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File 129028917877.jpg - (56.89KB , 1024x768 , shinji.jpg )
444 No. 444 [Edit]
How many of you feel some sort of bond with Shinji? I, for one, feel like we're nearly twins. We're both constantly apologizing, seem to be talentless, have massive amounts of latent anger, etc. I like a lot of characters, but Shinji Ikari is one of the few I feel a bond with. The only other character I can say I feel as close to is Sato.
Do any of you feel kinships with Shinji, or any other characters?
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>> No. 459 [Edit]
File 129030318067.jpg - (56.90KB , 576x966 , shinji.jpg )
I do have a certain bond with him; finally, he is the major male character related to mai waifu (and the protagonist of the series that pretty much changed my life for the last time).

Unlike him, I'm not apologetic or particularly quiet or passive (even tought I was, for a few years); neither am I young, bi-curious or look androgynous anymore. But I, like him, was utterly abandoned by my so called father when being real little; I too isolate myself form others out of cowardy and disdain; I'm too extremely concerned of wether what I do is ethically right or wrong, and thus end up opting for doing nothing; long ago, just like him, I was once told and shown the horrible nature of myself, by some sharp precocious loli (but who couldn't possibly hold a candle to Asuka, of course; whom I, like Shinji, cling to as to the last sane person in the world); I also live without any valid purpose and most likely, if everything depended on me, would wipe out humanity (except from Asuka, unless she achieved making me choke her as well; anyway, I guess I'd fap to worst thing that her coma)...

TL;DR We both suck. We're post grunge scum.
>> No. 462 [Edit]
Yes. I certainly share some personality traits with him. I'm sure most brohnos would.

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