People posting things I don't like will be sentenced to death by gas chamber.

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418 No. 418 [Edit]

I am going into crisis mode. All day I sit around my house, watching anime, television shows, reading books, browsing stupid websites; basically anything that will kill time. I'm not entirely sure what happened to me but I snapped sometime around my last semester in high school. Started coming in late, skipping half my classes, just generally failing with flying colours. I had a part time job until the beginning of this year, when I deemed that my meager 5 hour shifts a few times a week were cutting into my "free time". Also around the start of the year I was pressured into signing up for college so I could kill two birds with one stone by making up my gr 12 classes and eventually starting a post-secondary major. I managed about a week of classes before starting to have anxiety attacks. Thinking about how I am unmotivated, stupid, all in all a useless human being. Rationalizing that there is no point in going because I will continue to sit in the basement and I'll never amount to anything, college education or not, and that I might as well not do something that constantly makes me tense. Obviously I stopped going, but taking it easy at home was not really an option and I have no car, no friends, nowhere to go really. I continued going to college and I would literally just sit in the library all day reading or using a computer. At least pretending I was going to classes wouldn't disappoint my parents. Needless to say they got their fair share of disappointment when my grades were supposed to come in. It was a pretty bad experience for me in general. I've always imagined college to be a place for socializing and making some new connections. I did not meet a single person after I stopped going to the classes. I don't consider myself socially crippled (honestly I make a pretty good conversational partner); it was mainly me being too depressed to actually make an effort.

This came to a close with the end of the college semester in April, and the last 7 months I have basically been stagnating. My parents make halfhearted attempts getting me to find a job since apparently they have given up on the prospect of me ever getting a respectable education. I've done my best throwing them off. The idea of a 9 to 5 job repulses me, and I can't exactly pinpoint the reason. Whenever I think about it I get this oppressive feeling of my freedom being crushed. I was a spoiled child growing up but also fairly sheltered. This is compounded by the fact that I was a loser in middle/high school and as a result I have not had many experiences that are expected of me at this age. I get pretty uncomfortable if somebody ever brings up things like partying, girlfriends, sex, etc. as topics of discussion because I just don't fucking know what to say. Not that it's much of a problem since I barely talk to anyone these days. My good friends all drifted away a couple years ago and I spent the end of high school being a loner.

It's not really that I disagree with my parents about getting employment of some sort. I need money. I want to move out, I want to have my own sanctuary where I can be alone and free from judgement of any kind. I suppose independence would be the simplest word to describe it. This is not happening any time soon. I have a very bad work ethic (probably the reason I did so abysmally in school). Hell, I'm even finding it hard motivating myself to write this wall of text, but I have to get it off my chest. I don't really know what is wrong with me there. My laziness is profound, but it's not just an aversion to work, I find myself sometimes lacking the motivation to do things I actually want to. I am greedy and unaware of the fundamental value of money. I hoard it and barely buy anything because I have no source of income and I'd need something to live off for a while if I get kicked out, but I find it quite difficult to spend it wisely. When I was younger most of my attempts at getting money were half-assed get rich quick schemes. I'm not quite so gullible now, but I still focus on the internet as a source of income. Unfortunately I just do not have the motivation to properly learn and apply methods that could actually be lucrative (currency trading, for example). As I said earlier, the idea of a full time job out of the house fucking terrifies me, so I'm stuck in a rut here for the foreseeable future.

It should go without saying that I am horribly lonely. Honestly the only social interaction I get these days outside of family members is people on the internet, so as you might imagine I take it rather seriously. I have online friends I IM and play games with. I also enjoy posting on smaller imageboards with more tight-knit communities (I gave up on /jp/ and all that shit a while ago). Social interaction on the internet is the only thing that keeps me sane. I feel like I have some sort of hole inside me and I am acutely aware of this whenever I am away from my friends for a prolonged period of time. More than just friends, I want a girlfriend, very badly. I might be overly idealistic but I do believe the right person can "complete" you (although finding that right person is another story entirely and next to impossible). I don't know where this dependency came from, but really I just want someone I can share my life with and tell everything, and who is ok with what kind of person I am. It is fucking painful how I go about it, though. Whenever I receive indication that someone on the internet might be female I instinctively drop into this flattery/seduction mode (as if I could seduce someone, lol), regardless of whether I actually have enough in common with this person or if they have even shown interest in me. It's almost like I place women on a pedestal as some sort of greater being, and I know it's entirely because of how laughably inexperienced I am with them. It fucking infuriates me, the state I am reduced to, and I hate myself for it. But I don't think there's anything I can really do. I've never considered a 2d waifu as a way of coping with loneliness. I'm just not that kind of person, although I respect those that have chosen that path.

