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1784 No. 1784 [Edit]
I think there's something wrong with me, or my thinking. Maybe I'm retarded, who knows. I don't do anything with myself. I find it hard to finish anything really. So things like books, video games, doing school work. It's als sort of like I can't do the school work. I find myself unable to take in any knowledge. Everything academically I did was just to pass. I hated doing music classes (which was the reason I came to university). I'm not even good at music. I can make, in my opinion some really beautiful sounds, but I can't force seem to improve or learn anything.
The only things I can really get done are playing Gears of War 2 all day, watching Adult Swim cartoons (find those hard to finish now too).
I also can't maintain friendships anymore. I remember ever since I've started university I have fucked up the vast majority of possible social relationships that I've encountered. They were really nice people. Better people than me. It is entirely my fault that things aren't working out. The last few days before I left university I avoided my friends almost entirely. I said that I couldn't handle group conversation and was going through a rough time. I was going through a rough time, but the real reason I was avoiding them was because I had (and still have) nothing to talk about. I don't do anything with myself, so I naturally don't really have anything to talk about. I rely on people to make me happy, I've realized. But I can't be with people because I don't have anything to talk about, and I think very slowly. Often I lose my train of thought mid conversation. People can't really talk to me because I cant reliably give coherent answers. Sometimes my mind just draws a blank in the face of giving an answer. I literally think of nothing. Needless to say it makes me looking like a fucking asshole quite often.
The best part? I've showed these people my honest side, and have managed to speak when called upon to be spoken to, and they said they really liked me. When I dropped out of university not too long ago the last day they all got together and helped me pack and even ended up doing a group hug even though I had been avoiding them (it's sort of complicated) I was pretty moved I guess by all of those people actually giving a damn. I do suspect though that they're doing it out of pity. It's become painfully obvious that I don't know how to act around people, often say stupid shit and have social anxiety I've done so much embarassing shit that absolutely makes me want to die. I've made so many possibilities of friendship and even one relationship with a wonderful girl, but I've made a fucking mess out of it all.
>> No. 1791 [Edit]
It almost sounds like you're around people a lot, even though you make yourself out to be socially retarded. If anything, people occupy your consciousness, no? Since you're concerned about coming out as passive agressive, you certainly are not.

I'll be honest: this was a refreshing read. To me you come out as highly empathetic, and that I like. Balancing sympathy with empathy is not easy, but I generally respect the empathic trait more than the other way around. What is troublesome is to project that trait to your surroundings, without trying too hard. Personally, sometimes I just can't find the way to be properly sympathetize with people - when you get that feeling that the situation calls for it, as I wouldn't want to be sympathetic just for the matter of showing sympathy. People will notice empty sympathy; if you have a little faith in your surroundings, you will understand that your experience as you left your university wasn't one given to you out of pity. You'd want your actions of sympathy to flow coherently with your personal idea of being empathic, right? Sometimes I think giving your surroundings the benefit of the doubt, is good enough; but others may disagree.

Anyway, the most refreshing part of this read was that you admitted that you're on some level dependant on your surroundings - even if you end up seeking solitude. I don't always know what to think when certain posters describe "them" as being hard to deal with. Sure, there are assholes around, and while the prospect of simply being left alone to enjoy life with your waifu or whatever may sound admirable per se - I don't believe it would be enough for the majority in the long run. Aknowledging other people as an asset is to me more admirable.

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