend'. (Actually the problem is even more complex as in my mother tongue there's a big difference between acquaintances, colleagues and friends which is hard to explain in English. I always felt that English doesn't distinguish between them clearly (to the point where they can be sometimes used as synonyms).) If someone asked me if I'd like to be his friend I'd know what we're talking about.

So no, I don't have (nor have I ever had) anyone I could call a 'friend'. I have a few people I speak to at school but I don't really like them. I just prefer to do some small talk to appear as 'normal' to them and just let them think that I don't hang out with them because I have my own circle of friends. I find it easy to appear as a normalfag extrovert to other people - you just have to smile a little, tell some crude joke now and then and do stuff like that. I'm 100% positive that if 'one of us' was to meet me at school he'd just think 'normalfags like that make me sick' (which is ok with me, as I wrote in another thread all kinds of relationships with other people are a pain in the ass).

Last week I met with a girl I used to go to high school with. Even though she has some somehwat nerdy interests (she studies bioengineering) she is more or less normal I guess (judging by our standards of course; normalfags would label her as plain nerdy). I agreed to the meeting without thinking much and as soon as I realized what I've done I regretted it deeply. Fortunately, she hasn't been talking about her life that much so it went more or less well (actually, I've been doing most of the talking - that's usually the case when I meet with other people I can't relate to).

If you don't count this girl with whom I met three times this year I haven't (voluntarily) talked with anyone for ~1,5 year. Oh, there's my mother-in-law to be (back in the day we joked that she would become my mother-in-law, it's not what it sounds like) but that's a very long story I guess. But yeah, I met with her just yesterday and we had a very pleasant talk.

Other than that I only speak to my familiy and all kinds of psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists etc.

Actually now that I read it it sounds like I have lots of people I could talk to but that's not the case. I mean, I could talk to them but never about subjects that actually interest me so I sort of feel it doesn't 'count'.
>> No. 728 [Edit]
Does talking to psychologists help at all? I would go talk to a professional about my problems, but where I come from "social anxiety" isn't a thing.
>> No. 731 [Edit]

This depends on lots of factors, most importantly you're willingess to cooperate and whether your problem is something that you can actually 'cure'. I think that finidng a good psychologist isn't that easy either. In any case you can expect someone who has way more problems than you do. From personal experience I can tell you that while both are eccentric to say the least psychologists are generally weird in a way that makes them somewhat symphatetic while psychiatrists appear to be batshit insane in a completely wrong way.

In my case it doesn't help at all. At least not in a way I'd expect it to help. But then again my problem is simply my laziness (and some undiagnosed neurological disease, fuck that shit) so it can't be helped (I always wanted to say that). But having someone to talk to about stuff like that is reassuring (at least for me).
>> No. 732 [Edit]
File 12912960106.jpg - (181.04KB , 1280x960 , AMG_Belldandy.jpg )
To me, talk therapy did nothing useful.
Thinking about my problems on my own had no use either.
Never taken drugs.
/pic unrelated/
>> No. 733 [Edit]
I want to see a shrink not because I think they can help me talk about my problems, but because they can give me drugs that make my problems irrelevant. I don't know if I'll ever see one though, because if drugs don't help me then my life will be officially totally hopeless, and I like having at least SOMETHING I can look to as an answer
>> No. 817 [Edit]
Been at least 7 years since I associated with anyone aside from my sister. I have extremely disabling social phobia that has just gone on and on, to the point where my social skills have atrophy. I was diagnosed with assburgers a while ago but I'm pretty anti-psychiatry when it comes to a science, and don't agree with that.
>> No. 819 [Edit]
>assburgers... but I'm pretty anti-psychiatry when it comes to a science, and don't agree with that.

son: I'm proud.
>> No. 821 [Edit]
Psychiatry is mostly bullshit. All mental health "experts" ever seem to want to do is pump everyone full of pills, in my experience.
>> No. 822 [Edit]