I'm not sure how this is going to go over but I've actually been in one of those "online relationships" for a while now. Nothing to get excited about, it's pretty laughable actually. First of all this person lives on another continent and I entertain no delusions of ever meeting up with them, and we both have sufficient self esteem issues to make sure this will never mutually be regarded as a serious relationship. On top of that, as more time goes on I realize I'm not really compatible with this person on anything but a superficial level, and we argue constantly. I am selfishly clinging to them still because it is better than the alternative. I guess I am hoping we will just sort of gradually drift apart instead of just suddenly cutting off communications, because I don't think a person in my state could handle an experience that horrible without some mental consequences. Still, I long to meet a person I could love, and who might actually love me back, unlikely though it may be. I will continue holding these hopes, no matter how depressed I may it too much to ask?

And so I continue sitting here, killing time. I don't know what I'm waiting for. The future? Money doesn't grow on trees. The person I am looking for isn't going to just drop into my lap. I feel like I am at a crisis point. Either I find some motivation to get on with life soon, or I kill myself.

But I just can't take this anymore.
Here's hoping somebody actually glances at this stupid tirade.
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>> No. 420 [Edit]
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Regarding the first part of your post, you need to just find some source of motivation. It probably won't be easy and I don't know you so I can't suggest anything, but it's up to you. Think about how good a regular source of income would benefit you, and grow to use it responsibly. At least you want to change and realize what you have to do to make this. That's the very first step, bro.

I can see where you're coming from when you say that you want someone in your life. Other Brohno's will probably admonish you for thinking about "online relationships", but if you have your mind set on it, then it's worth a try. It's your happiness that counts.
>> No. 421 [Edit]
I dunno what to tell you bro. except that the older you get the harder it is. its good that youre thinking about your crisis like this, I hope you can make some progress.
>> No. 422 [Edit]
I guess...I mean I'm not even 20 yet but I should probably get my shit straight soon.

Thanks, I appreciate it.
>> No. 423 [Edit]
I am in a similar situation as you my friend, may this fact be of comfort to you. I have not found any good solutions. There are plenty of 'objective' solutions, but those require motivation yes?

You might just simply have depression, mild or not, which saps out all your energy and enjoyment. Just as easily as it comes, it can go. One day you might just suddenly feel like doing things for no reason at all. You can just wait it out. Or take some steps to accelerate the process- go for walks, watch your diet, talk with others etc.
>> No. 426 [Edit]
you can still choose between a strict disjunction:

kill yourself already, if you really can pull it on
not telling this because i specially dispise you or anything, but because i stand your/my/our existence is most likely pointless -and harmful- anyway. so end it: just cuting the crap could be good enough. PROTIP: skip agony, do it painlessly; and don't even attempt to an hero and give it a (projected) meaning, leaving a note or something; you'll just presumably say something shitty and fail idiotically for the last time (if the life of someone had something to be remembered, i'm sure is not because its terminal babbling; drop in silence)...
or (alternately),
hold on: keep on living somehow
try to change or not; search for solutions or fuck up everything; try to be happy or remain miserable; but just keep on existing and act in consequence (i.e. thinking that your going to live for an indefined period on time), simply because you've realized you don't really want to dissapear yet...

actually, i know i've just spoken shit: i'm all fucked up myself (not knowing what the hell to do, failing endlessly) and so in no condition to advice or lecture you on anything. but neither i think you or anyone should ultimately relay on others to figure out their own path of life; wich actually sort of applies too for expecting a 3DPD to help you doing it (mating is just a trap from nature to make us breed, if you ask me). in the meanwhile (for whatever), you can stay a brohno.
>> No. 430 [Edit]
>kill yourself already, if you really can pull it on
>not telling this because i specially dispise you or anything, but because i stand your/my/our existence is most likely pointless -and harmful- anyway. so end it: just cuting the crap could be good enough. PROTIP: skip agony, do it painlessly; and don't even attempt to an hero and give it a (projected) meaning, leaving a note or something; you'll just presumably say something shitty and fail idiotically for the last time (if the life of someone had something to be remembered, i'm sure is not because its terminal babbling; drop in silence)...

