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2017 No. 2017 [Edit]
One thing that came up in another thread was someone lamenting his lack of knowledge of all things anime and vn wise. We can't be alone in lacking an encyclopedic level expertise in this stuff.

I rediscovered anime about two years ago after many years of neglect. I am one of the older crowd here that got his fix on Toonami back in the day when computers and the internet were not quite ready for downloading and certainly not streaming good quality video. I didn't even have a hook up for low quality fan-sub tapes.

I am still playing catchup for older stuff. I know almost nothing of the current season. Naturally /a/ hates me.

Any older guys here that feel left in the dust by the cool kids?
>> No. 2018 [Edit]
anime elitism is even more ridiculous than other forms of elitism
>> No. 2019 [Edit]
I don't know if that counts as "the older crowd" here since the average brohno seems to be in their 20s, and thus grew up with toonami. Hell I remember when it was hosted by Moltar
>> No. 2020 [Edit]
I'm probably what /jp/ calls a "secondary". I've barely played Touhou and have never had any vocaloid products, yet my touhou and miku picture folders are huge
>> No. 2021 [Edit]
OP here. I am still in my 20's albeit barely now. It is just the college age crowd 18-24 seems so different than me. They know so much more about something that I have been watching longer than they have. Feels weird. Also, they are very mean about it. They are just looking for something to pounce on you for. It is the same thing for video games. I wonder if I am across the generational divide or something.
It is strange how the internet is all college age kids. I saw it like that 15 years ago. WTF happened to those guys? Hell the older nerds have been around even longer posting on bbs with super slow ass dial up on a computer that cost as much as a new car. Either we all become normalfags in the future or we just kill ourselves it seems.

I sometimes mistakenly make references to stuff from 20 years ago. Doesn't go over too well with the younger crowd.

But you don't have to be an old timer here for this. Newbros are welcome. They get a really hard time too for not knowing all things anime and video games.
>> No. 2024 [Edit]
I'm been watching and collecting anime since the late 90s.

Nothing that much has changed, it just got a hell of a lot easier.

Most of the older guys just grew up keep it in secret. I mean it is a young kids hobby now
>> No. 2025 [Edit]
What do the older guys do anyway? Are they really just going to outgrow this? I kinda doubt it. Where else is there for us you know? I suppose you are right and the older folks just wander off and keep their hobby in shame. Shoot, there is a 90's era scifi show with a bit that says you are too old to be here now get the hell out. I don't know if anyone else watched B5, but that was one of my shows back in the day. I loved that and TNG. Then I found anime and have been hooked since.

I miss the 90's now ;_;
>> No. 2026 [Edit]
>What do the older guys do anyway? Are they really just going to outgrow this?

They finished education, got married and had kids. Those things mixed together kind of make it a lot harder to continue on with this hobby other then the occasional viewing.
>> No. 2035 [Edit]

>It is just the college age crowd 18-24 seems so different than me. They know so much more about something that I have been watching longer than they have.

Most younger anime fans these days don't even watch old shows, they just watch whatever's airing now. That doesn't mean they "know more" about anime, just that they focus on what's currently airing. Of course if you're watching older show there's going to be some disparity in your knowledge.

>I sometimes mistakenly make references to stuff from 20 years ago. Doesn't go over too well with the younger crowd.

Yeah, I've never gotten this either. Mention to some of the younger weeaboos any anime from a time before ~2000 and they take it as some kind of offense. Anything about old anime different from current anime, from different artstyles to the fact that older anime weren't animated digitally, is taken as some kind of flaw or defect. Like they can't appreciate anything more than a few years old.

>Hell the older nerds have been around even longer posting on bbs with super slow ass dial up on a computer that cost as much as a new car.

Part of it is that these guys now have families, work etc. that limit the ammount of time they can spend on their hobbies. But I think a lot of it has to do with that there are a lot younger anime fans in the west now than there were back then. Those college-age nerds of 15 years ago are vastly outnumbered by the fags flooding the imageboards and messageboards of today. Naturally, they get drowned out, and probably just retreat from the internet and the idiocy of the new crowd.

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