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1780 No. 1780 [Edit]
Hey. I'm new here. I kind of understand what some are you are feeling, but I want to ask why you guys lost hope or have become apathetic about having a 'normal' life and relationships. If anyone has?
>> No. 1781 [Edit]
I've given up on relationships because I prefer 2D, though I don't know if it counts as "giving up" if I never even tried.
>> No. 1783 [Edit]
Not all have lost hope, I've seen a lot of people just come to realize they like 2D or the "weird" life better. For example me, as I went through life I spent more and more time online looking up stuff since I was always the socially reclusive one no one talked to. Doing this I eventually stumbled upon anime and got dragged into it and its where I am now, after realizing I preferred the "just me" lifestyle I opened up to concepts like 2D Love and the like, and here I am now.
>> No. 1795 [Edit]
I think 'lost hope' might not be the most accurate way to express what happened to us. 'Become apathetic' sounds much better.

I 'gave up' because I used to be a normalfag (well, not really, but let's call it that for the sake of the argument). I actually experienced what 'normal' life and 'normal' relationships look like and I sure wasn't pleased by them. I don't really feel like I'm missing out on something worthwhile so I don't feel bad about it. On the contrary - after I got dumped I found out that suddenly, I had the time to do so many things I never had time for before! Now that I don't have to deal with other people I have all the time in the world for myself and I can indulge in my hobbies and enjoy my peace and quiet.
>> No. 1804 [Edit]
I don't like interacting with people. I like the idea of forming close bonds with people but the actual work of socializing is difficult, stressful, and mostly boring.

I'm so used to simply not talking to people -- especially in terms of initiating conversation -- that it's tough for me to think of anything interesting to say, even in response to what other people say. When I started my job people were bothered by how little I talked, so I made an effort to talk more, but everything is so forced, boring, unfunny, awkward, and even inappropriate (creepy, weird, offensive) that I think they're glad I don't anymore.

Even with people that share my interests (like people here!) this pattern repeats itself, but at least with message boards and IRCs I can read other people's conversations and not really miss out on anything interesting or funny.

I don't want to be too down on myself here, a lot of what people say and do is as boring to me as I am to them.
>> No. 1809 [Edit]
Ever since I was old enough to know what I really wanted out of life I knew that I didn't want a "normal" life. So I don't think I lost hope or became apathetic, it was just never for me.

I'm not sure if I want a 3DPD. It's one of those things that sound nice until you actually think about it concretely and what it really entails. Basically it's only nice in fantasies and galge. So I'll probably stick with those.
>> No. 1815 [Edit]
Like i would care to write a wall of unimportant text to satisfy your curiousity.
>> No. 1816 [Edit]
Its not like I 'lost hope'. Its not that living in my anime fantasy world is cheap consolation. I am like this because I can't bear to replace my dream world with a real one.
>> No. 1817 [Edit]

This. It sounds kind of rude, but I'm tired of typing out my problems online. Makes me realize I've been like this for years and it's not getting any better.

We fucked up, life sucks, deal with it.
>> No. 1824 [Edit]
I haven't lost hope. Maybe "hope" of a life that I thought I would like, yes I guess.

My new hope is to get a stable permanent job and support myself only.
>> No. 1827 [Edit]
Trouble is, although I'm often lonely and bored, I don't want a normal life or normal relationships.

The only way I plan on forming connections is by making my life so strange and exciting that relationships with similarly strange, exotic, eccentric and exciting people will follow.

Either by shutting myself in or by living life to the fullest, I refuse to become a normal.
>> No. 1828 [Edit]
well said.
>> No. 1829 [Edit]
I had normal relationships, and it took me years to finally realize that it wasn't offering me anything I wanted, which is just as well as offering me nothing at all.
>> No. 1830 [Edit]
Talking about it is counterproductive if you don't attempt to move in the right direction. You become more complacent with your lifestyle, but since the lifestyle is contributing to these feelings, you just perpetuate your own downward spiral.

I think everyone will reach a point where they understand that they can't keep living like this, and they'll either get busy living or get busy dying.
>> No. 1833 [Edit]
I'm just simply apathetic towards it.
>> No. 1837 [Edit]
Growing up (and still residing) in the former eastern bloc left my life completely devoid of joy and hope. I don't know if I've ever experienced them in the realm of the real world, so I fled into escapism. Certainly is better than having to hang out with whores and thugs. They'd only drag me into Mafia crime and drug abuse. For now I'll keep my internet addiction and hobbies.

Such is life.
>> No. 1845 [Edit]
The thought of indulging in a "normal" consumerist lifestyle....

Well let's just say it's better for everyone if I don't.
>> No. 1850 [Edit]
I don't want any trouble. I just want a quiet life free from obligations and excitement, and that works out best alone.

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