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File 129026506715.png - (13.55KB , 346x346 , 1262230686455.png )
427 No. 427 [Edit]
What do you do when your mom asks you about getting a girlfriend?

I mean my mom just gave a box of condoms, I was about to burst into laughter.
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>> No. 428 [Edit]
My parents don't ask. It's only logical to assume that I don't care given that they don't ever see me leave my room.
>> No. 431 [Edit]
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I don't think my parents care. They treated it as if it were a touchy subject with me for a while, but I just told them I'm not interested in that sort of thing and don't get lonely at all, and that if they want any grandkids they're going to have to rely on my sister instead.

My grandmother thinks I'm just being hard on myself and tries to reassure me when I say things like "I'm not going to ever have a girlfriend" and doesn't realise it's by choice, no matter how many times I try to explain it to her.
>> No. 432 [Edit]
Mine doesn't.
I think she's realized by now i have no interest in dating.
>> No. 433 [Edit]
She doesn't
>> No. 434 [Edit]
she still ventures telling me, sometimes, that she wants grandsons. i then just remind her to watch what she wishes and speaks, for she's not thinking any further on the actual consequences of what she's just ingenuously framing. she gets a bit sad, for a moment, before realizing i'm right... i did have a 3DPD once, almoust 10 years ago; cash was so shit.

nevertheless, she still probably worries -just a bit- about my current misogynistic way of thinking.
>> No. 435 [Edit]
My mom doesn't believe me when I say I don't have a girlfriend.

Back when I had friends sometimes they would bring a girl along and after my mom ask: "is she your girlfriend?" "no" "are you sure?" "...what?".

Then she would ask the people who came by if she was my girlfriend, or if I had any others.

I think she is finally starting to catch on though.
>> No. 437 [Edit]
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>What do you do when
Say nothing, as usual.
I recently realized I don't want a girlfriend anymore.
>> No. 438 [Edit]
They don't ask (my grandma would ask, but she's dead now). It'd be pretty dumb to ask because they know I don't leave my room. Basically I've never once shown any sort of romantic interest in anybody my whole life, and my parents would probably think I was gay if it weren't for my dad catching me stealing his porn when I was a kid (joke's on them though: I'm bi)
>> No. 439 [Edit]
Never once has.
>> No. 447 [Edit]
My parents think I'm gay.

I overheard them talking about it one morning. Little do they realize how many times I tried to find a girlfriend for reasons other than sex, which seems to be the prime objective of any relationship looking at it now. Yet was shot down each time due to appearance and being too socially reclusive. They don't bother me about it (getting a girlfriend) anymore, but my little brother who is 12 does and is constantly calling me a faggot. Sad not having a girlfriend/not going out much = you're gay nowadays. They still tell me they want grandkids though.
>> No. 448 [Edit]
Lucky for me my parents already have grandkids thanks to my brother. They're all girls though, so the family name will die with me. Sorry ancestors!
>> No. 456 [Edit]
Mom seems to understand I'm not interested.

My dad would ask if I had one yet whenever I saw him.
I'd just tell him no and that would usually be the end of it, last time he ask he also why not but didn't take just not interested for an answer, before I knew it he was trying to convince me people aren't all bad.

About a week ago I got dragged out to dinner with my moms friends.
The guy asked me if I had one yet, but his wife answered in my place saying that he doesn't want one, that girls are nothing but trouble.
she then asked me "girls are trouble right?" "girls are trouble right?" "..." "girls are trouble right?" "" "girls are trouble right?" "yeah.."
>> No. 457 [Edit]
I can't very well tell my mom I'm not attracted to real people anymore.
>> No. 458 [Edit]
She asks me often. I think she thinks I'm gay too. Don't know how I'm going to break it to her that I don't like real women or how she'll take it when she realizes...
>> No. 460 [Edit]
My mom always asks me if I already got a girlfriend. I just tell her it's a pain in the ass.
>> No. 461 [Edit]
Neither of my parents have asked. Once in a while my mom jokingly asks if I'm gay.
>> No. 527 [Edit]
I just avoid the subject and skirt around it if possible
>> No. 537 [Edit]
my mother doesn't ask me why i dont have a girlfriend,
she just tells me [insert behavior] is the reason I don't have a girlfriend whenever she is frustrated.
>> No. 542 [Edit]
Never asked.
>> No. 544 [Edit]
I've also been given a box of condoms in the past, but I think she figured out I wont ever need them at this rate.

