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File 129044060774.jpg - (129.32KB , 1280x720 , 1289907390516.jpg )
493 No. 493 [Edit]
Have you ever thought that, despite excelling and being successful in other fields, it's hopeless for you to get a girlfriend?
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>> No. 494 [Edit]
I'm not incredibly good at anything, but I could get a girlfriend if I wanted to. But.. I won't. Too much trouble.
>> No. 495 [Edit]
I wish I could excel in any field but I'm too lazy and there's always going to be someone better so why bother

Also girls are not interesting
>> No. 496 [Edit]
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I am successful in the field of keeping away potential girlfriends. It's mutually beneficial.
>> No. 497 [Edit]
I've never really want a girlfriend. Even if I get a high-paying job and move out of my parents house I still wouldn't want one
>> No. 501 [Edit]
I excelling at nothing, much less am successful within any fields, but my current absence of a "girlfriend" is not derived from a lack of proficient skills, but a lack of interest in such matters.
Until such unlikely time may arise that I discover any interest in the area, I will remain completely and utterly satisfied with my current situation and status.
>> No. 502 [Edit]
Is everyone in denial or am I the only one who couldn't get a girlfriend no matter how hard he tried?
>> No. 503 [Edit]
Everyone should be able to get a girlfriend, even if it takes a very long time. The distinction comes from the amount of effort that needs to be exerted to reach that goal.
>> No. 504 [Edit]
I honestly don't know if I could get a girlfriend (if I cared). Probably not
>> No. 505 [Edit]
When we do a cost-benefit comparison of the effort to get a girlfriend, is it really worth it? For some, it is. Some can get a "hot" girlfriend with minimal to moderate effort. But for me, who must put forth massive effort for mediocre to unpleasant girls? I'll stick to 2d, thanks.
>> No. 507 [Edit]
Disregarding the fact that I have little attraction towards women there would still be little chance for me to end up with a women. I'm boring, shit at everything, have few hobbies that don't make me either look like a pedophile or an old man.

Any women that would even want to be near me would probably have more problems then I do.
>> No. 517 [Edit]
Women are very intimidating. Really. I think I'd take a tomboyish woman as a friend than a feminine woman.
>> No. 523 [Edit]
I wouldn't really know. I've never actually tried to get one.

I suppose if I made an effort to be social and tried to be nice and attentive I could probably make some friends, and meet girls through social circles as is the norm, but I couldn't be bothered to do so. I just don't enjoy dealing with other people's bullshit and actually putting forth the effort to genuinely care about them. And until I actively want to, nothing is likely going to happen at all for me socially.
>> No. 535 [Edit]
>despite excelling and being successful in other fields

I don't excel in any field. I wish I did, though. If only not to wind up a homeless bum.
>> No. 602 [Edit]
No matter how long you try, the girl that is not attractive to you. So no, not anyone can get a girlfriend. Retard.
>> No. 603 [Edit]
No matter how long you try, the girl that is not attracted to you won't become your girlfriend. So no, not anyone can get a girlfriend. Retard.
>> No. 605 [Edit]
I can't imagine why any girl would ever willingly be in a relationship with me.

I have no real positive attributes. At least, none that the average guy wouldn't have. I'm nice, I guess. But I'm also neurotic and cowardly and unmotivated and certainly not masculine. I'll never be rich or successful.

I don't even attempt to get a girlfriend, there's no point. I could never make a girl happy.
>> No. 606 [Edit]
>I'll never be rich or successful.
>I could never make a girl happy.

Bingo! The majority of women these days think they're entitled to receive and never give anything in return. This is why a man who can't provide enough for them is not even worth considering. A woman's interest in you or any other male would be purely material.

There isn't really a reason to pursue that which gives you little to no benefit.

tl;dr: 3D only loves your money.
>> No. 608 [Edit]
>tl;dr: 3D only loves your money or your alpha cock; otherwise is just a child.

corrected it for you.
>> No. 611 [Edit]
Now that I think about it, a professor of mine said that you can only get married if you 'trick' a woman to think that you're financially stable.

