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File 129644175695.jpg - (108.09KB , 850x637 , madotsuki nexus.jpg )
1459 No. 1459 [Edit]
If you're the type who doesn't like close social interaction, how do you handle things like getting haircuts?
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>> No. 1460 [Edit]
Oh, I hate getting haircuts...

I go twice in a year when my hair is too long and hard to handle. I want to learn how to cut it myself.
>> No. 1461 [Edit]
Just shave your head, that's what I do. I haven't been to a barber in years
>> No. 1462 [Edit]
Buy a beard trimmer (or other trimmer) at Wal-Mart and just buzz every strand of your hair to the same length.

I can stand haircuts just fine and I still do this, but I'm balding anyway.

Alternately, just keep in mind that YOU are PAYING THEM to do a job. If they go out of their way to piss you off you have every right to deny them a tip and then choose a completely different place for haircuts. (Never refuse to tip and then go back to the same place.)

By refusing to say much, you can control the interaction. Even if they keep trying, you just give basic, simple, short answers without trying to have conversation.

"Where do you go to school?" Name your school, nothing else.
"What do you study?" Name your major, nothing else.
"You sure are talkative, aren't you?" "Yeah, I guess so."

You win the conversation with minimum effort.
>> No. 1463 [Edit]
Just don't day anything, that's how I do it. Except sometimes I like to rant and tell stories, but that's rare.
>> No. 1464 [Edit]
I don't think there is an obligation or anything that you have to talk with the barber while he's cutting your hair, but its always good to say hello and be polite while you're there.
I think it helps a lot if you keep going to the same place and get to know your barber, that is what happened to me and actually it is a very pleasant experience every time I go. It's also a very small cramped place with just a couple of chairs in it, but its very zen. There is something very relaxing about just sitting in a chair and listening to the droning of the razor.
>> No. 1465 [Edit]
I tend to deal with elder people (like as in women who appear to be 40-50+ as they aren't as chatty, but they're also pleasant to talk to.

I hope when i move i find a decent place with some quiet elderly people who don't pester as much like i have here.
>> No. 1466 [Edit]
I just show them a picture of the haircut that I want, then make tell them which part to cut off etc.
>> No. 1467 [Edit]
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Go during the week, in the middle of the day. Don't go on a Friday or in the evening, as it'll be busier in there as people prepare themselves to go out into town and perform their mating rituals to try and attract a member of the opposite sex.

Keep answers to their small-talk as short as possible, and they'll usually get the hint within 2 or 3 stupid questions. Before you go, if you're the type of person to forget your name when someone talks to you, think about what questions they're likely to ask and prepare answers for them. They always ask about holidays, work, study, movies. General predictable things. The less information you give them about yourself, the less room they'll have to try and ask you more.

While getting the cut, keep your eyes down and try to avoid meeting their eye in the mirror.

If possible, try to get it done by the same person each time you go. They'll get to know how you like it done so won't require much talk about what you want doing, and they'll know you're not a big talker anyway and to just get on with it quietly.

It's embarrassing, but I still have to get my mom to make my appointments because I'm too scared to use a telephone, but actually going in for the haircut isn't so bad any more. The last time I went, I admitted to the woman that I don't get out much at all and have a hard time talking to people. It was partly a way of stopping her from asking questions about which bars in town I like, which movies I've been to see, where I'm going on holiday etc. but it also served to let her know I wasn't trying to be rude by not answering her very well. She just replied with "Oh, ok. You did well to come here. Getting your hair cut is scary." and left it at that until we were finished. I've been going to this same woman for a while though, I wouldn't be able to trust a total stranger with something like that. So I guess that's another advantage of trying to get the same person each time. If you're the type who gets more nervous around younger women, you can try to get an old or ugly one.

They're used to people not wanting to talk. Don't worry about seeming strange or rude. They're also not going to laugh at you no matter what you say, because they want your money and you don't pay until you're leaving, and even then, they want you to come back.

I used to avoid going for years at a time, but eventually the anxiety of worrying about how my hair looked all the time as it got ridiculous started to outweigh the anxiety of just going and getting it done two or three times a year.