This is terrible advice and you should feel terrible for saying it here.
>> No. 436 [Edit]
I wanted to go to Tohno-chan, but it seems I accidentally went to LiveJournal. Oops.
>> No. 440 [Edit]
Gather around tobro and I'll impart my sage advice on you as someone who has been in that situation.

First, you sound like pretty much all of us, except for the woman on a pedestal thing and actually having friends in high school. In fact except for that you sound exactly like me at your age.

You know that giant vacuous hole in your gut you feel every day? That's your drive. Right now you're like a car with its pedal pushed down but its tires can't do anything because they're off the ground. You want to do something, you want to accomplish something. You know right now days and weeks and months are going by and you're walking backwards. You wake up every day with a knot in your stomach and even more anxiety, and that anxiety is building more and more every day. You feel like your hole is getting deeper and deeper.

So what can you do? You need to try and accomplish something. School is a good way of going about this but not the only way. Obviously though you have social anxiety, most of us here do. Most of us feel like throwing up if we're ever in a situation where we're in any kind of pressure or high risk. As you get used to an enviroment though that will go away. It took me 3 years after high school to get over that and actually start attending a college, I hope it won't take you as long but my point is this: don't give up. Don't tell yourself you can't do it. Your body isn't going to let you give up and you're going to wake up miserable every single day until you're doing something.

Now, a lot of people find other things to put that drive into rather than college. There's nothing which states you must use your drive only for that. Just to take the people on this board for example: some people put their drive into drawing, some people put it into learning Japanese or any other language. The point is you want to do something so bad it hurts and it's going to keep hurting. That's a natural part of being a male 18-30, you're part of the single most miserable group on the planet statistically (midlife crises has nothing on 18-30.)

I already know how you're thinking and how you're going to reply to this "I have no motivation though, and I can't finish anything how can I have drive." That's wrong. Giving up and wanting to give up has nothing to do with drive. The proof you have drive is the fact you're miserable . You want to give up because of anxiety, fear, poor habits, and so on. You want to give up because you don't want to fail, if you opt out then that's impossible so for some twisted and screwed up reason you think that's the best option (once again, I know this because I've been in your situation.)

So how do you get rid of this anxiety, this fear? Remove the chance that you'll fail. It's really not hard. Most people in college are just scraping by. If you actually go through your syllabus and complete all reading assignments and all homework assignments you'll do better than almost your entire class. If you're honest with yourself you'll realize you weren't happier ditching class and sitting in that library, you were miserable each and every time you did so. You did it because you were scared. I know it sounds weird from someone on tohno-chan, but if the internet is making you fail get rid of it. Just disconnect it from your computer entirely, or block the sites you waste your time on. Above all things stop rationalizing with yourself when you need to do your homework. There is no more "I'll just watch one more anime" or "I'll do it in five minutes." Your making yourself feel like shit.

Soon enough getting all your homework done will become addictive and self perpetuating. You'll be turning in assignments rather than getting Steam achievements and they will feel much more real. You'll be learning new facts rather than beating flash games. You'll be future proofing your life rather than inviting failure. Like I said in the beginning You'll soon realize you enjoy yourself just as much turning in assignments as browsing dumb sites.
>> No. 441 [Edit]
>Soon enough getting all your homework done will become addictive and self perpetuating.
can you honestly say this is true for you
>> No. 442 [Edit]

What's the difference between a video game and doing your homework? They both require thinking and work, and both pay you off with a emotional reward for completing them. Look at video games and their accomplishment systems. They've become very popular as an artificial way to quench one's drive.

Why not just quench that drive with something real instead? It's very much possible.
>> No. 443 [Edit]
it sounds good in theory to simply replace video games with homework, but if it were that easy I suspect we'd have alot less people playing video games and alot more people with good grades
>> No. 446 [Edit]
>but if it were that easy I suspect we'd have alot less people playing video games and alot more people with good grades

It's not easy. It's hard as hell. I never said it would be easy to do any of this. I myself hit rock fucking bottom first. It also comes with a lot of its own problems, once you invest yourself as being a good student anything less that perfection causes you to freak out.

At first you're happy with your B's and C's then you have to get all A's. I think I'm making progress with this new state of mind, but it's still hard and you still feel like shit a lot of the time. At least I feel like I'm moving forward though and my drive is quenched though.

