No. 1659
Life is short and has no meaning anyway, at least spend that time fighting so when your time has come, you can say "Fuck you fate, you gave me a shitty hand in this game called life, but I fought, and never gave up, and now I can die proudly, like a human being, and not like a robot.."
Because that's what you are, a robot who can only think logically. Humans are more than that, passion, desire, the will to live and to fight till the bitter end. Be a human, be a man.
Even if you don't achieve what's commonly believed to be success, stuff like wealth, women and power... You'll still have achieved a lot. Because not everyone is given the same cards when he's born. It's alright to not achieve any of those as long as you know you always fought and never gave up and brought out the best possible out of your life. Not many people have or will achieve that, so that's a true achievement. And that's something to be proud of, even if no one other than you will ever know what great of a human being you actually were.
Fight, bro, I believe in you.