Feels pretty good, really.
>> No. 568 [Edit]
She never asks, probably because she doesn't really give a shit and knows I have more important things i.e. education to take care. Most other relatives ask occasionally but always in such an offhand matter that I can just shrug it of with no problem. It still embarasses me though because I feel like I should have one
>> No. 1342 [Edit]
My mother thinks I should only look for a 3DPD when I am ready to settle down and get married, which she see's as the only reason anyone should be in a relationship. I see it in a similar light I guess. Its great not having pressure on me though.
>> No. 1642 [Edit]
Everytime my mum asks I dress up in skirts and run around the house for 2 hours straight.
>> No. 1643 [Edit]
hAHAHA, i don't have even any income.

She'd be glad if i wouldn't mooch her off.

I am a wreckage.
>> No. 1644 [Edit]
This is the only appropriate action to take when asked.

Works every time.
>> No. 1646 [Edit]
I've tried various techniques.

- Minimize the conversation, curt one-word answers and non-responses.
- Exaggerated facial expressions/mannerisms making it clear that they're assholes for bringing it up.
- Going all /so/ on them and saying no girl would like a reclusive, friendless guy with my hobbies.
- Saying I would need to have basic social skills and be able to hold a conversation before I can even think of having a 3DPD.

I try to avoid them as much as possible, mostly to avoid this type of question.

I think next time I'll be more forthcoming and say that if they're honestly worried because they want me to be happy, that putting "additional" pressure on me and ruining a Thanksgiving dinner (or whatever) by bringing it up is very counterproductive. Maybe.
>> No. 1647 [Edit]
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I have to go to like 3 weddings within the next few months. One I can tolerate because I actually know who he is, the other 2 are people who I'm pretty sure I've never spoken to in my life. Anyway, I just know someone at one of them is going to ask when I'm going to get married/find love.
>> No. 1710 [Edit]
summon all your energy and explain that you already have in great detail. Let them know exactly how much you know about your waifu. They'll stop asking, and won't likely approach you with similar questions in the future, hell I doubt you;ll be allowed to attend such functions in the future.

Of course, this would be an issue if for some reason you can't kill any reputation you might have had.
>> No. 1714 [Edit]
>Going all /so/ on them and saying no girl would like a reclusive, friendless guy with my hobbies.
that doesn't sounds like a good idea
stuff like that may have the opposite effect and make people more nosy
>> No. 1715 [Edit]
She's never asked me, although I think she sort of knows it's not something thats ever going to happen nor is it something I give half a shit about.

I fucking hate weddings. When I was 14 or 15 I was dragged to some cousin's wedding. Nothing worse than being in a place you don't know surrounded by people you don't like for an activity that you neither want to take part in or support.
>> No. 1725 [Edit]
I make a show of being normal to my parents and the rest of my family to avoid problems. So they all expect me to have a 3DPD. I've been making the excuse that I'm too busy at school to bother with it, but I can't keep saying that forever. It'll have to come out at some point.
>> No. 1741 [Edit]
>What do you do when your mom asks you about getting a 3DPD?

My mom's dead so I don't know how she feels about it. And I'm not close with my stepmom, so I know she wouldn't care at all. My dad thinks I'm a ladies man or some shit even though in my whole life thus far I've only had one serious relationship and messed around with just a couple other girls, though I've decided I don't want to be involved in another relationship ever, regardless of whether it's serious or just messing around. I'm happier when I'm alone.

I've told him how I don't plan on ever getting married or having kids, meaning he won't have grandkids, and he just laughs it off and thinks I'm not serious, and jokes about how good I am with girls or something, which isn't true at all. The only girls I've been with are the kind that make the first move. I think he jokes about stuff when I mention this stuff because he doesn't want it to be true. Deep down, he's probably really disappointed in me.
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
My parents don't accept it. I've told them I don't like girls, but they keep trying to set me up with my friend just because she's a girl. They've given me condoms, too, just because we sometimes go out for food.

I just keep telling them that I don't have any interest, and that women make me sad, but they won't have it
>> No. 1760 [Edit]
My mom thinks I'm gay because I told her I wasn't interested in women in the slightest a few years ago.
I suppose I should have been more broad and said 3D.
>> No. 1772 [Edit]
My father lives in complete denial. His head is so filled with pot and TV that he doesn't even know what's going on with my life anymore. He's too much of a pussy to come and talk to me about anything anyway. I think he already gave up on me long ago though, even if he won't admit to himself.

