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1862 No. 1862 [Edit]

Former NEET and current student with severe social anxiety here. Do you think it's worth changing my education plan and career path based on my anxiety?

The problem is that the careers which my current major would enable me to get involve a lot more human interaction than I initially thought. I am really interested in what I'm studying, but I hate the idea of having to get a job where I'd interact with people a lot. I can barely handle the amount of people I'm around at college. I can only imagine how uneasy it'd make me feel to have a job where I'd have to interact with people even more.

I was thinking that maybe I could shift my plans around and try and become a librarian or something. I wouldn't particularly enjoy it, and it doesn't really interest me, but at least libraries are quiet and I wouldn't have to interact with people very much, and the only interactions would probably just be answering questions like "where can I find this book" or "can I make a copy of this" or something.

So basically... and interesting and uncomfortable job vs. a boring job I'd be comfortable with doing. And going back to being a NEET again is not an option for me.
>> No. 1863 [Edit]
>interesting and uncomfortable job
>> No. 1864 [Edit]
>Do you think it's worth changing my education plan and career path based on my anxiety?

hard to say without knowing more about your circumstances. and you shouldmt take my advice anyway. but I'd say that people change careers all the time these days so its not like you'll be stuck with a certain job just because of how youre educated.
>> No. 1865 [Edit]
You will change. Constant interaction will get rid of your anxiety. No, this does not mean selling your soul and the fiery justice within you. Unless you happen to want it to.
>> No. 1869 [Edit]
I'd love to have a boring job that's comfortable (meaning not a lot of social stuff). You would be getting paid, after all
>> No. 1870 [Edit]
Probably a lot of people will lie and say they'd rather have something interesting and uncomfortable. Something related to their interests or skills or whatever.

But I think for most people that's a lie, made not only to others but to themselves. It's saving face, since it's not likely a job like that would ever end up being a possibility anyway.

I would like a comfortable job that didn't involve much hard work (hard as in difficult, not tedious. I'm ok with boring/long jobs) or socialization and paid enough for me to live and have internet access. That's really all I'd like out of life.
>> No. 1871 [Edit]
Honestly, I'd prefer an interesting and uncomfortable job. But it depends on what you mean by "uncomfortable". I don't like dealing with people on a regular basis, or at all, really. Sales would be intensely uncomfortable work for me and I'd never do it. But if it just means I'd have to put effort and thought into my work, I wouldn't mind if the work was interesting.
>> No. 1873 [Edit]
Don't be a pussy, OP. Go through with it.

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