Getting a family going is a pain in the ass. If I calculate the expenses of starting a family and maintaining it for 20 years, I would've traveled the world and got everything that I want.
>> No. 616 [Edit]
Have you thought about it from the perspective of the woman? Okay, so a woman marries a man who can't provide for himself. The child is doomed. She went through nine months of labour to give birth to a child who they can't even support? I can only see a divorce at the end of the road. And then who's going to be stuck with the baby then?
>> No. 617 [Edit]
...and what, the woman can't get a job?

It's really sad how much of a joke mirage has become.

"I, (Bride/Groom), take you (Groom/Bride), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

It used to be that acutely meant something..

mirage isn't a part time job you just quit at the first sings of inconvenience.
It's supposed to be a life long bond between two people who love each other, not a means to a gain.
What the hell is wrong with you?
What the fuck is wrong with anyone that gets married but doesn't see it through to the end?
A divorce is an extreme last resort only to be used in extreme cases when you're partner becomes an alcoholic wife beater or a cheating drug addict prostitute, even then the pair should try to work things out, people should always try to work things out, and I mean really try, not give up after one or two trys and say "fuck it, I tried!"
The woman in the marriage not wanting to help in a financial crisis is NOT a valid reason for divorce, I don't give a shit what the courts say, they're the ones helping make marriage a joke by allowing women to get marred to men for the single purpose of leaving them and taking what they have.

You shouldn't get married unless you really truly love and care for the other person and are willing to do whatever it takes to stay together with that person, it's not something you do just for the hell of it.
>> No. 618 [Edit]
If she gets a job, then who's going to take care of the child?

Furthermore, can you not make personal attacks on me? I'm not trying to offend you.
>> No. 619 [Edit]
Day care or the husband.

and I'm sorry but you did with that bullcrap.
Marriage is an equal partnership, like I said, the man losing his job alone is a stupid and shitty reason to leave him.
again, she can work, also, who's to say he might not get another job?
People who think divorce is the only option at the first signs of trouble regardless of how minor, need to be stabbed to death.
>> No. 620 [Edit]
people worry too much about money
money being important in a relationship with the opposite sex is pretty neanderthal, it's sad how many lonely guys try to get rich to impress women, or how many women get impressed by the financial standing of a man
>> No. 621 [Edit]
I agree with a lot of your points, but could you relax a little? Take it easy and be civil, please.
>> No. 622 [Edit]
Day care is incredibly expensive. It nearly negates the money earned from working. The only other feasible way to take care of the child is to get the husband to take care, get relatives to take care or stay at home and live on government support.
>> No. 624 [Edit]
Okay, so that's one girl. If you can't get with her, big deal, there are plenty of others. I don't know why you're calling me a retard because what you're saying is completely irrelevant to my previous statement.
>> No. 627 [Edit]
Maybe this anon is the type of person that has a little self respect and wont just take whatever he can get.

Sure, nearly anyone can get a girlfriend, but whats the point if it's not the girlfriend?
Whats the point if it's not someone you care about, and is just some random girl?

Maybe when you find someone you can truly say you love, you'll understand how ludicrous the idea of giving up and finding someone else can be.
>> No. 628 [Edit]
You know, this might sound crazy to you, but parents have been able to manage without daycare for thousands of years, long before the concept of paid daycare had ever been thought of.
>> No. 629 [Edit]
Yes, but we don't live in the 1950s anymore. Divorce is pretty common. Its difficult for only one parent to raise a child.
>> No. 630 [Edit]
Then don't get divorce!
>> No. 632 [Edit]
I didn't say anything about being able to get some previously unobtainable girl just by putting in enough effort.
>> No. 633 [Edit]
That guy said nothing about the wife being a lazy bitch and a whore. He was talking about a woman whose husband will not do his part. Is it reasonable to expect the wife to essentially be a single mother with a child and her manchild husband at home? He said 'woman marries a man who can't provide for himself', not 'woman marries a man who won't take care of everything by himself'. To me it sounds like some loser who won't do anything to help the family. It's not okay to expect the woman to provide for the family by herself.
>> No. 634 [Edit]
>He was talking about a woman whose husband will not do his part.
No he wasn't, all he said was
>Okay, so a woman marries a man who can't provide for himself.
There are dozens of reasons a man might not be able to provide for himself.
>> No. 635 [Edit]
>It's not okay to expect the woman to provide for the family by herself.