Well... that's what psychiatry is about.
That's why we have two different sciences.
If you want a cure using the long, hard and traditional method, you go look for a psychologist. If you want the "easy" filled with secondary effects method, you need a psychiatrist.
>> No. 823 [Edit]
I suppose; I just don't like the idea of a pill being a cure for everything. Psychology concerns me, too; it's interesting but so subjective.
>> No. 824 [Edit]

The problem with psychology, is that most of the private doctors just see you as a way to earn money, and extend your numbers of sessions longer than what's really necessary.
I mean, they don't even help you get over your problems, they just sit there and let you talk, then charge you $300 the hour.

If one were to study psychology and treat himself, I think that's the best way to use this science.
>> No. 826 [Edit]
I agree, but I worry that cognitive distortion gets in the way; one can never be entirely objective about oneself.
>> No. 827 [Edit]

That's why most practicers of psychology never get to their goals.
Both sides have their pros and their cons, but if you don't believe in any, where are you gonna go if you have a mental disease? If the depression reaches a critical level where you wanna kill yourself?

I think psychiatry exist as a mean to give you more time, to stop you from breaking as you try and cure yourself some other way.
>> No. 890 [Edit]
FYI psychologists don't deal with mental disorders as illness, they deal with the psychology of the mind by scrutinizing it. In other words, it's a guy you go to once a week to bitch about life to. Freudian science if you will.

Psychiatry and their practitioners study the mechanical workings of the brain and try to solve it with chemicals. Capitalism on the most anti-human level.

Remember to separate the two and never try to compare them.
>> No. 899 [Edit]
They both sound like a fantastic waste of time. I'm sure there are cases where psychology and psychiatry are needed, but for people with problems that are serious but not dire enough to spend loads of time and money on or to fuck around with mind-altering drugs, do we just have to get by or work it out ourselves? I guess so.
>> No. 936 [Edit]
I wonder how many of you guys who complain about psychologists and psychiatrists have ever visited one at least once. At this point it looks like 'from what I've read/heard' prejudice.
>> No. 1037 [Edit]
As a Psychologist in training and can tell you; in Clinical Psychology we work very closely with doctors. Neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and psychologists are all closely linked. We only differ in the level of "service" we provide.

Psychology isn't some bullshit fairy stuff. A lot of the therapies, interventions, and treatments provided have been supported by a sizeable number of studies... studies made not just by psychologists. It's a science just like medicine.
>> No. 1039 [Edit]
Platonic relationships are for the fucking birds. Every female friend I've ever had has been spoiled by some kind of boring spin on the inevitable attraction that develops between men and women. I was really tight with a lesbian also and that didn't even work.

They also really don't respect that some men would actually rather not be in a relationship. It's an affront to their egos and they ultimately label you a pervert or a homosexual.
>> No. 1040 [Edit]
>They also really don't respect that some men would actually rather not be in a relationship. It's an affront to their egos and they ultimately label you a pervert or a homosexual.

That's fucking retarded. What, do they expect men to chase after women all the fucking time even if they have more worrying issues on their minds?
>> No. 1041 [Edit]
In their defense, most of the time the pervert label is aptly deserved.
>> No. 1042 [Edit]
Pretty much. Not surprising seeing as a lot of guys do the same thing ("what? you don't dedicate your life to getting meaningless sex with whores? what a faggot!")
>> No. 1044 [Edit]

>Platonic relationships are for the fucking birds. Every female friend I've ever had has been spoiled by some kind of boring spin on the inevitable attraction that develops between men and women. I was really tight with a lesbian also and that didn't even work.

I'm sorry but that's just your bad luck. All freind I've ever had were female and there never was any sexual tension between us.