Good luck. Once it grows back to a length you like, make sure to get a photo on your cell phone or whatever so that next time you go, you can simply show them the picture instead of trying to describe what you want doing in words.
>> No. 1468 [Edit]
>It's embarrassing, but I still have to get my mom to make my appointments because I'm too scared to use a telephone

I'm the same way. Talking to strangers at all (in games and such, even) makes me feel so nervous I can't even speak.
>> No. 1469 [Edit]
It's been probably 3 years since I've had a haircut, and that was just my dad trimming my hair a bit, so it doesn't really count. Beyond that, I got it cut off 5 years ago for the purpose of donating it to a charity that makes wigs for kids with cancer. I kind of felt good about it so I was able to put up with hairdresser asking me personal questions.
>> No. 1470 [Edit]
i cut my own hair
>> No. 1471 [Edit]
I sort of want to go bald-head so I don't have to pay 15 dollars for a haircut every so often.
>> No. 1472 [Edit]
I go to a lady that's been cutting a lot of my family's hair for years now. So I know her.

It's not too bad. She knows I'm not talkative. The worst part is that she works in a salon where mostly women go to, so it's really embarrassing being there.
>> No. 1473 [Edit]
Since I still live with my parents with no job (in college) my family schedules their hair cuts all at the same time every couple of months. The lady that does it is my dads friend so when they do it they just talk and I sit there and think whilst getting my hair cut. If I weren't able to do so though I'd probably let it grow out or get it buzz cut, about the only reason I go to college is I'd rather have to do it than go get a job. Maybe thats why I'm sticking to my major despite realizing I don't think I'll like it as I thought I would--jobs in graphic design are hard to come by, I could always by the end of my degree pop a "I can't find a job in this, didn't think about it enough" and go back for something else...though then they'd make me make sure it was a job readily available.
>> No. 1474 [Edit]
>> No. 1475 [Edit]
My dad used to cut it for me, so I always had buzz cuts which is still my favorite haircut, simple and clean.

Now I go to a barber shop near my street. There are no talkative women there, mostly old men and I know practically all of them since when I was a kid. You feel kind of secure when you're in a man's world. Also, never go on week ends or Fridays.
>> No. 1477 [Edit]
Same here.
>> No. 1478 [Edit]
>You feel kind of secure when you're in a man's world.

Not me. Since I'm definitely not manly by society's standards. Being around normal, competent, tough guys almost makes me as nervous as being around women.
>> No. 1479 [Edit]
I deal with it.

My usual hair dresser always has a rough idea on how I'd like it from just looking at my hair, so any questions asked concerning the cut I can usually just reply with a simple "yes". She's good, the result would be fine no matter what she asked. She's fast, it's done in less than 15 minutes. She's dedicated, no time for chitchat.

My tip is to find a hair dresser that suits your needs. Dealing with it gets easier if you find one you like.
>> No. 1480 [Edit]
I haven't cut my hair in about five years.

I really enjoy my long hair.
>> No. 1481 [Edit]
Oh man, I used to hate getting haircuts for that reason. I used to have my parents cut it, but then they started making appointments for me with a professional. I eventually moved out a few years ago and had to even make my own appointments.

Sometime last year this Chinese woman opened up a place a few blocks from my apartment. Someone on /jp/ once suggested I find an immigrant to cut my hair because they don't force small talk on you, so I gave it a shot and sure enough she didn't. Now I always go there and I don't have to get so anxious over haircuts. Plus it's cheaper than anywhere else.
>> No. 1483 [Edit]
Hair clipper + mirror. Skinhead style every time.

Try it.
>> No. 1484 [Edit]
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I'm going for the bald way... And I'm 19, man..

Feel horrible. Isn't THAT obvious Yet, but...
>> No. 1485 [Edit]
Everyone should shave their head at least once in their life. It feels great
>> No. 1486 [Edit]
Also their legs.
And arms maybe.
Not necessarily all at once, though.
>> No. 1487 [Edit]
You will feel chilly, and then later itchy.

And you will never likely do it gain.
>> No. 1488 [Edit]

Same here. I thought I'll start balding at age ~35. And yeah, feels bad.
>> No. 1489 [Edit]
I'm the same age and I'm pretty sure my hair is turning gray already.

I'm not sure which is worse though.
>> No. 1490 [Edit]
21 and more gray hairs than I can count, and pull out.