Why not?
Men have been expected to do exactly that since the dawn of man, and now women are supposed to be liberated and on equal grounds as men or some crap.
As such, it's only fair that just like men have been expected to take care of lazy women that can't or wont provide for themselves, that women do the same from time to time, now that they expect men and women to be equals.

Yet again it comes down to women being self centered idiots that have no idea what equality is.
True equality as long as women continue to be selfish just like this and only want he good that comes out of men's rights, but non of the bad, non of the responsibilities.
>> No. 636 [Edit]
Women don't earn as much money as men. Men can't produce breastmilk either (although there are ways around the milk problem). As far as efficiency is concerned, if theres one parent that has to stay at home to look after the children, it should be the mother. To go further on this, just because the mother doesn't earn a numeric salary doesn't mean its not meaningful work. It doesn't mean she's lazy either- although women who neglect to take care of the chores do exist, as do men who don't do their day job properly. Its wrong for a wife to need to compensate for a lazy husband for the same reasons why its wrong for a husband to compensate for a lazy wife. As for your last comment, I would say it is you who is the 'self centered idiot', seeing as you are quite clearly a misogynist who cannot ground his worldview with sound reasoning.
>> No. 640 [Edit]
>if there's one parent that has to stay at home to look after the children, it should be the mother.


The reason they earn less is because standing behind a cash register doesn't really pay the same as doing some, you know, useful.
>> No. 641 [Edit]
This is true, but times are a changing now!
Now women are starting to get the same pay as men in more and more fields every day, and the best part is, they only have to do half the work as men to get the same pay!
We're really making progress in equality!
>> No. 642 [Edit]
sound reasoning? ...and useing "Men can't produce breastmilk" as a reason why men shouldn't care for children?
>> No. 648 [Edit]
He is saying that you sound like a madman.
>> No. 652 [Edit]
How about this? Women married to stay-at-home husbands ("househusbands" let's call them) become less attracted to their husbands and are more likely to initiate an affair or a divorce. I know I read a study somewhere about that, but it just makes sense, doesn't it?

We might think we've evolved past things like gender roles and religion and war, but we're essentially the same useless shitcakes we've always been, minus some body hair and plus some "more civilized" social norms that lots of Westerners like to think are universal but are not.
>> No. 655 [Edit]
so basically then, men shouldn't take care of children because women are disgusting bitches and whores that will leave them for it?
Real nice.
>> No. 660 [Edit]
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>men shouldn't take care of children

B-but Koiwai... ;_;
>> No. 666 [Edit]
Their work not being useful (which is debatable) doesn't change the fact that they earn less. In many fields, even if they do the same job and work as hard as a male doing the same they earn less.
>> No. 669 [Edit]
File 129116721046.jpg - (48.59KB , 450x338 , blue hair bitch chillin out.jpg )
half the population, one percent of wealth
>> No. 671 [Edit]
It doesn't change the fact, it defines it.
The more you work, the harder you work, the more you get paid.
>> No. 673 [Edit]
>The more you work, the harder you work, the more you get paid, unless you suffer from a prejudice that is deeply rooted in your culture for thousands of years.
Fixed that for you.
>> No. 677 [Edit]
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>> No. 778 [Edit]
My personality scares away too many women to have an opinion.
>> No. 784 [Edit]
The question is:

Do you WANT to get a girlfriend?
I sincerely not.
>> No. 820 [Edit]
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Well, I'm quite good at languages and history.
But that does not bring me any girls.

I feel that whatever I do, I am either hated or regarded as an outsider. Perhaps it's jealousy, perhaps it's just my personality.
I don't even look like shit, in fact I take care of myself (because I can't live with the thought of leaving my home without being in top condition) and my face isn't ugly either. I guess my biggest physical issue is that I lack muscle.

