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4323 No. 4323 [Edit]
Hello, /so/.
I just stumbled upon this thread: and I am in awe. I can relate to everything. I honestly think it's a fantastic thread that everyone here should read if you haven't yet (I didn't find my way to /jp/ until 2009, and I know most of /tc/ is made up of /a/ refugees).

Can anyone else relate?

Post edited on 25th May 2011, 1:13am
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>> No. 4328 [Edit]
Holy shit, how small (or big, depending on how you see it) is the world? I read that thread less than a month ago.


>Do any of you keep dreaming about hanging out with your old friends? I know some of us never had any but I got reminded that I used to have such dreams each night back in the day when I read a post of a rather depressed guy who claimed he has such dreams on regular basis, too.
>I would dream about hanging out with classmates from my middle school, just doing stuff with them. Of course, that was when I still felt kinda lonely knowing that I have noone to talk to. I stopped having dreams like that long ago as I don't care about this anymore, neither do I feel lonely.

That's me right there. So yeah, I obviously can relate. That stuff about losing weight is especially true. You'd expect you'd gain some weight since you're just sitting before your computer all day long doing without moving but in the end it's the opposite - since you don't exercise you don't burn the calories and in the end you don't feel hungry and when you do you realize there's nothing in the fridge and you don't feel like going out.
>> No. 4329 [Edit]
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That thread is spot on. I really recognize myself. Yes, even the one thinking if you're a person worth caressing your pet.

I sank so deep.
>> No. 4332 [Edit]
Some of those things seem over-the-top to me.

> The sound of ringtone has almost the same effect of bomb exlosion.

> Even though it's cold outside already, you go out wearing light clothing
without realizing change in season.
Isn't it more logical to wear heavy clothing all the time? I haven't stepped outside without a sweatshirt in years.
>> No. 4333 [Edit]
I don't know about the second, but I can definitely relate with the first. I'm really afraid of talking on the phone.
>> No. 4334 [Edit]
This happens to me a lot, at least in my case it's becuase I sit in utter silence all the time.

The phone, neighbors, a car alarm, they all hit the same.
>> No. 4335 [Edit]
> talking on the phone.
I thought it was just talking about the noise itself
>> No. 4336 [Edit]
Not a shut in or anything like that, but some of those apply to me. Things such as having trouble vocalizing, getting pissed at doorbells, blocking out sunrays when I don't want them, wanting to go out then not wanting to at the last minute, etc...

I also wear long sleeve clothing almost the entire year, rather than light clothing.
>> No. 4337 [Edit]
>Isn't it more logical to wear heavy clothing all the time? I haven't stepped outside without a sweatshirt in years.

You must live in a nice climate, I envy you. Here its 90 degrees right now, and going outside is horrible.
>> No. 4345 [Edit]
Oooh I forgot about that.
I think the climate in London is better since it rains a lot more apparently
>> No. 4346 [Edit]
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>I don't feel inferior in public; I don't have social anxiety per se.

>I walk outside and nobody responds to me. The most conversation I can get out of people I've worked with for years is small-talk. No one looks me in the face. People walk into me as if I wasn't there, then walk on as if they hit nothing. The folks at school pay attention to me only when I'm doing something "interesting", nobody is interested in me for my own sake, only for what I provide.

>To this world, I don't exist.

This is me.
>> No. 4349 [Edit]
Wow. That thread is simply amazing; that video is the epitome of NEET.

I can totally relate with almost everything except for being extremely physically weak. I mean, really? Having trouble holding a N64 Controller? I thought it was a pun for the horrible design but still.
>> No. 4350 [Edit]
I wish it was like this for me, but it's the complete opposite.
>> No. 4351 [Edit]
I only have a meal a day, I don't need more.

I was 76kg (167 lbs) now I'm 60 (132). My arms are like toothpicks now.
>> No. 4352 [Edit]
I envy you
>> No. 4353 [Edit]
>I haven't stepped outside without a sweatshirt in years.
You don't mind when people give you weird looks when wearing a sweatshirt in 80+ degree weather? I used to wear a hoodie all the time but I eventually stopped because of that. Shit sucks wearing just a t-shirt outside, it feels awkward because I have no front pockets to put my hands in.
>> No. 4354 [Edit]

I'd imagine typing to at least strengthen your hands/arms. I think it's only because when it comes to food there's a total abundance in my house.
>> No. 4357 [Edit]

Same. I weight around 60, too. Defnitely less than 65. 6 feet tall (183cm).


It's not as good as it sounds. Being this scrawny feels pretty bad, actually. I wear baggy clothes to conceal it.
>> No. 4362 [Edit]
No, because there is nobody looking at me... because I never go out. And I wouldn't see them anyway, since I always look at the ground when I walk.
>> No. 4363 [Edit]
Well, I used to get a lot of weird looks and whispered comments, back when I didn't know how to at least appear normal. Now I'm just ignored, by everyone, even when I don't want to be. I guess I prefer it this way - people like us don't have anything to say to people like them.
>> No. 4365 [Edit]
> appear normal
Yeah there's my problem
>> No. 4369 [Edit]
Its not difficult to just appear normal with a bit of work! You can do it I believe in you!
>> No. 4380 [Edit]
Anxiety is a hell of a thing
>> No. 4381 [Edit]
>I wish I didn't have a sex drive.