Mom on the other hand keeps a close eye on everything I do, even if she's afraid to approach me about anything. She sometimes asks me if I ain't interested in any particular girl, but she's been doing it less often lately. Having my father as a husband and me as a son must be hard on her. She actually tries really hard.
>> No. 1773 [Edit]
An idea i’ve had. Bad parents almost always beget bad children (definition of ‘bad’ open to interpretation). This creates a self-perpetuating chain as generation after generation of bad kids grow up to give birth to their own bad kids. This is a ‘bog’ which could take many generations to get out of.

The exceptions are often kids who take matters into their own hands due to other influences, which could be school, friends, books, or whatever. Addressing this problem is ultimately a responsibility of these ‘exceptions’ and it may take more than one generation to fix it.

Another solution is one generation to be so fucked up they don't have children, thus ending the cycle.

We should all ask ourselves, are we the same as our parents? You may hate your father for having his head full of pot and TV but if your own head is full of bad things do you have the right to separate yourself from him and insult him?
>> No. 1776 [Edit]

Oh no, I don't consider myself better than him in any way. As a matter of fact, the similarities between me and my father scare me sometimes.

I do consider my upbringing to be the fundamental cause of most problems in my life. I like to say that I'm ultimately my parents' failure. But I hold no grudge or anything, nor do I say this in an attempt to escape responsabilty over myself. I could reasonably tell you what I think the the problem was with their parenthood, but it's not like it's easy raising a kid right? And a lot of what I consider my greatest qualities also came from their input in me, so I'm also very thankful for them. They're both good people who had it all going for them, but made poor decisions in their lives, which is pretty much how I describe myself too, so...
>> No. 1777 [Edit]
>We should all ask ourselves, are we the same as our parents?

My parents came from complete shit, lowest of the low and somehow managed to turn themselves into really good people who are well off.

I'm just here to cancel out all their hard work and go back to the bottom. It has nothing to do with their parenting as to why I am the way I am today.

Luckily I have a sister to move everything on to
>> No. 1788 [Edit]
my dad is very cool and understanding, i think i am alot like he was when he was young. If anyone brings up the 'dont you get lonely in your room?' thing he always backs up my 'lonely and alone are two different things' response.

my mother, on the other hand, often jokes about how im going to "move to japan and marry some anime girl."
oh if only she knew.
>> No. 1813 [Edit]
Sort of on topic: My Dad just got his swimsuit edition of sports illustrated and keeps showing pictures to me, and he seems to be confused at my indifference toward them.
>> No. 1814 [Edit]
My mom is a lot more worried about my career prospects than me finding a woman. I honestly think she would be happier if I was gay though.
>> No. 1819 [Edit]
I make jokes about being gay, so I'm mostly sure they know I'm not.

My mom absolutely loves children, and it's pretty much her life. She wants grandkids more than anything else but will never admit it, and pokes fun at me saying "I'll surprise everyone and have kids before my sisters" despite my never having a 3DPD.

Oh, and her loving children thing? I also love them, but just in a different way. I think she probably knows this as well, but again will never admit it.
>> No. 1822 [Edit]
My dad doesn't care as long as I don't kill myself, which I gave up trying to do years ago.

My mom always asks if I'm ready to get married, which; in response I say: "Fine, get me a girl that will do everything I say, and she has to be cute, too."

She actually looked up mail-order brides once, and I laughed at her hard.
>> No. 1826 [Edit]
My parents virtually never mention sex. Which is good. I can't possibly tell them that i'm in love with an anime character, I don't want to pass on my faulty genes that cause insanity, and that even if I did get a real girl they would be turned off my the grotesque bending of my penis.
>> No. 1831 [Edit]
My mom came in for her yearly visit, and I was playing Love Plus right in front of her. She told me when I was going to get a 3DPD and I broke down laughing in front of her.
>> No. 1832 [Edit]
These days, I'm pretty sure that both my parents have told me to get a 3DPD or to get married as soon as possible. I just ignore them and go on my daily business. It's not as if they are going to press me on this issue every minute. They want me to have grandsons with some 3Dpig, but I hardly care less. I just avoid the subject.
>> No. 1834 [Edit]
Surprisingly it doesn't seem to matter to my parents if I havea a 3DPD or not. As a matter of fact my mother was the first person I told I had a waifu to. To my complete shock she didn't even question it and accepted it. I feel bad for all the stuff I've put her through. My father on the other hand I've never told. He cares about me but I just don't think he'd understand. He comes from a completely different culture than me, to tell him I was in love with a video game character would blow his mind. I wouldn't be surprised if he asked me about having a girl in the future. If he ever asks I'll probably laugh it off but for now I'll enjoy the silence on the matter.
>> No. 1836 [Edit]
You shouldn't laugh off condoms. They squeeze the entirety of your dick in such a way that your hand could never achieve. I like to add a little warming K-Y Jelly on the inside. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty good gift.