I know what my problem is, that I am not the alpha of alphas. I've conquered my shyness for the most part, and every now and then I even ask a girl out. However all attempts to far have failed. These bitches won't even tell me what's wrong with me.

I am appalled by the lack of honesty in this society, and the inflated standards these people have. I am normal (physically and looks wise, but I guess it's a different case when it comes to interests as I'm posting on an imageboard right now) so it is only natural to expect to get a normal girl. But I get nothing.
>> No. 830 [Edit]
What the fuck, are you me?

For the longest time I tried being a part of society, being normal, but it never worked out. I have this sense that I'm broken somehow, only I have no idea how exactly. At this point I've been burned so many times that I just don't try anymore.
>> No. 831 [Edit]
I'll add me to this list. Cept for asking a girl out part.
>> No. 835 [Edit]
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I spent a year working on myself like crazy. Worked out every single day for 4 hours. Then I worked on my self confidence, got really cocky. And I decided to put up with the shit of other people, pretending like I care. So there I was, an alpha male. I went out partying a lot, got even in a few fights, once I actually rescued a girl from a guy molesting her, I hit on like a hundred girls.. And still no 3DPD.

So, don't waste your time like I did. It's futile. There's just a few people who can't get a 3DPD no matter how hard they try, and we're one of those, get over it. In my case I think I got bad genetics because my father is an unemployed alcoholic and my mother is a prostitute. Somehow girls can sense my bad genes so they avoid me at all costs. Maybe even though I don't find myself ugly, my face might be repelling to women. Hm.

Anyway, take it easy Brohnos. I'm gonna play some VNs now.
>> No. 836 [Edit]
What kind of girls have you tried to ask out?
>> No. 837 [Edit]
>I hit on like a hundred girls

There's your problem, do you think girls can't tell when they're being hit on by slimy players? You're not even seeing treating them as human beings.
>> No. 839 [Edit]
With the way a lot of 3D girls act these days it's almost like they don't want to be treated like human beings.
>> No. 840 [Edit]
Well then don't expect to be treated as one either if you choose to approach such individuals. You won't be seen as the person you are, they'll measure you against shallow alpha male standards.
>> No. 841 [Edit]
That's why I don't bother with 3D women. Well that and the whole lack of attraction thing
>> No. 842 [Edit]
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What you guys need is... a complete change of scenery. Fuck western society. Travel somewhere else where people don't have a stick up their arses and still know what being humble is.

Just saying, I'm too afraid myself to take the first step but at least I know what I have to do.
>> No. 843 [Edit]
I'm not him, but I did treat those girls I ever really cared about as (much beloved) human beings. But that still made no difference, you see? because I learned it isn't just about what you fucking do or not; for no matter how ubernice, fun or benefic you are to her, no 3DPD will become your gerufurendo if she isn't really attracted/in love with you yourself, just the way you are (or rather apear into her eyes). Well, probably some desperate ones would, but what's the good of it? I, personally, wouldn't compromise either with a 3DPD I don't like just because she's nice to me, neither I'd like to be accepted just out of pitty or loneliness, without genuine pasion. So I can't really blame the girls who rejected me, even thought it sucked so much; I just did the fairest I could: moving apart from them; stop seeing them altogether, since I was just getting pointlessly hurt again and again...

TL;DR 3D relationshits tend to fail/suck. The essence (the answer) is in 2D.
>> No. 844 [Edit]
File 129185620984.png - (40.30KB , 163x169 , asuka sees shinjis cock.png )
yeah go to a society that is racist and ostracizes people who dont conform
>> No. 845 [Edit]
Can we not turn this into /r9k/ please.
>> No. 846 [Edit]
You mean your society? Probably.

