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File 129731094133.jpg - (939.19KB , 1920x1080 , 1295203902879.jpg )
1665 No. 1665 [Edit]
So what do you do to calm yourself down?

Personally I like to just get in my car and drive aimlessly. Just driving down some random-ass backroad at 2 in the morning, nobody around for miles, with Born on the Bayou on loop. It's quite relaxing.
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>> No. 1674 [Edit]
Learning to become apathetic.
>> No. 1676 [Edit]
I listen to Komm Susser Todd. Has an odd calming effect on me. I also go lay down and put myself in sleep paralysis since I get a weird "high" off of it. Never could consistently lucid dream, but learning to do sleep paralysis did have some good.
>> No. 1677 [Edit]
I don't really have any ways to calm myself down. Stuff like watching anime or looking at waifu pictures just reminds me of how the internet is in danger of getting badly regulated, and there could be a day where I can't do either anymore, and that just makes me feel worse.
>> No. 1679 [Edit]
Music. That and reading, but I don't get much time to do my own reading anymore. When I'm forced to go outside I've usually got my music with me so I can block out as much of the outside world as possible.
>> No. 1693 [Edit]
I don't, I remain angry until a certain amount of time lapses
>> No. 1694 [Edit]
I have foam balls hanging from the ceiling. Whenever I'm mad I take out my little BB gun kept for pest control and blast the shit out of them while listening to the rebuild OST, pretending I'm shooting Ramiel.
>> No. 1695 [Edit]
Ramiel is the most terrifying angel, no contest
>> No. 1699 [Edit]
thats not healthy for you
>> No. 1702 [Edit]
I play video games and scream at them to vent out anger.

Then I take a shower and I'm good as new.
>> No. 1703 [Edit]
Listen to high bpm music and drink. Nothing to exciting
>> No. 1704 [Edit]
Why? Why do I need to supress my emotions? For what reason should I delude myself about the fury, caused by events which outrage my sense of justice, which burns inside me? What makes anger a badder emotion than love or happiness?
>> No. 1708 [Edit]
Anger kills you....
>> No. 1709 [Edit]
Sounds like a plus to me
>> No. 1825 [Edit]
File 129794951674.jpg - (1.58MB , 1600x1200 , Kagaya-celestial (24).jpg )
I daydream about the life I'd rather live.
(pic not really related)

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