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1657 No. 1657 [Edit]
/so/, I'm at the end of my rope. I hate the path I'm taking in life, but if I abandon it and quit university I'll fall back into the routine that got me so depressed in the first place, and I don't have any other option to switch my course of study or anything like that. My family is also trying to push me towards a normal life that I don't want and could never have, even if I did want it. All the old methods of escape I used to use to get away from this shit don't seem to work anymore. All I see in my future is either a dank pit of misery and shit or nothing at all. I've given up hope for any real love, drive or meaning in my life and I don't know where else I'm supposed to go from here.

Sorry for the extremely dramatic post, but holy God I am just down about this.
>> No. 1658 [Edit]
I'd love to give you advice, but I'm in practically the same situation.
>> No. 1659 [Edit]

Life is short and has no meaning anyway, at least spend that time fighting so when your time has come, you can say "Fuck you fate, you gave me a shitty hand in this game called life, but I fought, and never gave up, and now I can die proudly, like a human being, and not like a robot.."

Because that's what you are, a robot who can only think logically. Humans are more than that, passion, desire, the will to live and to fight till the bitter end. Be a human, be a man.

Even if you don't achieve what's commonly believed to be success, stuff like wealth, women and power... You'll still have achieved a lot. Because not everyone is given the same cards when he's born. It's alright to not achieve any of those as long as you know you always fought and never gave up and brought out the best possible out of your life. Not many people have or will achieve that, so that's a true achievement. And that's something to be proud of, even if no one other than you will ever know what great of a human being you actually were.

Fight, bro, I believe in you.
>> No. 1661 [Edit]
At least it's good to I'm not the only one.

That's the problem. What am I fighting for? Not myself, because I can't achieve anything I actually want. Everything I'm doing now is for someone or something else, I don't even know what. I just don't see any point to it, that's all. I've got no passion or desire for anything. Other people seem to have that stuff, or at least to have something driving them, but I've got nothing.
>> No. 1669 [Edit]
I gave up on my future long ago. All I live for now is my own instant satisfaction through anime, manga,VNs, etc... Have to realize someday that there are people who just can't fit into an idealistic society no matter what they do.
>> No. 1672 [Edit]
You're the same as me. To be honest, I dunno if I'm flunking my uni. I haven't passed anything since the start of the semester and I feel reluctant to see my professors because I feel ashamed to go to class because I haven't passed anything. I don't feel like doing them though. Feels like a chore. But I want to graduate so I can land a job to fuel my interests.

Hang in there though. You will find what you want to live for later.
>> No. 1678 [Edit]
Maybe you're right. The one thing that keeps me going is that I don't know what the future will bring. It's just that so much of people's meaning seems to revolve around their relationships and family lives. I used to have some illusions about doing that stuff in the future, but now I know I can't ever be happy, at least not in a normal way, and ever since I realized that I've been feeling this way.

The only long term escape I can think of is to dive into my work, which I'm not really enjoying too much at the moment. But maybe it will get better. One thing I know is I won't quit. Sorry again for the big sputtery blocks of complaining text.
>> No. 1952 [Edit]
We're always so sure of the way we feel, I guess. Who knows when it will change, I wonder?
>> No. 1953 [Edit]
The common definition of success is being able to make a living by doing what you love. A relationship is just the cherry on top.

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