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File 129846104471.png - (140.37KB , 640x448 , 1298450129783.png )
1884 No. 1884 [Edit]
I wanted to help prevent new uni students from getting burned by the hidden deadlines that raped me and almost made me stay back a year and protect them from the horrors of the first year physics course so I signed up for peer mentoring. When I went to the five-hour 'peer mentor preparation lecture' I saw 6 other people in the room. Very soon I realised this was as much an opportunity for us peer mentors to socialise and network with each other as it was something to bolster our CVs (and less about actually helping others, I guess).

All the time there was this, well admittedly, not too bad looking genki girl who constantly tried to get me to contribute to discussions and chat with the other people, even going as far as to grab my hand and stuff. Not in a rude way, of course. It was a scene that looked like this picture. Anyway, I somewhat felt happy that someone was reaching out to me, but at the same time I didn't want to socialise with anyone and being coerced to do it I didn't enjoy. Do any of you guys experience this? That you sort of want to open up but are too scared too? Ever been in a similar situation?
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>> No. 1885 [Edit]
It's kind of silly, but I often times think to myself about what I would say should x Person on the street say something to me, more often then not, what that is is just me telling them off about leaving me alone, how much I hate them, or how disgusting they are.
but in reality, should anyone try to start conversations with me about anything, I just ignore them, and keep all the thoughts of telling them off to myself.
>> No. 1886 [Edit]
Thus his mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink.
>> No. 1888 [Edit]
When I was in high school, I had girls all over me, but in a friendzone sort of way. They'd joke around, rub their tits all over me, even show me their panties, but they would never consider me as a romantic candidate. Nowadays, I just wish I had any kind of human contact at all.
>> No. 1889 [Edit]
>rub their tits all over me
>show me their panties
That's funny. If such a thing as sex equality existed, that would be considered sexual harassment; but nope - it's happy times.
>> No. 1890 [Edit]
Sex equality doesn't exist because- guess what- the two genders aren't equal!
>> No. 1892 [Edit]
I wondered how they'd react if you recipercoated or whatnot - eg made out w them or took em somewhere private to finger them
>> No. 1899 [Edit]
I was invited to parties all the time in high school, but I was always afraid it was as a joke so I never went (also I'm not a party person).
>> No. 1901 [Edit]
I'm in a vaguely similar situation, although its a lot different. Some people may remember the guy who posts about being addicted to a particular MMO from time to time, thats me, and oh boy have I gotten myself into a mess now (kind of).

tl;dr my guild is fucked and I might end up being GM

Simply put the leaders of the guild I'm in and our biggest ally both just quit, then a lot of people left the guild and betrayed us. They're working (the ex-leaders) on picking new leaders but its undecided on concretely. Meanwhile our ex-leaders managed to piss off over half the other notable guilds and we're at a huge disadvantage--no matter what we do currently we're standing to lose the war.

Heres where it actually becomes related--of the three people that are candidates for GM I'm one of them. Why? I honestly do not know, I have very little experience leading a guild, if you even count what I've helped leadership in other guilds with experience. I was more of a errand boy. The only things I can think of that got me into this position is I've offered feedback on decisions to people who didn't understand why we couldn't attack someone for strategical purposes, I'm really active and I'm a good player.

The enemy has us drastically outnumbered in a way that it would take a miracle for us to win, we're not taking any chances, they aren't. Right now we're staring each other down hoping the other makes the first move. Time goes on more people are quitting. The only hope to even be able to fight them on a slight disadvantage is for the new leaders to drastically change their political position and then a lot might rage quit since they do not realize we cannot win.

I've actually flirted with the idea of running a guild before, but I'd need more experience leading guilds in a lesser role to be effective. I'd be fine with it if I had more experience doing things like it, but I don't. One thing I can see possible is that I could have someone from our ally who has several ex-gm's that have run successful guilds to be "acting gm" and help transition me into the position. Another being to form a "cabinet" of players whom I know are loyal and logical in thought. I'm deeply afraid that if I am chosen for gm I'll fuck something up, but at the same time I want to. I want to do it, but I don't want to do it. I can't figure out which. But if I do GM the guild and fuck up its going to kill any bit of self esteem left which would not be good for me in the slightest.

Of the other two candidates one has proven to be too quick to run off attacking without thinking it through, the other I'm unsure of but from what I've seen he could possibly make a good GM. Probably better than me as GM, hes a better player too. Of course the two guilds could just stay merged and let the other guilds new leader run it, who has a ton more experience from what I know than the three candidates for my guild. But that presents its own challenges as together we would be a huge guild and most times guilds get to being huge they get tons of backstabbing inactivity and the like going, as can be seen by our current situation.

I don't know if I should be flattered that I am nominated to gm a top 5 guild or if I should be fearful that I might fuck something up and ruin my e-rep amongst other players. If I'm not GM when (if) he fucks up it'll put me on a guilt trip because I could have possibly been more aggressive in getting the role and changing it... Either way this isn't good for me in life in general nor for my guild.

Life sucks. Not even shitty browser games comfort me anymore, and all this happens when I have midterms and shit coming up I need to do to stay in college so I can ride off my parents as long as possible.
>> No. 1903 [Edit]
This is why I will never make guilds in MMOs myself. Then again the only MMO I'm even thinking about playing any time soon is APB, so hopefully someone else will take the initiative to make the Tohno group in that
>> No. 1911 [Edit]
One day your priorities will change, and you'll deeply regret putting online games in front of your real life.

I won't go so far as to say that online games ruined my life, but I can say that it'll take some years yet in order to fix it.
>> No. 1943 [Edit]
Cool, that's like, your opinion. Power to you, anon.
>> No. 1951 [Edit]
I hate when people try to get me to open up.

I find it condescending. Lots of people say things like "why don't you talk more?", and I don't know if they have good intentions or are just trying to mock me behind my back because they think I'm clueless.

When I was in school, there was a group of girls that would come up to me at lunch (I always sat alone at lunch reading, doing homework, listening to my iPod, etc). They would obnoxiously try to talk to me, but I knew it wasn't sincere. They asked why I was "so sad all the time", and tried to "cheer me up", but then they would laugh right in front of me about it, like I was so stupid I couldn't tell they were making fun of me. Grilling me about whether I had any friends or had kissed a girl when they obviously knew the answer.

They only made my social reclusion worse. I couldn't go outside at lunch for a while so I hid in the bathroom stalls.

I can't trust anybody who tries to talk to me out of the blue's motives.
>> No. 1997 [Edit]
File 129888924176.gif - (478.36KB , 216x207 , tumblr_lc3c2e3CqV1qdtfdbo1_250.gif )
People like those girls make me upset, because I have a secret fantasy to one day help a miserable depressed person be content, or at least at peace with things. It's not so much pity or a hero complex so much as wanting to do for others what I wish people had done for me.
I would visit them sporadically so as not to overwhelm them, and I wouldn't try to force them out of their shell. Maybe I could cook for them and clean up around their house/apartment, and try to relieve stress where possible so that they could focus on just enjoying things that make them happy. Ideally we would order groceries in together and just spend time at home. I want to be the little sister. ;_;
Gif related, I love all of you anons who are willing to be loved.
>> No. 1999 [Edit]
Not really my opinion, but a clear fact. I assure you, disparities between the two genders, such as physical ones, mental ones, social ones, are quite real. Thats not to say, however, that one gender is inherently 'superior' to the other. They have their own strengths and weaknesses.

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