No. 486
[some of you are way too familiar to this already, but just to try answering him where -at least my- mysoginy comes from:]
because you rip what you saw: TL;DR...
Dear & kind Sir,
I don't fear it. I know it: none 3DPD will ever reach mai waifu, simply because lovably women as we know them, as instances of some personal eternal feminine, don't exist. Love itself and beloved entities simply don't (physically) exist.
As with any other thing, we don't ever meet real girls in themselves, Whatever (da fuck) things/girls really are, we get to know of their (alleged) existence merely out the combined functioning of our (distorting) system of perception, along with a shitload of conceptual attributes we attach to those entries. To put it simply: we never interact with real things, without a strong subjective/conceptual/linguistic mediation and cultural background; in consequence, we never fall in love with (real) entities, but with our own (miss)conceptions of them. So, in principle, Chris Isaak was right: nobody (really) loves no (real) one; love itself, as the rest of our so called feelings, isn't a natural thing at all. From our most tender age, by the means of fictional stories and characters (like those of anime), we're told, propperly, how to feel; we learn how love is supposed to be and and how we're supposed to experience it; as a consequence of evolution we have biological reproductive pulsions, around wich we have built concepts such as love (that will change among times and cultures and) wich, nonetheless, FAIL (FORVER) to match the actual sordid experience of coupling, mating and breeding; because feminine heroines (like those from anime) aren´t actually even portraits of women, but of something closer to (say) unicorns: they´re fantastic creatures, designed by men (or dyke men surrogates) for their own and other men catharsis and satisfaction. So both the beloved entity and the feeling of love itself, they're actually well inmersed in the (metaphysical) field of ideas, signs and, more especifically: in the field of aesthetic virtual re-modellings of the world. Love belongs to art; that´s his true house, from wich it sprung and whitin it is limited...
Hence, since romantic feelings are anyway (and unevitably) an intellectual/aesthetical process, the safest, smartest and most honest way to allow yourself experiencing them, could very well be only towards fictional characters. Ironically enough, only that way it won't be a farse; because you'd be already aware that your love is artificial and your beloved one a product of your imagination, who will also never fail you or will never be disspointed/hurt by you simply because its source of refernce DOESN'T EXIST (unlike with 3DPD, who happen to exist).
Of course you can choose remaining oblivious to this, and believe that you can live out some true love story with one of those weird, enslaved/men-surrogate creatures. But most likely, in my viewing at least, it will end up being vulgar and shitty; since you'll rather break up (in some shitty way) or rot together (portraying death with shitty black humor).
For a different, possitive and interesting interpretation of the role of love in life, play Kana imouto (Ending 6: intellectual route 3)... wich happens to be, also, a tale: a (beautiful) work of art.