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2000 No. 2000 [Edit]
Hello /so/. Could I have some advice? Right now I am going through a time where I can't maintain friendships. The reason for this is that I don't do anything with myself, other than some shitty non-productive hobbies. I have nothing to talk about. Even though this has been going on since before high school, somehow I've managed to make a lot of people think that I am somebody who is worth talking to. I was able to pull all of this conversation out of my butt and make some people who want to reach out to me. However, I guess if I'm honest with myself I don't want to fix myself right now. Or maybe I just won't fix myself right now. Regardless, I feel like if people talk to me when I'm in this state, they will eventually grow to detest me. They will see me for who I really am. Somebody who is horridly uninteresting and uneducated.
So my dilemma is whether I should just let these friendships die. They're already on their way out, and I make attempts to stay in touch, but really mine aren't working. I'm just a fucking asshole who doesn't talk to any of his friends. I feel like a change of mindset is what I need. I'm not capable of having people in my life right now. I hate myself so much. I can't talk to anyone.
>> No. 2001 [Edit]
Here is one instance of someone reaching out to me.

hey david!
how are you doing?
just thought id send you a message because i was thinking about you the other day,
how are things going back at home in ******?
i hope that everything is good with you and that you got things figured out and such,
hopefully we will see and talk to you sometime :)
come back for a visit to bu anytime, you are always welcome at our house :)

take care,

Should I tell her that I'm in a rut right now and that I can't handke friendships? To somebody who is ignorant of who I am, it would appear that I have plenty of friends. However, I don't really talk to them or connect with them. These realtionships are deteriorating without the artificial glue of university which holds them together. I spent the majority of my time alone, seeing them sometimes. I would always go over when there was a group there. Almost never have initiated one-on-one hang outs and conversation. I've dropped out of university by the way
>> No. 2003 [Edit]
You don't need friends to be happy, and going out of your way to maintain friendships that you don't even want will just make things worse.
>> No. 2006 [Edit]
Couldn't have said it better myself. I really couldn't.

Friends only brought me two things. Paranoia - That they would leave me, and desperation - To keep them as my friends. In the end, it's not worth it when you trying to pour water into a cracked bucket.

I'll be the first to say that having friends is good, but not if you're going to end up hating them and vice versa. Especially if you know it's going to happen.
>> No. 2007 [Edit]
Then those are not really friends, more like buddies or comrades. I have one single friend but a lot of buddies I don't care about, it's just people I know and that get on my nerves.
>> No. 2009 [Edit]
they're fake, pointless friends. there's no point maintaining relationships like that
>> No. 2010 [Edit]

I can be your friend, I don't care how much of an unneducated asshole who cares only for his hobbies you are cause I'm the same. At least we could talk about the things that interest us without really giving a fuck about the boring parts.

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