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543 No. 543 [Edit]
/so/, do you see yourself continuing your shut-in lifestyle for the foreseeable future? If not, what else might you do? I could keep this up through my twenties and thirties but aging and still being a hikkikomori would be painful. I don't know how long I can keep being isolated. If you can quit being ronery, what else is there?
>> No. 548 [Edit]
Even if I get a job I will still most likely be similar. There are things I want to do, crafts and activities etc. It can't guarantee me any relationships though.

I'm your typical permavirgin. The idea of a relationship just isn't something I can deal with at the moment.

Being alone is ok if you have things to do and are happy.
There's always the internet to talk to.
>> No. 553 [Edit]
>If you can quit being ronery, what else is there?
getting my college degree, i guess; following for a PhD and becoming a noNEET functional ford driver, more or less; a fucking (shit)productive academic/salaryman (quite probably a mediocre/failed one)...

but yeah: being an old hiki-ota seems just as pathetic as being an old rocker; i'd preffer just rather dying, not just now but soon. i'm already overgrown, anyway (for quite fucking everything i could care about)... i'm a 26 yo dude. i'm fucking old (and the same will happen to YOU!!11 trolololol...).
>> No. 556 [Edit]
I can't say for certain. Maybe I'll be a pathetic NEET. Maybe I'll be a man in a suit working for an engineering consultancy firm. Maybe I'll be living in a dome in the woods, drinking fresh spring water from a stream.
>> No. 557 [Edit]
I just quit college before I ever started so there are only bad things on the horizon for me.
>> No. 559 [Edit]
I don't know what I'll do. I can't see myself doing anything
>> No. 562 [Edit]
>living in a dome in the woods
with no netto? i don't believe you.
>> No. 569 [Edit]
I think my social embarassment will become so crippling to the point where I absolutely have to take action within the next ~5 years. So I guess I'll just get a job, put some effort into socializing and all that but honestly it would be nothing more than a mask, I would remain the same person inside.
>> No. 573 [Edit]
OP here, I think I'd probably get a job that was isolated or where I could work around similar people. My dream is to work for a NERV-like organization, but I doubt that will happen. I can see myself becoming a night-shift janitor, though.
>> No. 597 [Edit]
I wanna be a night shift security guard at an office building. Sit at the front desk and do nothing for a few hours (because what security issues would happen, honestly), then come home with money
>> No. 609 [Edit]
One thing I always thought would be a good living was doing Forex-type stuff, but I don't know how much one could make with that.
>> No. 610 [Edit]
>aging and still being a hikkikomori would be painful

You don't have to be a hikki for ever. My plan is to get financial independence then cut all relations with other people and retire to some place alone where I can do the fuck I want. Go outside when I want without having to see depressed/stupid faces. I'll get me a dog and a cat for company. Buy me a quad and build my own track for fun and giggles.

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