This might be related to my childhood, though. When I was a child I was surrounded by females. I have 11 female cousins (and 1 male cousin who was much older than me so we never spent any time together) and an older sister who used to bring her freinds over all the time. In my neighborhood it looked pretty much the same - no males, females only. I thought it might change after I went to elementary school but it remained the same. Even though I was at an age where pretty much all boys frowned at the very idea of getting along with girls I still spent most of my time with them. I was always the sole male at their birthday parties and about the only one they talked to. When the next change came (as in, when boys and girls started being attracted to each other) it failed to affect me (and my relationships with females) yet again. And so on and so on.

This is why I'm such a pansy I guess.
>> No. 1047 [Edit]
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My only friend is basically Kuroneko with all the less desirable parts magnified. While I'm happy to have a friend, sometimes, man, sometimes I wish I'd never approached her.
>> No. 1056 [Edit]
Does anyone else know people, but you hardly ever get invited to anything? If I want to do something with friends they usually are up for it so I don't think that they are avoiding me or just don't like me, but if I want to do anything I have to initiate it. Since I'm a pretty big introvert and I get tired from interacting with people it means I don't get out much.

I think most of them use Facebook so I'm worried that I might be missing out because I refuse that.
>> No. 1057 [Edit]
dont degrade yourself trying to fit in with facebook users
>> No. 1058 [Edit]
Most of my co-workers know I'm something of a hermit, which is a shame because most of them are responsible, reasonable, non-facebooking adults. But at the same time, I'm also a little bit glad they don't because I don't have the energy for it after work (my work has me deal with 13 year olds all day).
>> No. 1064 [Edit]
In my language there is also clear disctinction between types of relations:
-acquaitance is someone who you know briefly and usually meet only in work or school
-colleague is someone quite close, you hang out with them or party
-friend is something rare, it's someone who you can always trust, confess and who will never leave you or betray you.

Are you talking about second type of friends? I always had few, but now 0, I have no one to hang out with. It's worse than in high school period, because now I attend to (shitty) college, where 90% of students on my year are girls.
I had many experiences. Psychiatrists sometimes can help, but psychologist always do nothing, or worse - in my case they always made my state worse. They are charlatans.
>> No. 1065 [Edit]

Well, I'm the guy who pointed out the differences in languages earlier. I think we might very well be from the same country (seeing as you also use words like 'charlatan' - this might've been the first time I saw someone use it while speaking English) but then again I guess it's pretty common in Western Yurop in general (right, comrade?).

I'm also >>731 and I stand by my point. Psychologists are fine with me but psychiatrists are simply batshit insane and I wouldn't feel comfortable even if I had to just sit next to one on a train. Shrinks have the highests suicide rate of any profession (followed by denists if I recall correctly) and htere's a good reason behind it.

>attend to (shitty) college, where 90% of students on my year are girls.

Wow, is it some kind of Academy of Fine Arts or something?
>> No. 1066 [Edit]
I study polish literature.

I don't care if psychiatrists are weird, because they only give pills, which work quite powerfully.
>> No. 1067 [Edit]

>I don't care if psychiatrists are weird, because they only give pills, which work quite powerfully.

Yeah, I noticed. That's exactly the problem. The first one I went to gave me some pills. They didn't work (rather than that, they had the opposite effect) so what does a psychiatrist do in such a situation? Prescribe the same pills of course, doubling the dosis. She was quite successful - in frying my brain that is (I'm quite serious about it - since then my hypothalamus is fucked up). The second one tried to make a paranoic out of me. Third one - schizophrenia. I actually had to sign some papers as the guy suggested that I should be treated in some kind of psychatric ward and he wanted to dodge the responsibility should I go batshit and murder my whole family.

So no, thanks, I'd rather stay away from them.
>> No. 1068 [Edit]
I've been to psychiatrists and psychologists, both wanted to put me on medication and only made my problems worse. I call bullshit on both of them.
>> No. 1103 [Edit]

It is retarded and I can't really fathom it myself. Trying to understand 3D women is beyond me.


Pervert is a word that normals made up for anyone that doesn't like consensual sex in the missionary position. There are perverts out there, but most of what gets labeled as perverted (i.e. harmless fetishes) is bull.

