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1759 No. 1759 [Edit]
Normally I'd prefer to avoid this subject as it rubs many people the wrong way but since mopst of us haven't left our homes/talked to our 'friends'/been exposed to the masquarade that's going on out there in any other way I think it's a fairly safe subject.

So, /tc/, do you have any Valentine's-related stories to share? I don't expect to get a whole lot of responses but since we do have some 'proselytes' maybe there are going to be some interesting ones.

Here's mine: I transferred during junior yeare in high school. Back then I wasn't exactly as reclusive as I am nowadays but I sure wasn't sociable and so I didn't make any friends (but then again I doubt I was dislkied - at very worst some people made fun of me behind my back). I spent all breaks with my headphones on, just listening to the music, without talking to anyone. (...) When the Valentine's Day rolled around I received a card. It was a premade one (like those you can buy at stationer's) so there wasn't anything in particular that was written in it but it was signed. The person who sent it decided to only use a (I purposedly avoided using 'her' here) given name but the only girl I knew that went by that name was one in my class. //Digression: By that time I already knew all my classmates' names. When I transferred again during my senior year I learned like 5 names until the graduation day (of course, not a single girl managed to make the cut).// Of course, just by looking at the handwriting I couldn't tell whether it was really her signature (although it certainly looked like a girl's handwriting).

... And that's how this story ends. No, really. I never talked to her about it and neither did she. In fact, I'm pretty sure we never talked to each other, not even once.
Here's what I think what actually happened (sorted from the most to least likely possibilities):

1) It was a prank. Either set up by her or by someone else entirely, with or without her knowledge.
2) She just wanted to 'cheer me up'. By a normalfag's stndard I must've looked like a miserable piece of shit so maybe she thought that it might be a good idea. She could've figured I won't have the balls to ask her what's it all about (and maybe she had some backup plan).
3) It was the real deal. Now, it's not like I think there's absolutely no way some girl could've fallen for me (although it does seem very unlikely). But no her. She was that confident, ambitious, assertive type whom you'd expect to lead a feminist parade.

So, now it's your turn.
>> No. 1761 [Edit]
Nope. The only valentines I ever got were in elementary school, where we were pretty much required to get everyone gifts (usually little candies)
>> No. 1762 [Edit]
This. Even in elementary, I didn't like receiving them because I knew that nobody liked me.
>> No. 1765 [Edit]
The last time I got a Valentine was in 8th grade. It was a card with cookies and stuff attached in a bag, all homemade. The girl was a friend of a friend, and we had known each other for a while. However, I didn't feel anything for her and I didn't know how to deal with girls, so I never treated her with kindness or even interest. She eventually became indifferent, and by the end of the year we weren't even talking anymore. Looking back, I'm actually okay with that, as I could have never provided her the "normal" boyfriend experience she wanted (ex. going on dates, buying her gifts, interacting with her friends/parents).
>> No. 1766 [Edit]
This. I also got some from my mother up until I dropped out of high school, which is when I retreated into my current world.
>> No. 1793 [Edit]
I also had to do the thing with handing out a card with a peace of candy to every other kid in class, we had little boxes on our desks for kids to put the cards in.
Kind of funny that in a class of 30 or so, with every kid being basically required to give out 30 or so cards, a card to every other kid in the class, I got like 5.

This thread did remind me though that I had once gotten home made cookies in elementary from a pair of sisters that liked me..
I sometimes wonder what my life would be like now if I had acted on their feelings...
>> No. 1794 [Edit]
At my high school we didn't really have that candy thing. We did have the option to buy a rose, yellow or red, for a few dollars. People usually bought roses for their 3DPD/boyfriend, but also gave them to good friends and teachers which they respected. I never gave any or received one.

In hindsight I should have bought one for one girl. She was a very kind, good hearted, hard working girl. I used to often go to the library alone to study, read books or practice my story writing. During a period of depression (which I didn't recognise as such back then), I went every day. She would always be there and say hello to me with a smile. To her, I must have looked like a huge sad sack. She tried to cheer me up with that greeting, but I never said hello back, I just looked at her. Man I'm an ass.
>> No. 1796 [Edit]
Valentine is not celebrated in my country.
>> No. 1797 [Edit]

Same here, at it was at a young age I realized that real girls probably don't like me. And horry fictional relationships with fictional women!
>> No. 1799 [Edit]
The only noteworthy Valentine's day I can remember was the one when I had a 3DPD... back in the sixth grade. I bought her a lot of stuff, like candy and a necklace. I think she broke up with me not too long after that.
>> No. 1800 [Edit]
Oh, did not realize that was a wordfilter. Got a chuckle out of me.

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