No, By no means is it easy.
>> No. 450 [Edit]
>and thus contributing to this -shameful- world?

It's clear you're just trying to be offended and didn't even attempt to understand the post you're responding to.

Save your outrage for someone who cares.
>> No. 451 [Edit]
>internet... get rid of it. Just disconnect it... entirely... stop rationalizing with yourself
wow; and that just to become the nth nerd/salaryman?... are you sure that's a better life and/or will stop OP´s misery? are you really so proud of having seen the light, and thus contributing to this -shameful- world with your sparkling -who cares- academical success?

>Why not just quench...? It's very much possible.
then why don´t you just quench your hunger with the appropriate intrvaenous stuff or minimal diet, giving up your favourite food? i mean: it's just about nourishment, isn't it? and tasty or untasty, they are just subjective concepts for mere sensations of flavour, right?

that's the problem with those so called solutions, based on personal (lame) experiences: they´re contingent; they´re weak. i don't want to piss off OP or any of you brohnos, honestly; but i just can't possibly agree, with those who believe pushing a ronery brohno back into normalfagotry life is actully of any good/help at all.
>> No. 453 [Edit]

oh sorry! you had already quoted my post when i decided to reposted it. anyway: you might be right... sorry; but i'm not doing it just to bug, really; shitty as it is, it's honestly the way i think.
>> No. 454 [Edit]
You spectacularly misunderstood the entire post. It was about learning how to channel ones energy and drive so it didn't torment them.

>Now, a lot of people find other things to put that drive into rather than college. There's nothing which states you must use your drive only for that. Just to take the people on this board for example: some people put their drive into drawing, some people put it into learning Japanese or any other language. The point is you want to do something so bad it hurts and it's going to keep hurting. That's a natural part of being a male 18-30, you're part of the single most miserable group on the planet statistically (midlife crises has nothing on 18-30.)

Why did you disregard an entire paragraph? College is only used because of personal experience.


Also, OP sounds a lot less lonely than I've ever been.

>oh sorry! you had already quoted my post when i decided to reposted it. anyway: you might be right... sorry; but i'm not doing it just to bug, really; shitty as it is, it's honestly the way i think.

Looks like we're even now.

Honestly, I would much rather be a NEET again myself. If someone is able to find happiness doing that good on them. I wish I could be like that too. I don't find anything shameful about "this world." I love it in fact. I'm only trying to help someone else who I think had the same problem as I did. Some of us just can't sit still.
>> No. 463 [Edit]
OP here.

>You might just simply have depression, mild or not, which saps out all your energy and enjoyment. Just as easily as it comes, it can go. One day you might just suddenly feel like doing things for no reason at all.

This is my fucking curse. I definitely have no clear goal in life, but out of nowhere I get the inspiration to do something (that is often quite trivial and of no real benefit for me) and then I direct all my attention to it until I burn out, usually not having achieved anything. A pleasant exception is that I have been forcing myself to study kanji for lack of other ideas and to instill some work ethic. It's been pretty rough going but I've memorized about 1,600 since August. Thing is, the way I estimated it I should've been done ages ago and that is certainly not helping my self-confidence any. The reviews just keep piling up now but I'll get around to it eventually...

>Now, a lot of people find other things to put that drive into rather than college. There's nothing which states you must use your drive only for that. Just to take the people on this board for example: some people put their drive into drawing, some people put it into learning Japanese or any other language. The point is you want to do something so bad it hurts and it's going to keep hurting.

Kinda addressed that above, but I am in agreement here, it is certainly not pleasant sitting around doing nothing. It doesn't even matter if I may not have conventional goals, I feel like I absolutely *have* to be doing something and that just makes it worse when I have difficulty starting.

>I already know how you're thinking and how you're going to reply to this "I have no motivation though, and I can't finish anything how can I have drive." That's wrong. Giving up and wanting to give up has nothing to do with drive. The proof you have drive is the fact you're miserable . You want to give up because of anxiety, fear, poor habits, and so on. You want to give up because you don't want to fail, if you opt out then that's impossible so for some twisted and screwed up reason you think that's the best option (once again, I know this because I've been in your situation.)

No argument there.

If you're honest with yourself you'll realize you weren't happier ditching class and sitting in that library, you were miserable each and every time you did so. You did it because you were scared.