I'm tired of discussing 3DPD, so I'm out of here.
>> No. 847 [Edit]
It does that, but Americans would get treated better by many Japanese, and collectivist societies seem to care about people more as a general rule.
>> No. 848 [Edit]
Sure is delusions in here.
>> No. 849 [Edit]
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nothing against his proper comment, tought.
>> No. 850 [Edit]
Theres probably a good reason why Japan is the hikikomori capital of the world, I'm just saiyan. And from what I've heard being a foreigner there would NOT make it easier.
>> No. 853 [Edit]
File 129188642451.png - (322.97KB , 385x784 , SuperSaiyan.png )
>I'm just saiyan
>> No. 857 [Edit]
What have you heard about foreignness in Japan? I've heard good and bad. Also, Japan's the hikkikomori capital of the world because of its' enormous social pressures combined with its' lack of mental health professionals and a skeptical attitude towards psychology. The advanced technology of Japan probably plays a part too; why leave the house when you can get everything you need without going out?
>> No. 858 [Edit]
I don't know. Or, I do actually. Yes I do want one but only if she fits my standards which aren't that demanding anyway.
Otherwise I'd rather be alone than with some random girl.
My standards are simple. Though there are many things I'd prefer the only thing I really want is a girl that's cute good and honest and would be willing to love me as much as I'd love her, a girl that truly loves not another girl that only wants to date any guy like the ones I know.
>> No. 862 [Edit]
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>my standards

What about her standards then? That's all the difficulty in this world. You want something in her but she may as well want something in you, that you don't have.

Who said anything about going to Japan. There's lot of nice places in this world. Japan's obnoxious, crowded, unfriendly. Japan lacks love. Japanese people don't know how to express love, that's their problem. They always have their AT-Fields on at maximum power.
>> No. 879 [Edit]
I heard a lot of women over there love foreign guys so it might be easier to fuck a girl. maybe. but of course you'd require the 'successful' part that the OP mentioned because I'm guessing they wont let you move to Japan to become a hiki, even if you could afford it which you cant.
>> No. 926 [Edit]
Does sage actually works in here? I mean: I was never in the saging fashion so I don't know.
>> No. 927 [Edit]
Yes, sage works here. The function of sage is to respond to a thread without bumping it, in case you were wondering/didn't know.
>> No. 1082 [Edit]
Fuck relationships. If I wanted to pour my time and money into some materialistic 3DPD whore for an infinitesimally slim chance of "getting laid", because that's what society tells me I want, I would just hire some cheap prostitute.
>> No. 1084 [Edit]
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I have nothing that women would want. I don't want a 3DPD anyway. They're parasitic and pervert what should be just an even deeper friendship.
>> No. 1085 [Edit]
I'm going to be completely honest. I wouldn't mind having a real 3DPD. But I believe my time and effort should be devoted to more important things, those greater than fulfilling base desires. And because I have mental instabilities which may be genetically passed down, and a serious long term relationship inevitably becomes a question of marriage and family, I don't have an intention to pursue that line of interest. If it does happen, its going to be because the woman pushed the deal because I'll be the passive one in the relationship. And in that case, in order for me to accept she must know that marriage and family, or even my presence is not guaranteed because of my reservations and my line of work (future mining engineer, which is a Fly-In Fly-Out job where I alternate weeks of working in the desert and resting in my home city).
>> No. 1086 [Edit]
And no, I won't get into relationships on the basis of 'find, fuck and forget', see clause: not wasting time and effort on base desires
>> No. 1088 [Edit]
Yes, I feel that way.

Wait, I'm unsuccessful, too.

>> No. 1090 [Edit]
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No interest. I'm far too greedy and selfish.

But if one really wanted a female but is too nervous to approach them... I don't know, move to a country where the man isn't always expected to go after the women. I've seen lots of foreign exchange students on campus approach men, even the anti social ones, instead of the other way around.

Even happened to me
>> No. 1097 [Edit]
After a bit more consideration, I've found the truth behind the truth. No, its not that I don't want to get involved because Ive been tasked with a higher mission. Its that I want a real 3DPD who will conveniently fulfill all my desires, from being beautiful to staying loyal even though we won't have children and I won't even be around half the time. And because this is so obviously rare and difficult to get, I don't even bother and stick to 2D instead. And its a coincidence that 2D has the benefit of costing less resources.
>> No. 1102 [Edit]
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I value my free time and emotional independence far too much to have a 3DPD. And besides, I would never want someone so crass as to want someone like me.

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