I'm not a pervert because I have a dakimakura and collect figures. The average female would probably disagree.
>> No. 1106 [Edit]
I agree.

Having a fetish is, psychologically, the same basic sort of thing as liking a particular genre of movie or music. The fetish speaks to you for specific reasons, which vary from individual to individual.
>> No. 1129 [Edit]
it's unfortunate that you guys haven't been around the right people to be friends with. let me say, there's nothing wrong with you guys; you were just never given the right circumstances and environment.

the good news is most of you fellas here would make good friends with each other, and you all have very interesting and engaging hobbies that you're passionate about. ever consider getting a bunch of you guys together and pitching in for a tohno commune?
>> No. 1130 [Edit]

I think we'd make good friends with each other, too... but we're scattered across the 4 corners. It's why I treasure t-c so much.
>> No. 1132 [Edit]
Many women feel the need to be constantly flattered by any and all male attention, even if they're not interested in the man in question or would never even consider having a relationship with him. This might be why they feel this way about men who don't take any interest in them.
>> No. 1136 [Edit]

Still, it's fucking retarded. It's a lose-lose situation either way.

But I've never had any 3D pigs who actually said that to my face. Closest I got was creep. Anyone can pretend to be interested in 3D, but they'd be lying to themselves. But they'd still call you a creep or something similar. Maybe I guess it's the reason why most 3D pigs and normals are the ones who do actually need psychiatric help (as much as they say the ones who need psychiatric help are people with waifus, it's the pot calling the kettle black).
>> No. 1137 [Edit]

>they'd be lying to themselves

No, they'd be lying to everyone but themselves. I pretend to like 3D just so I don't encounter any problems in the future.

I don't feel the need to scream to the world I'm a 2D lover, like homosexuals in a gay parade.
>> No. 1138 [Edit]
I'm sure most of us do in certain situations, unless you revel in being treated like a freak it's inevitable that you will have to play pretend sometimes, not saying it's difficult.

I mean, it's not like a magic switch goes off in your head where you see all 3D people as blobs a la Saya no Uta. I can still tell who is attractive and who isn't.
>> No. 1139 [Edit]
I don't understand why normalfags even laugh at the idea of fapping to 2D or the concept of 2D love.
>> No. 1140 [Edit]
I used to talk to a couple of people in Highschool but we were not really friends we just used to work togheter in school projects, i haven't talk to someone for more than 1 minute in 3 years, except one day when one guy from my class came to my house and asked me to lend him some money, i decided to help him but he never came back.
>> No. 1168 [Edit]
Am I attractive?
>> No. 1177 [Edit]
I have a friend. He's a perfect knight who stumbled into the future and couldn't find his way out. We met in school, still young, sheltered.

He drinks and we smoke and I wonder how long it will be until we form a suicide pact.
>> No. 1226 [Edit]
I want in.
>> No. 1232 [Edit]
>He's a perfect knight
What do you mean?
Is he a "moralfag" as they would say on 4chan or does he just have old fashioned values or is he religious?
>> No. 1233 [Edit]
Or maybe he could be a 'white knight' and is a good samaritan?
>> No. 1235 [Edit]
I'm sure that can be arranged.

He's an infinitely kind-hearted man who seeks nothing but truth.
>> No. 1236 [Edit]

>I mean, it's not like a magic switch goes off in your head where you see all 3D people as blobs a la Saya no Uta.

I think I do do that.

>I can still tell who is attractive and who isn't.

Same. Kinda. I don't actually find 3D women attractive anymore but I know what the straights find attractive.

I used to have a few friends but one by one they all showed their duplicitous natures. Not to sound all butthurt about it or anything. I mean, it set me back at the time but I'm really much better off the way I am now. I have a brother that I am close to and my parents are really nice. I don't have that rollercoaster feeling in my stomach wondering when I'm gonna get shit on anymore. That stuff takes years off your life.

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