Maybe so, but I was more scared of the alternative and the commitment it required, so I guess one overpowered the other.

>I know it sounds weird from someone on tohno-chan, but if the internet is making you fail get rid of it. Just disconnect it from your computer entirely, or block the sites you waste your time on. Above all things stop rationalizing with yourself when you need to do your homework. There is no more "I'll just watch one more anime" or "I'll do it in five minutes." Your making yourself feel like shit.

I definitely don't like dealing with extremes. I know on some level I would benefit from cutting off access to the internet, and I see evidence of this whenever I have no computer available for an extended period of time. Much easier to focus on tasks and I am generally in a better mood. But I'm far too weak to voluntarily deny myself something like that. I would prefer some sort of compromise where I can do both in moderation, but obviously it's gonna require a lot of self-discipline on my part.

Soon enough getting all your homework done will become addictive and self perpetuating. You'll be turning in assignments rather than getting Steam achievements and they will feel much more real. You'll be learning new facts rather than beating flash games. You'll be future proofing your life rather than inviting failure. Like I said in the beginning You'll soon realize you enjoy yourself just as much turning in assignments as browsing dumb sites.

I'm quite sure you are right about this. Reward in any system is incentive to work harder, but I can't even begin to visualize applying this to college since I have been a failure or, at best, a mild disappointment for most of my schooling. It would definitely be good if I could get in that mindset about it, but I'm not holding my breath.
>> No. 464 [Edit]
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Goddamn that was some terrible quoting.
My bad.
>> No. 466 [Edit]

Let me clarify about the cutting off your internet thing, I'm not talking about forever. I'm saying when you make up your mind to do something like draw, do homework, or study, you unplug your internet until you're done(or go somewhere without your computer.)

I find that personally my mind wonders and I can't concentrate unless I shut myself off from everything else.
>> No. 479 [Edit]
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Yeah that's more sensible, and you are right, it certainly does help, if only I did it more.

On another note, I was thinking about something. Do you guys find it annoying that I bring up the subject of girls and relationships? Seems a lot of the replies just skirted around it. I know a lot of you are misogynists but honestly I have nothing against the opposite gender and would very much like to have a girlfriend. I think it would improve my life somehow. Make fun of me if you want, I'm probably being overly idealistic since I've never been in a real relationship, but I'd prefer not being alone. I used to have this way of thinking that all women are terrible and that no matter how glaring my own flaws may be, that I am still somehow better than these inferior beings that don't deserve me. Completely stereotyping out the ass..."all attractive girls are vapid sluts who think about nothing but sex and can't hold a decent conversation". "All girls that share my non-mainstream hobbies must be ugly nerds with some sort of personality defect or in some other way undesirable. However by seeing how more open-minded normalfags behave and how many of them share my interests while being functional members of society I couldn't help but think my judgment of women is a bit ridiculous. I think some of you take this stuff too far, but that's your prerogative. For those that are interested, it is good to have high standards but realize that you will probably never attain the ideal of a 2D waifu. Still, it's certainly not impossible to find someone good enough who will make you happy. I'm just trying to figure out where this hostility is coming from.
>> No. 480 [Edit]
>Do you guys find it annoying that I bring up the subject of girls and relationships?

Yes very. We've mostly either failed miserably or aren't interested. This is a waifu centric chan, that is to say, we all have waifus.
>> No. 481 [Edit]
>Do you guys find it annoying that I bring up the subject of girls and relationships?

Personally, not at all. But as stated when I first responded to your thread, the majority of Tohno-chan would admonish you for bringing up 3D. Sadly these topics always bring about angry shitstorms and arguments. I agree with you that the demographic takes their blind and seemingly-militant misogyny way too far, although to a certain extent it is justified. Don't worry about it, anon.

On a side note, it's somewhat ironic that you keep posting Ritsu; she's mai beloved waifu!
>> No. 482 [Edit]
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Sorry to double post but I just wanted to clarify one of the site rules:

>any and all discussion regarding personal and/or immediate relationships with lovers, fuckbuddies, girlfriends, crushes, friends, acquaintances, or anything similar that suggests a deep interpersonal relationships with human beings is not allowed

This helps avoid nasty shitstorms and arguments.
>> No. 483 [Edit]
It doesn't bother me too much, and I even understand how you feel. But if you do get a girlfriend just remember not to talk about it here.
>> No. 484 [Edit]
Wow, that's seriously in there? My apologies I'm retarded. Not something that crossed my mind.
>> No. 486 [Edit]
[some of you are way too familiar to this already, but just to try answering him where -at least my- mysoginy comes from:]

because you rip what you saw: TL;DR...

