No. 550
>Do you currently have anyone you called a friend?
no: i see nobody apart from my family, almost all the time (and the little rest of it, i run from any possible -read: dangerous, ridiculous- intimacy and scare people away).
>Have you ever?
had acceptably good friends? i guess yes: i had 3, wich with i shared from high to college. one i ended up disagreeing so strongly with, that eventually found his company almoust unbearable; the second was quite neutral/nice, but i quickly deserted him anyway (when i was starting to retreat form everyone); the third... i just stoped seeing him when isolating myself altogether, but... i actually miss him [*cried a bit, now... done*]; and it's weird, because he was the one who got almoust all of the 3DPDs i ever really wanted: they just kept (rejecting me and) falling for him; so i should've felt envy or grudge towards him... but i didn't (i don't); i really, really liked him; and he was always nice -yet honest- to me... [*...*]
anyway: who cares? people come, people go, always pointlessly. everything just come a go, in 3D... there are a few things i still want to (live to) see, but sometimes i so wish i was fucking done already. it'll come sooner than i think, i bet.