No. 1804
I don't like interacting with people. I like the idea of forming close bonds with people but the actual work of socializing is difficult, stressful, and mostly boring.
I'm so used to simply not talking to people -- especially in terms of initiating conversation -- that it's tough for me to think of anything interesting to say, even in response to what other people say. When I started my job people were bothered by how little I talked, so I made an effort to talk more, but everything is so forced, boring, unfunny, awkward, and even inappropriate (creepy, weird, offensive) that I think they're glad I don't anymore.
Even with people that share my interests (like people here!) this pattern repeats itself, but at least with message boards and IRCs I can read other people's conversations and not really miss out on anything interesting or funny.
I don't want to be too down on myself here, a lot of what people say and do is as boring to me as I am to them.