Dear & kind Sir,

I don't fear it. I know it: none 3DPD will ever reach mai waifu, simply because lovably women as we know them, as instances of some personal eternal feminine, don't exist. Love itself and beloved entities simply don't (physically) exist.

As with any other thing, we don't ever meet real girls in themselves, Whatever (da fuck) things/girls really are, we get to know of their (alleged) existence merely out the combined functioning of our (distorting) system of perception, along with a shitload of conceptual attributes we attach to those entries. To put it simply: we never interact with real things, without a strong subjective/conceptual/linguistic mediation and cultural background; in consequence, we never fall in love with (real) entities, but with our own (miss)conceptions of them. So, in principle, Chris Isaak was right: nobody (really) loves no (real) one; love itself, as the rest of our so called feelings, isn't a natural thing at all. From our most tender age, by the means of fictional stories and characters (like those of anime), we're told, propperly, how to feel; we learn how love is supposed to be and and how we're supposed to experience it; as a consequence of evolution we have biological reproductive pulsions, around wich we have built concepts such as love (that will change among times and cultures and) wich, nonetheless, FAIL (FORVER) to match the actual sordid experience of coupling, mating and breeding; because feminine heroines (like those from anime) aren´t actually even portraits of women, but of something closer to (say) unicorns: they´re fantastic creatures, designed by men (or dyke men surrogates) for their own and other men catharsis and satisfaction. So both the beloved entity and the feeling of love itself, they're actually well inmersed in the (metaphysical) field of ideas, signs and, more especifically: in the field of aesthetic virtual re-modellings of the world. Love belongs to art; that´s his true house, from wich it sprung and whitin it is limited...

Hence, since romantic feelings are anyway (and unevitably) an intellectual/aesthetical process, the safest, smartest and most honest way to allow yourself experiencing them, could very well be only towards fictional characters. Ironically enough, only that way it won't be a farse; because you'd be already aware that your love is artificial and your beloved one a product of your imagination, who will also never fail you or will never be disspointed/hurt by you simply because its source of refernce DOESN'T EXIST (unlike with 3DPD, who happen to exist).

Of course you can choose remaining oblivious to this, and believe that you can live out some true love story with one of those weird, enslaved/men-surrogate creatures. But most likely, in my viewing at least, it will end up being vulgar and shitty; since you'll rather break up (in some shitty way) or rot together (portraying death with shitty black humor).

For a different, possitive and interesting interpretation of the role of love in life, play Kana imouto (Ending 6: intellectual route 3)... wich happens to be, also, a tale: a (beautiful) work of art.
>> No. 488 [Edit]
actually, the board has softened quite considerably on the subject. when i arrived in early spring, the very mention of the forbiden word in past experiences (even in a negative
way), would get unbereable shit storms wich leaded to the above mentioned rule and the word being filtered.
>> No. 489 [Edit]
Its not an unbearable shitstorm right now?
>> No. 491 [Edit]
Hm yeah, I don't really have a waifu but Ritsu is one of my favourites.

You'll have to forgive me if I'm not quite familiar with how things work here. I actually discovered this board back in January and spent some time lurking, not contributing much. I left after a couple of weeks, not for any particular reason. In retrospect it is a shame really, most of you seem like pretty cool people I could get along with and I could've spent these last months talking to you. I was actually so out of touch with what is going on here that I didn't even know the site went down at some point but it looks like there are a lot of posts missing. The main reason I came back is I needed somewhere to vent and I remembered that a lot of people do that on the /so/ board (hope nobody takes it the wrong way, I think it's cool how understanding you guys are). I do believe I'll stick around this time. Hopefully you guys can accept my "quirks" that don't seem to be in line with the prevalent point of view around here.
>> No. 492 [Edit]
it's ok. you're very welcome right now.

lol no. i mean, i tslk about when threads were locked or wiped out, altogether with the even larger metathreads about them on /fb/ (where people claimed for b& hammer on each other). we were quite a bitchy community for just a neglible amount of dudes...

by all means, it's good that we keep an ideological kernel, while also trying to take it a bit easier now. the balance is difficult but... well; we're all working on it.

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