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1891 No. 1891 [Edit]
All I can do is wank. My whole life is just a wank. It is a long road of petty self pleasure with a much anticipated but ultimately disappointing climax.
>> No. 1893 [Edit]
Cool story, bro.
>> No. 1909 [Edit]
Masturbating is a good thing, through and through. You don't have to crucify this sexual ritual for failing the prestige ladder, or whatever you're pointing fingers at.
>> No. 1922 [Edit]
I don't think that's what he meant.
>> No. 1944 [Edit]
Of course I realize that there's potentially an anology in there, but that still doesn't change how that element of conflict was utilized. So what shall we call it then, a dark cycle of hedonism?
>> No. 1948 [Edit]
I guess, if you like. If OP's talking about the general lack of purpose he's feeling then I can relate.
>> No. 1949 [Edit]
i don't even like masturbating anymore. i still do it twice a day though.
>> No. 1950 [Edit]
I'm like this. Every morning when I wake up, and right before I go to bed. Most times I do it with a blank mind too, I don't think there's any pleasure left in it.

Way back when you could get a job working for some person with a name, they'd appreciate the work you did, and thank you for and all that. Nowadays, it's like your fulfilling a task any machine could do, for some nameless corporation, becuase you need money to survive. Everything seems to pointless, and streamlined, go to school learn to stand when you hear a bell, and to never question the person telling you what to do, then you go to college, get a bunch of degrees that don't really mean much other than you sat down for a few years and threw money at it. After that, you get a cookie cutter job, live in a cookie cutter house, and in the normal world, get a cookie cutter wife who will cheat on you and shit out someone else's kids who will hate you.

What happened to the world where people mattered, and actually enjoyed living? Fuck it, I'll just sit at home and collect SSI, watching life pass me by, but at least taking some small joy that I'm not marching in the same idiotic race as everyone else.
>> No. 1954 [Edit]
If you just stroke your wang out of routine without putting any feeling into it, how do you expect to get any real pleasure out of it?

>What happened to the world where people mattered
And what happened to your world, where masturbation mattered?
>> No. 1955 [Edit]
Alright, masturbation thread!

When I masturbate, I try my best to do it properly, i.e. with foreplay and generally some emotion. Otherwise it would wind up feeling pointless. If I can't do it with any feeling, then I don't, perhaps another day - easy as that. My best masturbation sessions leaves me with good memories in the aftermath, and of course a huge sensation of feel-good. To accomplish this I usually do a >30min foreplay, and edge the climax at least once. I plan my orgasm somewhat, and give it my everything at the finale, i.e. fap furiously. If I don't go all ahegao for at least a couple of minutes, I'm doing something wrong. As for the mess, just using a soft napkin as a condom at the very end works well enough for me; though I never mind things getting out of hand (boosh). A 1-2 hour long fapping session is usually good enough. As for fapping material, well, that's a topic of its own.
>> No. 1956 [Edit]
>> No. 1957 [Edit]
Cheer up. The world was never like that.
>> No. 1958 [Edit] friends!
>> No. 1960 [Edit]
Now I can learn how to masturbate!
>> No. 1961 [Edit]
How can you fap for so long. I'd get bored and a chafed dick.
>> No. 1963 [Edit]
'Cause it feels good when you're on a roll - i.e. I don't want to quit. While I'm at it I usually sort out my H folders, and newly fetched stuff. It's dirty work, but it gets done like that and keeps me interested. As a consequence I obviously don't masturbate anywhere near daily.
>> No. 1973 [Edit]

If you've been edging for a while and aren't going full strength on your dick from the start you can fap for pretty long periods of time.

Personally I have a good fap every couple of days (see: long, used to every day, but then I had to move back in with my parents...)but short every day. Though occasionally I'll hold off for a few days and have a really good one.
>> No. 1986 [Edit]
My orgasms have been regaining strength lately. I still think I have some kind of infection or decease down there, but things seem to be shaping up a little, and at least I'm not impotent yet. Sort of motivates me to get into better shape and see if that improves my sex life (masturbation habits) any.

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