When I was in my teens my dad used to say that he wasn't really interested in dating until he was in his twenties. Now that I'm there, he doesn't say anything about the subject at all.

If truth be told, I wouldn't mind falling in love with a woman. I think all people desire it.

There are a few things that have, unfortunately, put me off, though, in my quest for romance. I've never had anything of great material value like a cool car or nice clothes, and my confidence was hurt by it. I've never had a job (and therefore money), so I wouldn't be able to offer anything to a girl even if I were to woo one. All the women in my life have been scum of the earth at their core, so I'm hard-pressed to believe that a woman is anything but. When I was in my teens, I was very insecure about my penis, so I avoided social interactions with girls my age, because, at the time, all I desired was a sexual encounter. That behavior crippled me as I grew up, because I'm now really awkward whenever a young lady speaks with me. I essentially have nothing to offer except that I can fix their computer (which they don't even have to offer sex for since I'm such a pushover). I suppose I could talk a girl's ear off about anime or soccer.

The truth is, though I desire a romantic relationship, I just can't consider a woman my intellectual equal, so I don’t want to be friends with one beforehand. But, since I don't have a particularly masculine personality, a woman would have to be pretty hard-pressed to accept a submissive role under me. I'm also uninterested in men.

At the end of the day, though, I have to consider the possibility that a woman exists who is also a decent human being. If I look at it from a different perspective, I find it hard to believe that a man of my stature, intelligence, and good looks exists. Therefore, I have to consider that it's possible a proper lady exists who is all that I desire.

Sure, I've had crushes on anime characters, but what I essentially desire is not a woman, but the companionship that a woman offers. And a fictional character cannot offer such a thing.

I also just want to say that I hate the way a woman will inject herself into your life if you blow her off directly. Tenacity is great and all, but manipulating people can be ugly if you have no sense of justice or logic (which a woman doesn't).

I suppose my deep belittlement of the woman psyche does little to aid my romantic desires.
>> No. 1839 [Edit]
>She wants grandkids more than anything else but will never admit it, and pokes fun at me saying "I'll surprise everyone and have kids before my sisters" despite my never having a 3DPD.

I get this too, but not from my mother. It really gets to me every time I hear it for some reason.

Much like ^ I just don't like any of the women I know. Where I live the society is really big on fashion and socializing (I know every society is more or less like this, but here it's far more.) Those are two things I could never do right. Always saying something awkward, always getting pushed out of a conversation, always treated like shit. Eventually I got so frustrated at constantly feeling "wrong" that I gave up and walked away from everybody. Now I don't have any friends or any romantic prospects, and I'm happier as a loner with a bitter past than I ever was back then. Maybe one day I'll meet someone like me, or someone who at least understands me, and we'll hit it off. But probably not.
>> No. 1879 [Edit]
My grandmother and grandfather were a little pushy in how I tended to be a loner but they understand as I am autistic and am used to doing things alone (only child, rarely see my father) and the fact that an older uncle of mine was like me in how he was more of a loner (in mississippi he spent time alone in the woods with dogs instead of going to 'wing ding doodles' = rural parties black people them had - oh and he read Asimov science fiction then).

Then I 'saw' 3DPDs
>> No. 1880 [Edit]
haha. I remember my mother and grandmother doing similarly. "How would you manage to get a wife" "you'll have to learn how to compromise with a 3DPD" "your 3DPD would not like that anger you have/your temper will scare girls away"

Yeah, I doubt any hypothetical 3DPD would fucking beat me like my mother has, and if they do I'd clock a bitch.

You think saying that would make them want to help hook you up with girls? Hmm that seems to be true given some of my experiences, more like "I used to spend years wandering the city alone with CTA" or "due to family issues and social incompetence I wasnt too good@ @ that when youngeer"
>> No. 1881 [Edit]
Hey Popo, I think you've been sharing too many intimate details lately. It's getting kind of creepy.
>> No. 1882 [Edit]
I don't really understand the point of this message. Is it less creepy if he posted it anonymously? Anyway, I reckon Popo has been pretty helpful and making quality posts for the past few days.
>> No. 1887 [Edit]
Do you mean to say that I'm inappropriately vulgar or inappropriately open?
>> No. 1894 [Edit]
As in 'wow I never wanted to know so much about Popo's sexual preferences'. I guess it's just me, never mind.
>> No. 1962 [Edit]
At first I was like "Natsume, your mom gave you those condoms a long time ago. Stop being silly." Then I saw the date this was posted.

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