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File 129038405645.jpg - (29.18KB , 704x396 , 5.jpg )
471 No. 471 [Edit]
Do you guys ever get that feeling your parents secretly hate you?
hate having you around?
hate having you wast their money, food and space and just want you gone?
That they might kick you out any day?
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>> No. 476 [Edit]
No: my mother HAVE explicitly blamed me for her misery, before; she has also insulted me and kicked me out of the house (throwing/breaking things and all); so if she dispised me once again and wanted me to fuck off, I'm very sure she'd just yell it on me. I think we're fine, for now.
>> No. 477 [Edit]
My parents are just as pathetic as me. They don't even like each other, but they do like me, to some extent. I feel bad leeching off of them, sure. But it's not like they really have anyone else.
>> No. 498 [Edit]
I don't think they hate me, but they are probably disappointed with me. They'd be sad if I died, but their lives would be better off
>> No. 508 [Edit]
Been through 3 dads.

I figure at least one of them sort of likes me.
>> No. 521 [Edit]
No, and if she did kick me out I know she would be doing it because she cares and she isn't the type that can sit around watching me waste away like this.

Actually, my relationship with my parents hasn't been all that bad after I got out of my teenage phases. I still haven't talked to my father since I was 15, but I have his number so I know I can whenever.
>> No. 524 [Edit]
File 129057291294.jpg - (8.50KB , 195x179 , 1289886675250.jpg )
Nope. They love me and are proud of me no matter what happens.
>> No. 631 [Edit]
Yes. All the friggin time.
>> No. 643 [Edit]
I had to move out at 18, and to this day my mother continues to tell me all the things she hates about me.

There are a lot of things.
>> No. 866 [Edit]
My mom says she wants me to stay at home. At least while I go to school. Not sure what I'm going to do afterwards.

But my whole family is incredibly understanding. It almost makes me feel worse.
>> No. 867 [Edit]
My mom says she wants me to stay at home. At least while I go to school. Not sure what I'm going to do afterwards.

But my whole family is incredibly understanding. It almost makes me feel worse.
>> No. 937 [Edit]

>But my whole family is incredibly understanding. It almost makes me feel worse.

This. I think I would feel slighlty better if they hated me and a lot better if they showed some signs of disapprovement. My father doesn't give a shit (not like he ver did) but my mom is highly delusional and way beyond the point where one could 'help' her.
Just yesterday she told me my female cousin gave birth to a baby and after I said something like 'whatever' she asked me why I don't think it's something to be happy about. I told her that children are a pain in the ass and that they're ungrateful, disrespectful etc. and she should know it the best. She just said something like 'I love you and I wouldn't want you any other way'. Made me feel even worse.
>> No. 1034 [Edit]
I don't know if I'd go so far as to say "hate" but I do feel like they resent me sometimes. That's OK, though. I'm gonna take care of them when they're old and then they'll see that I'm not so bad.

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