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2032 No. 2032 [Edit]
I love 2D. I haven't fapped to 3D porn in years. I cannot stand 3D girls and I think that most of them are shallow whores. I'm happy just with my waifu and internet, I'm still virgin in my 20s.

However last night I had a nightmare. We got a guest in our house, she a bellow-average nerdy girl and somewhat awkward. She was into drawing and cooking. I pretty much wanted to ignore her but for some reason we had a conversation, her personality was completely different than that of a cute 2D girl but we connected (I can't even speak normally to my family). One thing lead to the other and then we hugged, cuddled, kissed and then we had sex. It felt very real but it wasn't awkward. Overall it was pretty nice.
After that we watched a movie together under a blanket.

And I suddenly woke up. I haven't stopped thinking about it since some hours ago.

What if not all 3D girls are horrible?
What if you find someone in real life that you can connect with?
I know that 3D girls cannot match the beauty of a 2D, but even if she was a bit ugly I didn't care. I just don't know anymore man. It seems impossible to find another human being that can understand you, but if you ever find a girl that completely resonates with you and wants to be at your side, what would you do?

>pic related when I realized that my subconscious betrayed me and my waifu
>> No. 2033 [Edit]
Yes it is possible for one's subconscious to subvert their conscious desires.
>> No. 2034 [Edit]
Regardless of what other autistic kids will say they would go for it.

The main issue with real relationships is that we're generally unlikable and the few girls that would pay attention to us usually have a whole other bag of problems of their own to deal with. Mixing them will only cause more and they're better off alone.

Not all women are whores and sluts, if you think otherwise you're sexist and let a few bad situations ruin it for you.

Most people here can and probably will find someone they will connect with at some point. Or die alone. Its up to them which will come out in the end.

Probably go for it assuming they didn't have their own personal issues that made mine look like nothing at all. But for the most part I'm just to much of an unlikeable douche.
>> No. 2036 [Edit]
All I'm going to say on the matter is, that by going after this you're heading down a dark path.
>> No. 2037 [Edit]
I love 2D also.

That being said, I would not love 3D girls. I've made it clear to myself, and I've accepted this lifestyle. I understand that I'm going to die by myself. It's OK to me though.

The thing that I still don't understand is if I'm still willing to have sex with 3D girl. I know for sure I'll never love 3D, though.
>> No. 2038 [Edit]
I doubt I'm going to meet someone I can connect with in a meaningful way and have a good relationship with. I'm seen as a submissive person (even though I'm really not) and the only women attracted to that kind of man are the types that make men eventually drink themselves to death. For me a relationship and marriage would most likely end in liver disease.
>> No. 2039 [Edit]
Get back to /jp/.

That being said, you are wrong.
Girls have asked me out and I have turned them down because they didn't meat my standards.
My I have no interest in anyone below my standards and I would rather die a virgin than settle for someone I don't think is right for me.
>> No. 2040 [Edit]
>Get back to /jp/.

Go fuck yourself


>Most people here can and probably will find someone they will connect with at some point. Or die alone. Its up to them which will come out in the end.

My point still stands. Unless you decide to break impossible standards for yourself you're going to die alone
>> No. 2044 [Edit]
Whenever I think about sex, it's in 2D (usually with me as the girl). If I could ever connect with a 3D girl and have sex I don't know, but I really doubt it, and don't care.
>> No. 2045 [Edit]
If you're the type of person who has any interest in 3DPD, then this whole life is wrong for you.

Every moment will be a lie to yourself, and you'd be better off not living at all than to continue like this. If what you want is out "there", then leave and go get it.

If not, then don't worry about it, and enjoy superior 2D safe inside your house, and let the normals and whatnot have at each other.
>> No. 2046 [Edit]
>What if not all 3D girls are horrible?
No. All ~3 billion girls in the world are horrible.
>> No. 2049 [Edit]

>Get back to /jp/.

>Go fuck yourself

Not the same guy but I really think you should reconsider whether /jp/ wouldn't be better suited for you.
Also, it's rather strange (and somewhat funny) to call people 'autistic' when a whole board is dedicated to people who are downright neurotic (tha's /so/ of course).


>What if you find someone in real life that you can connect with?

Maybe there is. But even if that's the case you'd most likely spend your entire life looking for her and wouldn't find her either way. And maybe there isn't, which would make the whole search utterly pointless.

Even if there is there are numerous aspects of relationships that would spoil it for me. One of the best things about having waifu is the fact that she won't bother you when you want to spend your time alone. Trust me on this one, you don't want to experience the whole 'you're not paying attention to me/I'm not your number 1 priority' thing.
>> No. 2073 [Edit]

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