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File 129730882318.jpg - (142.22KB , 1280x800 , japanese-landscape-871-2.jpg )
1662 No. 1662 [Edit]
If money, time, family burdens, anxiety, etc. were no object, what would you be willing to go out and do by yourself?

Go to a movie? A restaurant? A concert or other live event? A long vacation to a distant land?

In other words, is there anything you feel would be pointless to go out and do alone but worthwhile if you had someone to share it with? As opposed to something you wouldn't do alone out of anxiety, like eat in a restaurant.
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>> No. 1663 [Edit]
>> No. 1666 [Edit]
All the things you listed would be more fun alone to me, especially the vacation. Imagine being on a nice sunny beach with pretty blue water, and you are all alone. No noise, no people, just you and the view
>> No. 1668 [Edit]
>If money, time, family burdens, anxiety, etc. were no object, what would you be willing to go out and do by yourself?
They really don't matter as much as one might want to make em out to.

I dont do these things due to lazyness and lack of interest.
>> No. 1670 [Edit]
>anything you feel would be pointless to go out and do alone but worthwhile if you had someone to share it with?

I get ridiculously anxious when I go outside alone, so I would say so. If I had the money to hang out with my sole friend and go to the movies, eat, blah blah... I would do so, quite frequently.
>> No. 1671 [Edit]
Playing soccer or hunting, I guess, if I ever went out to do those things.
>> No. 1673 [Edit]
>If money, time, family burdens, anxiety, etc. were no object, what would you be willing to go out and do by yourself?

Travelling around the world!
I want to see the nature and the sea on earth.
>> No. 1675 [Edit]
I really can't think of anywhere I'd want to go outside... If you asked me when I was a lot younger I'd have a plethora of places. Now I don't want to go out not only because of my anxieties but I've become so accustomed to indoors that the slightest bit of too hot/too cold makes me feel horrible not to mention other inconveniences like allergies.
>> No. 1712 [Edit]
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>pointless alone but worthwhile if you had someone to share it with

I'd like going to a very quiet and beautiful park, preferably by night. Not the annoying and dangerous trash-holes/rat-nests from where I live, but a beautiful place like those from anime/VN backgrounds. Letting my imagination go, I'd actually preffer to go by myself, like for a lonely night walk or something; and then find some misterious gorgeous girl right there, equally alone, probably mai waifu or equivalent (whatever the hell that's suppose to mean)...

I think you pretty much get the strongest reference I'm coming from, by now. But the point is: I'd just like to be rendered alone with a fascinating someone, surrounded by some sort of strong intimacy. I might be utterly stupid and fail hard, but if such encounters could actually happen (not being denied by reality), I'd definatelly take my chances outside once again and face the risks; if I still believed any chance for such beauty/epicness could ever exist, I wouldn't let it go.
>> No. 1713 [Edit]
I think it would be pretty cool to go to a low-key bar alone and just have a drink at the bar.

I'm still not strong enough to do that, though, and I know nothing of alcohol.
>> No. 1742 [Edit]
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Like 5 years ago or so I wasted a few thousand dollars I had saved over the years but never really spent traveling around the world alone. It was scary as hell but not in the sense that you're scared or anxious, but apprehensive and excited. I more or less lived out of a backpack since I was traveling super cheap, but this is the ultimate freedom.

I was in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, then went over to Nepal and India where I traveled around by train and bus. This was seriously cheap and so much fun. I was able to live off like 20 dollars a day just taking it easy, with the occasional admission to something cool like a temple.

It's probably the only thing I've ever, ever done in my life that I can be proud of. After I got home I stayed unemployed and haven't done anything since, but I'm happy to have seen part of the world.
>> No. 1744 [Edit]
Dude, that's been my number one dream forever. Ever since I was young, I've wanted to go literally, everywhere. Britain, Russia, Phillipines, I don't give a shit, I want to be there. Unfortunately, my main issue is money - Poverty blows.

If money wasn't a problem, I would totally travel the world by myself. The change of scene would do me a lot of good, I feel.
>> No. 1745 [Edit]
I've been to tons of places in the US. My favorite was Vegas, because sitting in our hotel room by myself (rest of my family was out doing stuff, while I claimed to be sick) and looking out the window at the city made me feel like a big shot.
>> No. 1747 [Edit]
i live in vegas and this city is shit.
>> No. 1748 [Edit]
The lights are pretty though!
>> No. 1749 [Edit]
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funny story. I've been feeling really down lately so I thought it might be a good idea to get out of the house and ride my bike to the beach. It has been many years since I last went to the beach, I had been wanting to go for a while but I was waiting for school holidays to be over. I didnt feel self conscious because its a weekday so it was pretty much deserted. when I got there I made the idiotic mistake of tying my keys around my waist with a bow which of course came undone while I was swimming. so the key to my bike lock is at the bottom of the ocean and I didnt bring my phone or wallet with me so I couldnt call for help or catch public transport home. I think it took over 2 hours to walk back. now I have blisters all over my feet (I think I pulled some muscles too) and I still need to get back and retrieve my bike using the spare key. and I'll need to tell my dad about this because I need him to get me a new house key cut. plus all the other problems I already had. fuck my life.
>> No. 1750 [Edit]
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Don't be sad (or mad) anon. In fact, that little story sound like something that happens in anime. You know, the tipical baka MC.

Think of it like a little adventure.
>> No. 1751 [Edit]
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Just hope nobody else finds those keys!
>> No. 1754 [Edit]
I guess this is what people mean when they talk about having ONE OF THOSE DAYS. I just got home with my bike, finally. I had to catch a bus to get there and thanks to google maps I knew I had to get off the bus at stop 23. so after the bus went past stop 22 I got off at the next stop...and realised it was stop "22A". so I had to walk all the way past stop 22B, 22C, 22D, and 22E to get near where my bike was parked. what the fuck. normally I wouldnt complain about this but my feet still feel like bloody stumps.
>> No. 1757 [Edit]
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You should consider this as another adventure you had and that you can remember later on and laugh about. These things are part of life, don't be sad.

This reminds me of one of my stories. I went to high school in a village about 3 miles (5 km) from my city because I didn't like the one here. It took me about 35 min. everyday with the bus. One day after school was over I noticed I had forgotten my bus pass and hadn't even one cent. I was a very shy kid and stayed there sitting on a bench for a good hour, instead of calling for help while people and other kids were still around. I didn't even try to call my parents, I was so afraid of going into a bar and ask for a phone, so what I did is the same as you did. I took my two legs and marched all the way home with my huge backpack. It took me a good 3 hours to get home because the village is set between two hills.

The next day I didn't even go to school, I could barely move. I had marks on my back from carrying all that weight, my feet literally grew twice their size. That was fun though.
>> No. 2002 [Edit]
This was a great post, great story.

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