>Sex is just a need, it's not necessary for recreation, could you imagine how many problems would be solved if everyone's sex drive were destroyed at birth? I mean, think about it for a minute, people would marry for the sake of platonic love and so on, divorce rate would dissapate, no cheating... Honestly, there are times when I'm fucking PISSED OFF to have an erection because it means 'damn i have to go jack off again' when I'm actually doing something productive.

>'damn i have to go jack off again'

I could very much relate to this. It feels like a hassle, over time I do it so much my penis becomes sore. But I just cannot think clearly when I am aroused, and it really bothers me.

Post edited on 25th May 2011, 11:58am
>> No. 4382 [Edit]

I'm even worse, around 120. Being skinny isn't as bad as being obese because you can sort of conceal it, but it's still bad. I wish my family didn't have fucked up metabolism.
>> No. 4386 [Edit]
Take it easy.
>> No. 4390 [Edit]
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>> No. 4391 [Edit]
I wish I was really really skinny so I could fit into girl clothes easier.

>> No. 4394 [Edit]
i read that thread on 4chanarchive ages ago. it scared me how all of that list applies to me
>> No. 4397 [Edit]
I relate to all of it.

My door ringing was the single most terrifying experience out of all of them though.
>> No. 4400 [Edit]
The only things I relate to are I sleep in until nighttime and I like the rain.
>> No. 4414 [Edit]
>Scared of mornings to come.
>Always shut curtains and keep sunlights from coming in.
(Before I actually, you know, bought curtains, I used comforters. Made the room a lot cooler, actually.)
>When you wake up in the daytime, you think "I'll sleep a little
bit more" and when you wake up at night, you think "It's about time
to get up..."
>You feel uneasy about the way you walk.
(God dammit.)
>You start thinking about why on earth you live.
(Well, of course. Then again, I like to pretend everyone does.)
>You are annoyed by rays coming in from gaps between curtain and wall,
so you put corrugated boards over the gaps tp prevent rays from coming in.
(It's like an OCD for me. I'll duct-tape the curtains to stick to the walls. My room looks like I'm ready for a disaster to strike, basically. God damn glares.)
>You realize your muscles are getting weak
(Not to the extent of the example, but walking up and down the stairs makes me out of breath now. I'm 130 pounds, god dammit. Then again, I smoke and rarely do anything active. Unhealthiness isn't just about being fat, it seems.)

The one that struck a chord with me the most, though, was the "dreaming about old friends" posts. I mean, Christ, few words can describe the feeling when you wake up from a wondrous such as that. Emptiness, I guess.
>> No. 4416 [Edit]
That thread is amazing, heartrending and depressing.

Thank you very much for posting it.
>> No. 4417 [Edit]
>60 kg
>120 lbs
Now I feel like a fucking twig, 5'9" and 49 kg. I should probably eat more, but I just have zero appetite all the time. Like that one anon said, I usually wear baggy clothes all the time so nobody really comments on it for the most part.
>> No. 4419 [Edit]
I hate when the phone rings. It's loud, it's right next to the computer, and on the off-chance it is for me it's usually my father calling to chew me out about not having my shit together, which ruins the rest of my day.
Unrelated note: >>4417, are you sure that's still, you know, a healthy weight? You have 2 inches on me, but I have 7 kg on you.
>> No. 4421 [Edit]

I'm just around the same weight (less even) and I'm pretty sure it isn't. I've now decided to just eat even when I'm not hungry.
>> No. 4423 [Edit]
According to my doctor it's considered "underweight," but he also says it won't cause any significant problems unless I continue to lose weight. He told me I should really be concerned once my weight drops below 47 kg, though.
I try to eat even when I don't have any appetite, but then I just make myself sick and end up throwing up, which doesn't really help at all.
>> No. 4424 [Edit]
When my phone rings I'm afraid it's the friend I shunned months ago
>> No. 4427 [Edit]
maybe you should start lifting weights
>> No. 4450 [Edit]

Maybe it's wrong but I think weight might also be affected by some... uh, other features? What I'm trying to say is that I believe that some people have heavier bones and stuff. Because seriously, you could counts ribs on me even though I'm that much heavier than you.

>I try to eat even when I don't have any appetite

That's what I do, too. I try to eat 3 meals everyday. Even though I hate everything about eating (in my case it's ridiculously time consuming, as I eat veeery sloooowly) I still do it. It's the least I can do for my health.

My diet, on the other hand, is a fucking mess. I eat next to no vegetables/fruit. It's probably why I feel so shitty, too.
>> No. 4472 [Edit]

I guess that could be true. I know people who are skin and bone but look bigger because they have wider bones. I on the other hand have the body of a tall 14 year old boy.

About the lack appetite, if you do hard work you will quickly gain one. If you don't want to do that as I'm sure many people here don't, try to eat 6 medium sized meals a day instead of 3 big ones you may not even finish. I basically try to nibbel on something all day.

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