Though I suppose it's better than being bald, as I can dye it if I wanted to.
>> No. 1494 [Edit]
My hair is also slowly turning despite my age. It seems to be skipping right over gray to white. But I won't pull any of those hairs out or dye them. If it means I'll look awesome like Akagi I don't mind having a head full of white hair.
>> No. 1496 [Edit]
I think my hair might be turning gray, or it might be natural blond highlights. My mom went gray at an early age (something passed on to my sister) and I had blond hair when I was a kid, so I guess either is a possibility.
>> No. 1517 [Edit]
I started going bald when I was 17.
Started with minoxidil 5% and it worked fine until a year or so ago when I noticed my thinning hairline (apparently minoxidil works best for the crown area and not the hairline). I'm taking it in combination with finasteride now and it seems to be working.
Perhaps I'll undergo a hair transplant surgery to make my hairline look normal again.
>> No. 1518 [Edit]
I am 25 now.

Last time i want to a barber must be surely 6-7 years ago.

After that, my mother cut my hair a few times.

Nowadays, i just cut it myself, with a cheap device, i usually shave it.
>> No. 1519 [Edit]
Not to be rude, but is that because you don't take baths or something wrong with your scalp?
>> No. 1521 [Edit]
I believe the genetics for balding and graying hair come from your mothers side, so if her father has good hair, so will you.

I keep mine in a ponytail most of the time, and I bought a kit with scissors and brushes so I can take care of it myself. I only trim it once every few months when it gets too long or messy looking.
>> No. 1522 [Edit]
>Not to be rude, but is that because you don't take baths
That's not how balding works, bro.
Washing your hair actually makes it more likely to fall out.

>or something wrong with your scalp?
No, it's typical male pattern baldness.
>> No. 1523 [Edit]
I got my first haircut in over a year last month. I spent around 2 weeks trying to get up the nerve to visit the salon I used to go to, but never could. In the end I put my hair into a ponytail, and cut the ponytail off. It turned out looking like a bob cut, so I may just do this from now on.
>> No. 1526 [Edit]
I just let my hair grow. It's been over a year since I got my hair cut and at the moment, my hair is in line with my shoulderblades. Having long hair is good, since you can hide behind it when things get a little too tough.
>> No. 1527 [Edit]
Not to be a jackass, but long hair on a man is pretty yucky, I suggest you go bald instead, you can cut your hair yourself and its a lot easier to maintain.
>> No. 1528 [Edit]
I have a weird skullshape.

Not everyone looks good being bald...
>> No. 1530 [Edit]
I got 2 haircuts in the last 4 years, not to bad

I'll only cut it if its required for something like work. Other then that I don't really care, I take care of it so its not exactly a mess
>> No. 1534 [Edit]
My Mom's a hairdresser so she hooks me up.
>> No. 1573 [Edit]
I've been cutting my own hair for a few years now. At the beginning I used to fuck up badly with everything being uneven, but I've gotten better so that doesn't happen anymore.
>> No. 1632 [Edit]
File 129718390528.jpg - (113.96KB , 960x540 , brilliant.jpg )
I let my hair grow long and now everyone mistakes me for a chick.
>> No. 1640 [Edit]
if you dont like social interaction why would you bother getting a haircut?

yep this is exactly what happened when I tried shaving my legs.
>> No. 1641 [Edit]
>if you dont like social interaction why would you bother getting a haircut?

Long hair can feel gross and get in the way
>> No. 1656 [Edit]
The barber I go to doesn't talk to me, he just cuts my hair. It's a good arrangement.

But I generally don't have any problems with going outside or dealing with people when it comes to business. It's making friends and actual relationships I can't do, because I'm a neurotic bitter fuck.
>> No. 1872 [Edit]
I get my hair cut at a small Italian barbershop at the local strip mall. It's run by a family and all the old timers go there so the atmosphere is pretty laid back. It has never made me anxious because I've always done it and the people there usually don't start small talk.
>> No. 1877 [Edit]
If you take good care of it, it sure does make you feel pretty though.
>> No. 1878 [Edit]
I went to the same barber on/off since grade 3 & my mother knows him from back then. Now I am growing an Afro out and only go there to shave my sideburns and keep a beard from growing
>> No. 2008 [Edit]
Haircuts aren't really a big deal. Just tell the lady/dude how much you want cut off and let them do their thing. If they try to start small talk, give some short answers back. They usually don't try anymore after they realize how quiet you are.

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