People posting things I don't like will be sentenced to death by gas chamber.

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File 129873846999.jpg - (177.39KB , 800x800 , cf0f5bf91f1e1fb161ba432de1a5d06e.jpg )
1964 No. 1964 [Edit]
My mouth opens but I cannot speak.

I can't express myself. Even anonymously. Even though no one will be able to tell it's me, i'm gripped with too much fear. So I just hold everything within myself.

I feel sick.
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>> No. 1965 [Edit]
>I can't express myself. Even anonymously.
you just did!
>> No. 1966 [Edit]
I understand the feeling. It sucks when even anonymous comments on an imageboard feel like psychological risks.

But you seem interested in overcoming that fear, so my suggestion is to just keep at it. Once you expose yourself to a level of social failure, you become accustomed to it and it stops being such a big deal.
>> No. 1967 [Edit]
>I'm gripped with too much fear.
You can tell anything to me, and I won't laugh at you.
>> No. 1968 [Edit]
I know how you feel OP. Actually, Tohno-chan is sort of helping me "come out of my shell" as far as the internet goes. Before I came here I was always worried about what people on other sites and in games would say if I revealed my true waifu-having 3DPD hating self. Now, I know there's a bunch of people just like me so I care less about what "outsiders" think.
>> No. 1969 [Edit]
I'm still far too afraid to talk to people with voice, though. I don't see that going away any time soon.
>> No. 1970 [Edit]
>> No. 1971 [Edit]
I know ow you feel op, I rarely submit replies I write to stuff and then most of the time I sage as I don't feel it worthy to bump the thread.
>> No. 1974 [Edit]
>> No. 1979 [Edit]
It's all good OP, you just need to force yourself in situation where you ahve to speak, or are at least exposed to it. Talking here a good example, plus maybe irc channels or something. Its all a step towards talking to people in real life
>> No. 1982 [Edit]
IRC is scary, stick with imageboards OP.
>> No. 1983 [Edit]
This, basically. You're among friends, bro.
>> No. 1984 [Edit]
I don't like being on even Tohno's IRC. I don't play VNs/watch as much anime as other people (only thing this season I'm watching is zombie, for example) and it makes me feel like I don't belong.
>> No. 1985 [Edit]
The only thing I'm watching this season is zombie, too. I'm afraid of IRC becuase I don't live as active life as everyone else and have nothing to say, too. We could be best friends in an alternate universe, or the same person~
>> No. 1987 [Edit]
We don't need an alternate universe to be best friends!
>> No. 1988 [Edit]
You may or may not be right!
>> No. 1989 [Edit]
If it serves as consolation, you're in the right place OP. I can't speak for the whole board, but I'm pretty much the same as you. Heck, I can't even treat my own family nicely anymore. Just avoidance, avoidance and more avoidance. If you'd like someone to talk to who will not judge you I wouldn't mind chatting with you. I know I need it too. Like you were saying, we could be potential best friends and be wasting the chance to know each other by staying anonymous. Just the fact that you're in this board means we have a lot in common already.
>> No. 2011 [Edit]
Same boat, OP. That's why we're all here, though, because the only way we can relate with others is through despair.
>> No. 2012 [Edit]
File 129895021367.jpg - (39.07KB , 453x539 , indiana elsee.jpg )
That and our shared love of cute girls
>> No. 2013 [Edit]

I tried going to tohno chans irc, but I was too afraid to say anything in fear of embarrassing myself or being boring to the group as on 'live chat' things I have a bad habit of killing the conversation.
>> No. 2014 [Edit]
File 129895069441.jpg - (52.55KB , 576x460 , [large][AnimePaper]wallpapers_Mahou-Sensei-Negima_.jpg )
You're (not) alone in this.

Don't worry about making mistakes. I'm a irc lurker mostly, so you can lurk too. Lurking makes it easier to learn the ropes so to speak. You'll do fine. Come on in and talk some time.
>> No. 2015 [Edit]
I'm that way sometimes, but other times I can get into conversations pretty easily. From what I've experienced with the tohno community nobody really insults you or acts like a jerk unless you deserve it, like if you act like you're straight out of /b/ or something.
>> No. 2016 [Edit]
I haven't watched that much anime either, most of the time it's general bullshitting around.

Nigga please, I've probably made more of an ass out of myself on the IRC than everybody there, you'll fit in fine. Also conversation dies all the time, don't be surprised if nobody says anything for over an hour, we're all autistic over there.
>> No. 2029 [Edit]
I'm not OP but I wouldn't mind having a friend.
>> No. 2050 [Edit]

Second. This happen WAY too fast for me on IRC, even /tc/'s. Before I type a reply I'm happy with and reread it twice to make sure the message will come across/there are no terrible mistakes the topic changes. Thanks but I'll stick with imageboards.


This may not be the best examples since it's a rather poor season. I doubt there are whole lot of people out there who watch more than ~5 shows (but I might be wrong, as I said, I don't visit out IRC channel).
>> No. 2051 [Edit]
>Second. This happen WAY too fast for me on IRC, even /tc/'s. Before I type a reply I'm happy with and reread it twice to make sure the message will come across/there are no terrible mistakes the topic changes.

That's why I prefer talking (with text) in games rather than chat programs. At least in MMOs and stuff the topic is usually the game
>> No. 2052 [Edit]

Thans for proving my point. I mean 'things' of course but I rewrote that sentence at leas three times and that's what happened. I'm gonna look for some razors right now.
>> No. 2053 [Edit]
nobody really cares if you make a mistake in your post
>> No. 2066 [Edit]

I care.
>> No. 2067 [Edit]
I care too, pointless mistakes are annoying as hell.
>> No. 2068 [Edit]
well you shouldn't, find something more significant to care about
>> No. 2074 [Edit]
I have nothing more significant to waste my time on.

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