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File 129781697888.jpg - (209.94KB , 683x743 , 129697971173.jpg )
1805 No. 1805 [Edit]
The last few weeks of my life have seen to gone by without me realizing it. This month is already half way over, and I thought it had just started. I'm scared that this is going to be the rest of my life I keep living the way I do. I don't have any friends and have been basically a shut-in that walks to the library sometimes. I want to change this.

I've been thinking of ways to escape this rut. I've been trying to make a reasonable plan to do so.

Part 1: Health
1. Start eating healthier foods
2. Workout and get into shape
3. Develop a better sleep cycle
?. Visit a doctor/psychiatrist and see if I have any problems I'm not aware of.

Part 2: Become independent
?. Do volunteer work until I can make a connection that finds me work.
1. Find a decent job that I won't have to deal with much people in.
2. Get some kind of vehicle so I won't have to ride the bus.
3. Start paying for my own things like Internet so my mom can have some side cash.

Part 3: Make connections?
1. Find a school to attend and start working towards a better job.
2. Try and make some friends
?. ???

Part 4: ???

Not too sure what to do afterward with my life. Is that all there really is to it? Anyone have any opinions on my plan to escape the ronrey life?
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>> No. 1806 [Edit]
I don't know, since I don't plan on escaping. I hope one day I'll be more physically fit (I want a more female-like body) and to get a job and live on my own, but I don't care if I never make friends.
>> No. 1807 [Edit]
I kind of stopped around the friends part because I realized that you can be happy and healthy in life and still be ronrey/a loner. I guess I'm not looking so much to not be ronrey, but rather just to be productive/healthier/independent.

As for your body, do you just mean you want to slimmer and more feminine or hormones and that sort of thing?
>> No. 1808 [Edit]
Just slimmer and more feminine, for fapping purposes.
>> No. 1810 [Edit]
File 129782384585.png - (60.18KB , 191x223 , 1296458778193.png )
female body like anime guys? That kind of body? Cause, you know, its AWESOME.

OP, I don't know much about you, and that plan looks kinda good... But, you don't seem very happy with it.
>Not too sure what to do afterward with my life. Is that all there really is to it?

I think the answer you are looking for is to follow your fucking dreams. Come on, you must have Something you wish for. Like, a real wish. Yeah, get a job, eat healtier but is that Really what you want? Doesn't sound a little, you know, boring? Yes, It is indeed a good plan, but.. is not what you really want.
Think the thing you want so badly it hurts your chest (something realistic, I know, i want that awesome thing too, but it's not real. Sorry)
You dream to becoming a fucking Piano Master? Go out, get a shitty job, buy an awesome piano and start. You dream to be an incredible doctor? Put that ass on the university, and star studying you fucker, until your grades are far better than your schoolmates ones.

Don't look for "lol boring normal life".

Let me ask you something.
What are you Not doing right now?

Now go outside, and DO IT.
>> No. 1811 [Edit]
>female body like anime guys?

I guess you could call it that. I want the kind of body where if I shaved it, put on a one piece swimsuit, and posted a picture of myself from the neck down people would be sure I was just a flatchested girl (not that I would since I'm too shy to be a camwhore)
>> No. 1812 [Edit]
I think there's a cut off point once you reach a certain age where it's not really possible to get that anymore...
>> No. 1818 [Edit]
Don't bother, OP. Nothing you get out of life will ultimately be rewarding unless it's to serve your own ego. Just remain a leech on society and enjoy the hedonism.

You can listen to all the pep-talk holier-than-thou preaching about following a distant dream but what's the point? It's all meaningless. Everything you do, everything anyone does, is meaningless. Think about it.
>> No. 1820 [Edit]
or you could not be a total downer and spend this short 'meaningless' life the way you want to.

Just because there is no point doesnt mean you cant try to be happy
>> No. 1821 [Edit]
I used to think like you OP.

I actually got through and made friends, but a few weeks later after obligations started piling up, I abandoned my friends. I still had a job, but I guess you can say I was that one asshole that never talked to anyone. Great thing though, I can now live by myself, have enough food for the month, and if I save up; can get quite alot of money for hobbies.

You don't need friends, all you need is everything you used to do + a job.

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